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So in case anyone didn't see my last post here's the link for context

I was really sad and frustrated with myself after that happened. Especially because I didn't know what exactly the problem was (I still don't haha), but I didn't know if I had lost all of my audio stuff. Like the projects I'd been working on and everything. But you guys were all so freaking amazing, the new pc fund I put up on my throne wishlist was fully funded before I even had a chance to look at it (and lots of other people too apparently 😆). Thank you guys so so much!!! I was so shocked and literally in tears when I checked it on my phone. I will make you guys the best audios I possibly can to show how grateful I am ❤️ I just don't even know what else to say. Thank you for being so amazing and generous. (I think the vast majority of the donations were from people I recognized here on patreon). So thanks to you all I was able to go out and get a brand new pc today, and I'm currently in the process of getting it all set up and getting files transferred over. I have decided that building my own pc is not for me anymore 🤣 (I genuinely think I must be cursed lmao cause the last time I tried to change parts in my old one it basically caught on fire).

It's been a very chaotic couple of days as I'm sure you can imagine. But it was so much better thanks to you 🥰💕

There's a brand new RUMblefap out on Reddit too!! Since I know many of you have been asking for another one 😘



I don't *think* computers are supposed to catch fire, but I too am not an expert in building PCs. However, if it takes a broken computer to get rumblefaps I will smash every goddamn computer in the northern hemisphere. 😬


based 😩 thank you, rum for blessing us with a new rumblefap 🧡