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I do have a lot to say about this one... so let's begin!

First, this is technically the first appearance of Lisa in a comic, since her two previous appearances were in a request sequence and in a story written by my friend G-Soda (which is canon and happens a few years later). If she looks less grumpy than usual, that's because she's still young, full of hope, and not under so much pressure trying to find a perfect BE formula.

Second, the program Thyra and Sam are watching is called Bullet Bras EXTREME!!! which is based on a concept that was planned as the competitor of AGC. Busty girls in way too tight shirts, using their buttons as projectiles to defeat their opponents. Not sure if one day I'll make it into a real comic, so for now it'll remain as a small concept within this series.

Third and the most controversial one.... "Are you seriously going to end the chapter without telling us what happened to Janet?! How dare you?!". The short answer is yes. The long answer has to do with the setup. This was supposed to be a mystery, and after the revelation of what's going on, there's no much left to do. Here's how the original script goes:

"After a couple of days, Janet was finally out of the clinic. They managed to stop her constant growth spurts, and while they removed the growing wings, horns, and tail, she couldn't shrink back past a D-cup size, however, she was more than happy staying this big. Her boyfriend was surprised by the revelation, but in the end, understood her motives and decided to stay by her side. She couldn't be happier than this.

Lisa had no other option but to cancel the clinic essay; however, she was able to use Janet's results to continue her investigation, which eventually gave her a promotion. Abby had to take two days off after the incident while trying to get a new stabilizer to contain her growing size. She wanted to take revenge on Thyra, but luckily Victor managed to calm her down before she cast a huge BE spell over her.

After this incident, the team returned to their normal chores"

The main reason to stop here and not illustrate any of this is simple. The main conflict is over, and making those scenes wouldn't add much to the plot. Janet is cured and won't appear in future chapters (maybe a small cameo, but I really doubt it), and the rest of the cast might mention what happened in the future, so there's not really a need to include it, unnecessarily extending this story.

I'm happy with the results so far, and I hope you enjoyed this story as well. Thanks a lot for your constant support!

We'll see more of Thyra and company in the future




Hoping to see more of Thyra. Maybe she gets some BE herself 😉

Kaisai Morihito

This was such a great read! Thank you! I look forward to seeing more cases in the future. :D