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Raffle will be closed tomorrow, so, once again, posting this one a day in advance!

And also, we've finally finished Week 5, the longest one in the script (I think so...). Next week, plot will get thiccer as we get close to the final act of this series




Oh those are interesting noises her stomach is making and one hell of a belch that she pushed out. Guess she's getting less embarrassed I dunno. End to a cute...ish first date... ish. Ya know not a lot to say here. So good for you Kallen I hope the entity living within you isn't actively evil but it's hard to say. Good luck to you!


Heh, Well at least he doesn't mind looking after Kallen and Helping her. I give him some major credit. A bit of a Hot and Weird date for him but eh, Not all dates are perfect or normal. Though, Starting to think she may hit a limit soon. Normally she never gets too full. Whatever is in her belly. I get the feeling something is going to happen.


Guess she's producing more gas than it was before... maybe it's because of how much she ate or... something else? Dunno... Oh, trust me, it's going to be a surprise... a really fun surprise... 😊


Better than nothing for a first date I guess, but sure, at least he cares for her Hitting a limit? Surpassing it... who knows...😉


Heh, Well you definitely know that's for sure. XD But yeah she's definitely either hitting a limit or something is going to happen soon.


I so curious to find out what is in her belly, and since she looks ready to pop I think whatever is in there will be born sooner rather than later