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They say people doesn't change, but they do...┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Sometimes for the worse...!

Props to the photographer for keeping an eye on the relevant issues... 📷✨🍑

Sorry for not adding anything really exciting to the pack, I was hit by another unexpected wave of IRL work and couldn't find time to draw good extra versions.

In any case, I think this image is more of the meme type, so adding more spiciness would not have done much to exalt the message of the piece.

BTW, I have no idea what the message of this image is, I don't have much knowledge about Girls' Frontline lore.

Anyway, enjoy the cake... 🍰✨




Great photo...worth the "punishment"! 😍🍑


I would literally die if t doll do that to me


The word "literally" this time REALLY means literally...! Still not a bad way to kick the bucket... 😏🍑


As a punishment or as a reward I don't care, I'll take it... 😛🍰