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Come listen to me read to you!

This is another one that was new to me before this but I liked it a lot! I really loved the rhythm that it has. It made it really fun to read haha. 

The language is pretty outdated so if you are interested in following along here's the text! (This poem is almost 200 years old!!) Let me know what you think! Or give me suggestions for other short stories/poems I could read for next time 

I am working on a more complicated audio for Patreon but it's not done yet, so I wanted to at least post something for you guys today 🥰 fingers crossed I can finish it all for next week! It's just very long and has lots of sfx lol. Also I know I am really behind on responding to everyone so if you commented or sent me a message I'm not ignoring you! Just a bit overwhelmed with them all. I'll try to make time to reply soon 💕 



Literally been on an Iron Maiden kick today and then I come on and see this 🥰🤩


I read ahead a bit and snickered at "the steady weathercock" 🙈 Your comment made it even better ✨️ I really enjoyed this ❤️ Thank you ❤️ And as others have already commented, there's no rush ❤️ We'll be here when you're ready ❤️


This was a lovely listen. I have the flu and it kept me company while I waited for my fever to break burrowed into the nest of blankets on my bed.