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Well, who can resist Ice Cream in summer, anyway? 🤤




You have a fair point on who can resist Ice cream in the summer but when it's getting this bad. Yeah... Definitely best to avoid it. Shirley may have overreacted but that just means she's worried or just annoyed at Kallen for all of this. As expected the Addiction only gets worse and worse by the minute. She'll just eat big amounts of it or steal without a care in the world. They need to somehow get through to her but, I doubt it'll work since Kallen is being unreasonable and just going with her gut. literally. But, Who knows. Maybe they can get through to her since they know her for so long. Fingers crossed they actually get her to listen because at this rate it almost seems like Mission Impossible.


Hope to see more growth scenes

Jeremy Bienfait

I can't wait to see next pages 🥰 i love so much this comics