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Hey there everyone.

Sorry for the lack of activity these days. I've had several stuff to complete, but soon I'll resume working on the growth sequence of the month

I realized I have way too many projects and ideas shelved, some of them have been waiting months to finally see the light. In order to organize myself a bit, I decided to make a few changes here on Patreon

We'll have one monthly poll in which you'll be selecting the comic I'll bring to you. And on the second month, I'll decide the comic I'll be working with

This is so I can finally be able to work on many projects that have been delayed for one reason or another.

As such, on this month I'll be focusing on completing the second part of the collab comic with G-Soda (first part will be uploaded here and on DA as soon as Illustrator stops changing my pages resolution)

If you like busty yuri girls growing and having a sexy time at a planetary size and beyond, I'm sure you'll enjoy this upcoming second part



No need to apologize. Understandable that you're very busy and you're trying your best to get the content out. Oh boy something tells me This is going to get massive and insane. I already like where this is going. XD