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In these 12 days without internet I have watched more anime than in the last 5 months combined...lol

A true testament to how much time I waste looking at random stuff on Youtube.

These are all re-watches from my DVD collection.

Magic Knight Rayearth - Full

Pani Pony Dash! -full

Hidamari Sketch - Seasons 1 and 2

Mitsudomoe - Season 1

Vampire Hunter D - 2 Movies

Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack - Movie

The Wind Rises - Movie - First watch 

Blame! - Movie - First watch

Currently Watching ► Ghost Sweeper Mikami




Dang, that really sucks dude. Hopefully, it gets fixed soon. I bet it is kind of nice being away from the internet for a while though, like a detox.


Oh! I am definitely enjoying this time as a detox...lol I consume a lot of news, commentary and opinion channels. So since I don't have internet I no longer have all those small background voices wasting RAM in my brain. I really just miss my music playlists and Vtubers...(- ω -、)