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Drawing armor is a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of pain...ρ(- ω -、)

Pain = Fun...🤔?

However, I have to point out that, despite how much I put a lot of importance to details and accuracy in my representation of shapes, there are still a lot of details that are not quite right or that even I flatly draw incorrectly for the sake of saving some time...

Cheating a bit on the details isn't such a bad thing if you still put all your effort into trying to create something nice and cool.

Failing trying is not failing, it is learning... !

Having infinite time I am sure that I would spend hours drawing the treads of each screw, but since this is not the case I have to reluctantly put a cap on how much time I can spend on each detail.

The real fail is not tackling new challenges just for fear of the overwhelming

amount of detail..._:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_




The opponents: "Aim for the gaps in the armor!" "Armor?"


Y por lo doloroso que es dibujar armaduras es que Mashima en las peleas importantes la dibujaba con los pantalones rojos


Yeah, puedo entender esa decisión...XDDD Yo también algunas veces vengo con algunos diseños realmente ambiciosos, peRo luego pienso en la tremenda lata que será el volver a dibujar tantos detalles. Aun peor para un manga...😅💦


“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War