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Time for an update on the Interactive RPG Adventure!

Before starting, let me put a little disclaimer: This is a community interactive project in which everything will be decided by polls. It's not an actual game that you can play on your own. As much as I would love to do that, I lack programming skills and it would be very time-consuming to get all resources in order to make a proper RPG adventure

With that being said to avoid future misunderstandings, let's continue!

General changes

I've been testing things during the past few days and decided to make a few changes. The main one is that I'm actually going to implement a story to create some space between polls, so you aren't overwhelmed by daily votes and accidentally lose the opportunity to take a decision. This will also allow me to add some extra growth scenes and sexy poses in between each step of our protagonist

Speaking of which... allow me to introduce Leyla!

A cute elf-girl wanting to become a well-known adventurer. And in order to do so, she'll try to pass this dungeon to improve her skills before joining an actual guild.


Leyla's stats are actually a bit weak to start, but you'll be able to update that as she makes her way in the dungeon.

  • Hp/Height: pretty obvious. If it reaches 0, you failed. You might get some kind of kinky scene if Leyla is defeated by a monster, but you should try your best to get to the end. Each point here, will also increase her size, eventually growing into a full giantess. But be aware! Some rooms might not be accessible if Leyla gets too big for the door😉
  • Mana/Breast Growth: Leyla's base stats only allow her one spell at a time. If her mana pool increases, she'll be able to cast fireballs and other good stuff. You'll get Breast Expansion scenes as a reward by adding points here. The downside of this is that most armors won't be able to cover her chest if it gets too big... 😏
  • Attack/Muscle Growth: If instead of magic, you prefer to beat enemies with weapons or your own fists, you'll get some muscle growth scenes as a reward. The more damage Leyla has, the easier it'll be to defeat enemies, but sometimes you might lose the chance to get a companion if you defeat her too fast...
  • Defense/Ass Growth: Some monsters will hit really hard, so it's better to be prepared! Increasing her ass size will also give Leyla the ability to dodge/block incoming attacks so she doesn't lose too much HP. But be careful that a huge ass might be a problem if you want to move through tight corridors...
  • Lust: A last-minute addition. Some stuff like constant growth, objects, and maybe some spells, will increase Lelya's lust. If it gets too high, she might lose it and start some kinky actions... which is fun, but could be dangerous in the middle of a fight. Sometimes a minimum level of lust is required to defeat some monsters like Succubus... or maybe the final boss will have a different behavior based on Leyla's lust when she gets to her? Who knows! 😈

Finally, a big thanks to Vaiself0 for the suggestions on the stats!

Hope you like the improvements on the HUD. I might try to reduce it a bit more so it looks better during the story parts. Base design of Leyla is ready, and you can already see a bit of how each growth spurt will be 🙂



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