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"That's weird." Daiki nodded, crossing his arms.

From his discoveries over quirks, or rather more Isobu and Atlas Flame's who were older and smarter than he was, that shouldn't be possible. The quirk factors themselves, were soul based, and were in fact linked to the soul, so much so that they were fragments of the soul that manifested within the physical body. It was akin to Aura and Semblances from Remnant, except appearing as a physical manifestation.

There should be no way that he, upon taking that fragment of another persons soul, should thus gain the soul fragment of a completely different person.


'Quite,' Isobu agreed, 'The All For One you took, is a copy. The original must be in the hands of this doctor that can clone quirks. I'm assuming this is some sort of plan of theirs, perhaps to cause a resonance of some sort? By putting the original quirk inside another person, and then usurping their body.'

'From what we saw, the originals body was definitely messed up, even that rather powerful regeneration quirk you have, couldn't fix him,' Atlas Flame noted, before snorting, 'Or perhaps he was simply too scared to re-open the wounds given to him by All Might, tear off the scarred flesh and regenerate properly with it gone?'

That did make some sense. The information recorded in Search, told him that Super Regeneration could definitely have healed those injuries to All For One's head even before he took the quirk and amplified it to greater levels. It was actually an absurdly potent ability and would allow the user to regenerate from mostly any wounds, up to a point. Missing limbs? Childs play. Organs or perhaps even a crushed brain? They could be regenerated, but it wasn't quite Hashirama Senju, Cell, Buu tier where they could come back from the tiniest cells if they had the energy for it.

Or maybe the guy was just a moron and tearing the scar fleshing off to regenerate properly never occurred to him?

Either way, putting that all aside. With what had really happened, it meant that the only natural and none cloned quirk All For One had in his body before Daiki took them all from him and killed him, was Search.

Which probably meant-

"Great, that loser isn't even dead," Daiki snorted, rolling his eyes, he really was a wannabe Madara or wannabe Orochimaru, "Well, whatever not my problem."

He'd let All Might deal with that.

And then he'd come back some point in the future and see if All Might managed to beat him. Which he probably would considering how much of an incompetent All For One was. But, seeing how this place worked. He'd just come back to find the man all locked up again probably.

At which point he'd just harvest him for more quirks and kill him again.

Speaking of All Might though-

"Ten should be enough, right?" Daiki mused. He'd give the man ten quirks to work with. Well, not including One For All and All For One, he'd give him cloned versions of those too.

Speaking of, "Let's try this out." Daiki hummed to himself as he stuck a finger to his shoulder, and used Overhaul to peel a tiny little fragment of One For All from the greater whole.

There was something he wanted to test, and if he was right it might fix up the mess of a status screen he had right now.

And then with a tiny bit of chakra, and Overhaul he formed that tiny shard of quirk fragment, into a full on copy of One For All.

He beheld the quirk factor in his palm, a tiny tiny little pulsing red thing. It looked like a tiny worm curled over itself and trying to eat itself like an ouroboros or something.

And it was so small if his eyes weren't as powerful as they were, he couldn't have even seen it. It so small the normal, naked human eye could never see it. They'd need a magnifying glass.

Odd to think something so small would grant one super powers, but whatever.

"Alright, next one now." Daiki mused, and poked his shoulder once more, and this time, pulled a tiny fragment of All For One out.

Like the previous quirk, he used it to form it into a full newly cloned quirk. And then with Overhaul, he merged them together.

Or to be more exact, he forced All For One inside of One For All.

And the tiny pulsing worm thing grew just a tiny little bit in size.

"Let's check it out with Search then." Daiki nodded, the tomoe in his eyes lighting up like a set of flashing rainbows.

And a grin spread across his face as the power told him exactly what kind of power was within that worm.

All For One, contained within One For All. Connected at a genetic level, and All For One itself feeding into the greater whole that was One For All.


"This means I can do the same with mine." Daiki grinned, pumping his other fist. Which, would hopefully make his status screen a lot nicer to look at and a lot less cluttered.

Still, there was one more thing to do.

Or rather, ten.

"Now what quirks will I give him?" Daiki tapped his chin as he pondered, "Well, he's a big bruiser so give him what he needs for that I guess, no need to make him change his entire style, as much as that can be called a fighting style at least."

He snorted, "Then to start off Brawl Booster, Body Bulk, Super Regeneration and Shock absorption." he ticked off.

That was four, "I'll give him Scanning as well, he'll love that." Daiki nodded. It would let him search out criminals and damsels in distress and all that super easy.

He of course wasn't going to give him Search. Search was way too good to give to a guy who had a protege like Izuku Midoriya.

Hmm, what else, what else?

He loved those air shock wave attacks right? So Air Cannon to let him use them on the fly, but better?

In that case, he should give him Air Wall as well to let him create shields both for himself and other people.

That was six.

Well, going with the 'air' theme, he could give him Air Walk as well. The guy loved bouncing around with this wannabe Hulk jumps according to Midoriya's memories, so the ability to make platforms in the air to jump off of would be useful to him.

Hmm, something to keep him going and using all those quirks would be useful as well. So Endurance definitely.

And Fierce Gains paired really well with that quirk, so he'd go ahead and give him that as well.

Which was nine, now what about number ten?

…And for last, he'd just give the guy Overclock.

Because he was so damn slow, the speed boost would enhance him massively alone.

'Yeah, that'll do.' Daiki nodded.

