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I am not particularly interested in bondage...( = __=)U

(Although I do not despise it in any way). But it seems to be a very recurring theme in my commissions, so I hope you enjoy it...:D



Renegade Doge

even though these are already on your da its still nice to look at ^^ didnt know you didnt like bondage that much, sorry for commissioning it so much D:


Hey man, no problem...:D I really do not have anything against bondage, it's just something that does not click inside. But I can admit that it is an art in itself, sometimes quite ingenious and witty in its way of using the strings. Besides that I need all of you, since you force me to leave my comfort zone. If it were not for you I would only draw girls with big breasts standing in a corner doing nothing.


Yeah I have to admit for you not being interested in bondage thats pretty detailed rope tie :3


Well, the fact that I do not like ropes that much does not mean I have to do them badly. I am a person of details and I like to put a fair amount of effort into everything I do. And that's my ninja way in life....;D