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New update available on the webpage!


* Also, I've reuploaded the whole story fixing 3 pages that were out of order. Basically, 1st Taruco sequence happens now after page 35 instead of page 58 as it was first presented. This won't have major repercussions in the story, just a small update in the order so it's flow better :)



Quest Johnson

How many more pages do you have to go?


I miss the days when everything was on Patreon, I hate dealing with that shitty website. Yeah, it runs better now, but it's still shitty


Had to take this desition since there's always the risk of heavy NSFW content (especially vore and futa) being banned on Patreon. Still, I'm in the process of setting up a SubscribeStar with the same content, for those who don't want to deal with the web page issues


I don't have an exact number for this one, as the script continues to be worked on. Still, we're about 2/3 done with the main story

The Lone Wolf

The thing is hunter Vore and futa are No go on Patreon and only going to continue to get worse and also it’s more convient to him in case his Patreon goes down he has a back up he still has DA and discord, look at what’s happening to to DA as of last 3-6 months and it’s going to continue sadly. He’ll still have discord the website. It is still new and I’m sure khooza and Astraea trying to figure this out give it time to improve. Not saying this to argue, in case you didn’t see it this way. :)


I understand the reasoning behind the website, and it's good to know a subscribestar is in the works, I was just venting about having to use the website, even now I just always have issues using it -_-


Astarea-r just know I'm just venting about the website, you're an awesome creator, keep doing what you're doing!

The Lone Wolf

No it's okay Im sure he understands some frustrations just give him and khooza some time make things better!

Alice Alban

Yay I love the side story too!!! Maybe she will be Pochaco's biggest meal? O.o


No worries at all. I'm aware that either the small uploads or the page status aren't quite as good yet, but we're still working on it to make it better. Still I hope that having more options will make things easier for everyone


Love this side-story. Allows for a sequel expansion (pun intended) somewhere down the line


Hehe, lots of possibilities indeed. Who knows, we might do a follow-up at some point 😉