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Hey people, how's it going...? (・∀・)ノ

Hope everyone is having a good time...!

As always, I'm really sorry for the snailish work pace... 🐌

Things have been moving a little bit too slowly on my side, life and work have been taking up a lot of my time, but despite all that I have decided not to take the easy route and rush work.

I'd rather disappoint the client by delivering a project late than disappoint the client by delivering poor quality work.

That's the way I roll... ┐( ´ д ` )┌

But in any case I also have two other projects almost completely finished, so the wait for more nice stuff won't be long.

So yeah, thank you very much for being so patient with all my shenanigans... 😅💦

You all are the real MVP's...!




Most gorgeous cover girl...love her look! 😍🔥❤️


It's weird that this character doesn't really have a name... 😅 I just called her "Cover Girl" because the style of the illustration is the type you would put on the cover of a fashion or makeup magazine.