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Our first three Fiend Folio creatures are, singly and collectively, delightful! We've got a bird dude, a big handsome parrot boy, and a nasty old sticky mummy. Enjoy!



The giant angry Angry Bird is glorious. I've never used one but the Fiend Folio was the first hardback gaming book I bought for myself, as soon as it was available in France. My copy still has the same weird new book smell, or perhaps it's essence of flumph, who knows. And it's chuck full of things that even if you don't use them directly, certainly inspire. To be honest, I'm not a fan of the trap monster, except the fake Beholder - like one of those fake wasps, but there's still plenty of goodness here.


Don't know if it's a sign of advancing decrepitude, but I had no recollection at all of the Achaierai when you mentioned it. I certainly never used it in a campaign! I suppose that's the great part about forgetting things. Everything is new again! I know it puts you in mind of a parrot, but I get more of a giant angry seagull vibe; this one will mug you for your chips and then have you as its main course.