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Hey all! 

I'm in the middle of brainstorming a book on 3D printing guns, and I'm gathering a list of criticisms we hear on social media and other places.

I came up with a small list, but I wanted to open the floor too to any y'all may have heard. So far, I got:

  • Only Meme Guns
  • Will Blow Up In Your Hand
  • Good for only a few shots
  • Undetectable
  • You Still Need The Metal Bits
  • Myth: It's illegal to have a 80% in a gun store

Please feel free to comment below with questions of your own, or criticisms you heard elsewhere. I'll answer them as blog posts, and compile them into my notes. :)




Frank Vara

You have to be a gunsmith to make firearms. Only criminals use home made firearms. United States can buy everything except for the serialized part. They cannot be handed down or sold.