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Edit: the AMA is out!! Click here to listen. No longer taking questions here!

Alrighty, you guys were so excited so here it is! AMA stands for Ask Me Anything, so you guys can ask me all kinds of questions and then I'll record a response audio answering them!

You can use that form to submit your questions, or feel free to ask stuff in the comments on this post too if you don't care about being anonymous!
I'll give you guys a while to submit your questions, maybe until the 28th or so.

And I know it technically is ask me anything, but obviously I'm not gonna answer stuff that's too private.

I'm currently working on Part 2 of Grade Me Harder but I've got a bit of a cold or flu at the moment. So it probably won't be done until Friday. Anyways that's all! Thanks for being here and for all your support 🥰


Rum's Patreon AMA

Hello!! You can use this form to ask me your questions.



Sorry to hear you’re sick again. That stinks. I’m just gonna push some more for the Wim Hof method, breath work and cold showers about 5 days a week. I’ve been sick with sniffles ONCE since I started i january. It’s an insane life hack. There’s a bunch of great questions already so, I’ll make due with those.


Get well soon!! 1. How long does it take to record and edit an audio? 2. Have you ever considered doing personal audios for fans for extra commission? It would probably be too much work in the long run but paying for a short, personal audio with my name would be 😍😍 3. What are your top three albums? (Or songs!) 4. I’m sure many have asked this but what got you into this?


Fine, I’ll ask! ☺️ Are you the kind of person who would ever seriously try the Wim Hof method? (For your mental health and general physical condition.) And have you seen Ted Lasso and/or Shrinking on Apple+? Did you like? I love! What’s your frickin’ sign? Yeeees, I’m one of those. I recently rejoined the ranks of astrology. Glad to be back. Thanks for your creativity Rum!