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Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great day.

One more time the next reward will be suggested and selected by all of you, so once more I'll like to ask for your suggestions, so if you are interested, leave a response here of a character that you would like to see me do for next month's reward! 

Same Rules as always:

-(Name of the character - franchise)

-Humanoid Female Characters Only. (If it's a four legged character like a Pokemon, I'll make her anthro)

- Vote with your likes.

 -ONE character per comment so it is easier to count the likes.

-You can suggest characters that I've done before but take in consideration that if it's a model that I've made before but was never published, it may or may not be a different version.

-You can suggest as many as you like but please don't spam, let others make suggestions too.

-If someone already suggested the character you want, like their comment to avoid duplicates.

I will pick the 4 characters with more likes next Wednesday for the official poll.

Thanks for your support!



Rhok'zan - sucker for love:date to die for.


Brahmin - Fallout franchise