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We're already past page 100! Yey!

I'll try to speed up a bit these last pages of the comic, so hopefully we'll have another update soon. We're reaching both the end of the month and story, and I'm actually excited to see the reactions to the big revelation. 😉




Ahh the she wanted to order meme. Meanwhile the thing living in her stomach continues to be demanding of poor Kallen as she rapidly spirals out of control and she’s about to be unleashed upon an unlimited supply of the stuff. I say I wonder what will happen next but I already have a good idea. But how this ultimately affects her well that I am curious to see


I would say that things are about to get out of control, but they already were, hehe 😉 Don't think it'll be a surprise, but I'm sure it'll be a funny yet interesting moment


I knew he would drive to the factory, But good lord that thing in her stomach is really demanding for the Ice Cream. Though, seeing as how Kallen took down the gate just by leaning on it. I smell a possible break in and grab as much Ice cream that or the thing will drive Kallen crazy and she starts eating all the Ice cream which could happen. Though, Geez that thing really needs to calm down. I'd yell at that thing. "Who the hell you talking to?!" "Don't you sass me!" "No ice cream for you!" Also, Yay Page 100! Heh, so we're nearing the end huh? We'll finally get some answers soon enough. Something tells me some theories might be true in the end, Though knowing you Astraea you might try to surprise all of us with something we were not expecting at all. :P


So, she's so heavy that the door joints break, but he's able to hold her with one hand 😂

Alice Alban

Oh my god! Kallen is very hot with that huge belly!