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I don't have a good Crypt Thing model, so enjoy this fine illustration that I talk about in the episode. 

And here's that link to Eric's thing: https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/IVHWNF



"You're not going out dressed like THAT, young man!"


"So the job is just standing here?" "Yes, if you prove yourself with time, you may have a chair of your own." "And how often do adventurers raid the crypt?" "It has yet to happen in my centuries of vigil." "So why do you need an assistant?" "Crypt Guardianship is a growth industry, and I felt it was time to expand the business. Once you have completed the necessary training, we shall open a franchise in the Crypt of Melchor the Maginificent." "Cool, cool... so my first lesson is?" "Menacing stillness and silence."