Brawl Booster
Body Bulk
Shock Absorption
Super Regeneration
Air Cannon
Air Wall
Air Walk
Fierce Gains

And with All for One alongside them inside One For All, that would bring it up to a grand total of twelve quirks.

"Actually, this is a good time to get rid of an annoyance." Daiki grinned, pressing his finger to his shoulder once more and activating Overhaul.


She honestly wasn't sure what she should be feeling.

Rage? At the boy she was inside, and the way he casually seared her grandson out of existence? Distraught because of the brutal life he'd lived and horrible ending he endured? Disgust at herself, because it was her own decisions and choices that led to this point?

She was pathetic. And she felt incredibly pathetic. The boy who just killed her grandson, just casually destroyed and murdered the man she'd dedicated her entire life to stopping, giving up her son so he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. The man multiple generations like her had stood against with all their might, and failed pitifully against until Toshinori.


Nana paused as she felt a sudden lurch, a tugging on her entire being that felt very familiar. Her eyes widened, "Daiki, what are you doing!?" she panicked, and her eyes flickered over to the giant turtle beast not far from her.

"What a pity," Isobu sighed, "I guess that's one plan that fails for now. You'll be glad though I suppose, you'll be reuniting with your student."


That was what he was doing?

He'd copied One For All and was transferring her inside it!? "Wait I can-"

That was as far as she got, before the shining lights of One For All consumed her being, space twisting around her-

And she found herself standing in a familiar world, only one much more lonely. A single high backed chair staring back at her, within a room floating in a vast dark expanse of space.

Her shoulders slumped, "Damn it."


"Well, that takes care of that." Daiki smiled to himself as he beheld the tiny pulsing quirk factor within his palm.

Boosted up to thirteen quirks in total with the inclusion of the original Float quirk and Nana alongside it. He'd made sure to take a copy for if he needed it and stored it away while he was at it.

He could have probably been a little gentler about things, and let her know in advance. But honestly, he didn't really want her around.

Besides, she'd be vastly better off within All Might. With him, she would be forced to bear witness to the gruesome shit he'd inevitably have to do in the future, while powerless to do anything about it. And she'd either become a shell of herself, or more likely, he'd corrupt her when she inevitably gave up trying to fix him and became jaded to it all.

Which while sounding kind of hot, corrupting a hero into his dark mistress or some chuuni crap like that, was just plain old shitty.

Even if she would have looked amazing in a Chun-Li cosplay outfit.

But eh, Tenten would fit that better anyway when he got back home. In fact, there was a lot of cosplay he'd love to do with Tenten.

Like give her red eyes through some contacts or something, and some seals taking the form of red tribal tattoo's over her torso, and maybe a variation of his Dimension Force Seal that would let her fire weapons from it from basically anywhere around her. And then dress her up in some golden plate leg armour, and a tiny white bikini top.

Oh, have her wear her hair down and in twin tails while she was it.

Now that would be a good time for sure!

"Anyway, that takes care of that." Daiki shook his head, and took a moment to store a way the combined quirk factor he'd just created to stick in All Might for shits and giggles.

It was about time to finally get a move on.

…After he took care of one more…problem?

Well, he was loathe to call it a problem. A speed bump? A wholly surprising but not at all unwelcome visitor?

He needed to go see the incarnation of Ragdoll currently within him. Whom he planned to be a lot more accommodating to than he was with Nana initially.

He was after all, incredibly grateful to have gotten his hands on Search through her. So much so, he already planned on paying the original Ragdoll a visit and giving her, her quirk back.

And surplus to show his gratefulness.

"Which reminds me." Daiki's head turned to the side, and he peered through the cell he was in, straight into the hallway and through them all, taking in all the criminals locked within the cells.

Most he didn't know a lick about, and didn't care for either, like that noseless buffoon the Hero Killer Stain. 'Oh, she's hot.' Daiki absently noted, taking in a beautiful woman with purple and pink hair in one cell.

Before finally landing on who he was looking for.

Or rather, the two he was looking for that he knew were down here thanks to the information he'd yoinked from both Deku and Shiggy Handjob.

A pair of serial kills. Moon Fish.

And Muscular.

He narrowed his eyes, and suddenly both of them within their cells gagged as black liquid suddenly erupted from throats, out of their mouths and cocooned around their body.

Before the black ink like liquid burst apart, and they were gone.

Appearing at that exact moment in front of Daiki.

Gasping for breath, stunned surprise shone in Muscular's single eye, and Moon Fish moaned pitifully as he began slumping to the ground.

He never made it.

Daiki's hand flashed out and a chop strike carved through their necks in one blindingly fast motion, their heads flying through the air.

"What….the…?" Muscular muttered, dying so fast neither his mind nor body caught up to it, before his head alongside Moon Fish's made meaty splats on the ground when they hit it moments later.

"Now I can see about meeting Ragdoll." Daiki nodded, pleased with his handiwork. After all, both of them were amongst the attack that saw Ragdoll getting kidnapped and her quirk stolen in the first place.

And Muscular even killed the family members of one of Ragdoll's teammates, Mandalay.

Daiki stared at the corpses for a moment, before closing his eyes and focusing in for a moment as he mentally sunk into his own soul.


Wanted to get this out of the way, for the mention of Nagant. A few people have asked me about adding her. And Ragdoll will be getting a role inside Daiki, that could be extended to her as well. But I'm gonna leave the question up to you guys, and put up a poll for it in a lil bit. Should Daiki recruit Lady Nagant?


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.