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Could've been done better? Yeah, probably, but if I can't get rid of the bad vibes, at least I'll try to be  more clear about what's going on 😅




What Bad Vibes? You just wanted to add a bit of Drama. Nothing wrong with that. Though, This does get more Interesting. Though, I always knew there was more to that Ice Cream.


Oh yeah she just put on a little bit of weight. Her stomach doesn't look like it contains a fully grown person in it or anything. Also unrelated but your tits are obnoxiously large mysterious lady! So anyways a bit of plot dump we now see that the mysterious lady with breasts that are just... she appears structurally unsound. I'm getting distracted by that meh. We see that Shirely *whose name I had to look up... I wanted to call her El for some reason.. but they have their other friend Vi... I'm very easily distracted right now* has a reason for why she's been getting so upset about all of this. And girl... I feel you. As someone who has struggled with eating disorders all her life as well. I feel you. So yeah I understand the struggle and her... harsh reactions. Though evil tit lady understands this logic. Not sure if evil tit lady is aware that she made something sentient or not... I feel like she did. But ya know mysteries and all that.


Of course, that's totally a normal side effect... right? Been told that they were acting a bit hard/bitchy towards Kallen, so yeah, there's actually a reason for that. Doesn't justifies it, but it's a reason xD Maybe...? She seems aware of what's going on... (And now I feel the need of making *Evil Tit Lady* her canon name, ahahaha, it's just so good😂)


Oh yeah happens all the time whenever anyone eats ice cream. This is perfectly normal. Ehhh I feel like Shirely absolutely was. Vi was trying her best to sort of be a middle ground. But yeah their reaction is actually going to make the situation ultimately worst. If they *well atleast Shirely* had been less confrontational about the whole thing they may have had a better chance of helping Kallen. I mean... she's aware enough. But like sometimes your like yeah we have a pretty good idea of how things will turn out *five minutes later* WHELP everything we know was wrong and the world is doomed. We done goofed.


Heh, I know. But I do love the idea behind this and I can't wait to see what more there is to this Ice Cream.