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Edit: Vampire Feeding Turns sexy is coming soon!! I lost my voice the last couple days so as soon as I start sounding decent again I'll get it recorded and posted for you guys!

My schedule is still all over the place so this audio will be coming on 2/25! And I decided to do things a little bit different and give some of the runner up ideas from past polls another chance. So these are the second place (and one third place) options from the most recent polls!

Also!!! Tomorrow is my last day at my current job, which has been taking up all my extra time and energy to make audios, so expect lots more content here and on Reddit very soon 🥰


Thottimus Prime

placin me bets for post-apocalyptic this time


Vote cast! Good for you for getting out of a poor working situation. I wish you joy and more time spent with the people you care about. 🥳