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Musical Esscence

A few things for you! The reflection in the axe was Ruby's mom. Also! Next episodes opening will have a change to it, in case you haven't watched it yet. This season is actually really good so far, despite what I said on the last video. There is only one scene that was iffy, for me personally, in the next three episodes.


I remember how everyone was stewing in the theories and picking apart every frame of the opening, and it was pointed out to me weeks before I saw this episode Jaune IS surrounded by clocks in it, so his situation was one of a few theories I heard about what happened to him, there was one person I know who was CONVINCED he was LITERALLY a butterfly, like literally reincarnated into one, and I was like, I think it's just there to make the audience think about rebirth and transformation, and they were like, it is YELLOW though, and I was like, BUT A DIFFERENT SHADE OF YELLOW! RWBY fandom is fun when there's not jerks around.