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Got a little bit more work in on something else, and then realised it was fucking past Five Am, so I'm going to bed. I'll try and get what I was working on finished for tomorrow and posted as well.

Anyway, there is something I've been meaning to bring up. Basically, there's a lot of places that there's really no point in Daiki going to in Mayhem for any extended period of time. I can't just have him arrive in world after world full of benefits for instance. Like From Fairy Tail and getting Dragon Slayer powers/Ethernano/Atlas Flame/Divine ichor to Rwby and Aura, to Familiar of Zero for Gandalfr abiltieis that gave him a massive jump in bukijutsu, Samantha and of course Derf. And then Hero Academia where he debatably picked up his biggest buffs yet by far. And the next world planned is One Piece...where again has easy access to a power set and such Daiki could easily use to his benefit.

Anyway, I've got most of the general main worlds he'll end up in picked out more or less. But, I'll probably sprinkle a few here or there between main worlds that he ends up in for maybe a chapter, maybe two. Maybe even just half. Maybe even a chapter dedicated to him jumping through multiple worlds and noping out pretty quick.

But specifically is there anything you guys would like to see, specifically in worlds that Daiki really wouldn't benefit much from at all. Amusing things, horny things, whatever you can think of that would fit that kinda thing you'd like see. Just lemme know anything that pricks your brain, from literally landing in Burito and pantsing the little twat and having him trip over his fallen pants, to Avatar the Last Airbender and beating up Ozai and applying clown make up to his face, the works. 



Step outside of anime for a bit? Maybe a more classical fantasy? Sci-fi?

Stephen Odom

Have him slip into Star wars the day of order 66. He could help, watch them all die, steal a bunch of stuff. Blow up sidious for the giggles

Douglas Pilkington

I'm just watching an old Power Ranger movie and got thinking what would happen if he went to one of them it'd be hilarious he takes down there strongest enemy with little effort