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An hour had passed since I dealt with Team Rocket. When I did, Nurse Joy and Misty rushed into the main hall of the Pokemon Centre moments later. Misty barely paid me any attention besides thanking me, she had just slumped down on a seat in relief, while Nurse Joy was quick to wheel of Pikachu and Ash to a recovery room.

Minutes later, Officer Jenny turned up. And honestly, I spent the time ogling everyone. I felt like a bit of a creep when I did so to Misty, but she was older than her anime counterpart, she had to be at least body wise. She was quite a bit taller than me and curves that reminded me of the Misty from the Electric Tales of Pikachu manga.

It was very hard not to ogle the blatant fan service girl in tiny jean booty shorts, a nurse in a skimpy habit that barely reached mid thigh and a police officer in the tightest pencil skirt I've seen outside of Jessie.

And after that I was left to my own devices for the moment. Misty quickly fell asleep after the adrenaline wore off, Nurse Joy had to contact her sisters and get back the pokemon she sent off to Pewter City and Jenny was quick to drag off the unconscious goons and their pokemon to the station and lock them up.

At least Nurse Joy took Poliwhirl and Spearow to give them a look over. I'll need them ready by morning if I wanted to get to Brock before Ash.

So for the last hour, while I've been waiting for Nurse Joy to come back, I've been sat down at the computer behind her desk, browsing the internet. Nobody else was on staff tonight apparently, so she asked me to man the front desk.

I was completely fine with that, it let me earn some brownie points with a beautiful older woman and do some research at the same time.

I've learned quite a few interesting things. The most important being, that yes indeed there was money involving in the pokemon trainer profession. While Pokedex's aren't given to every trainer, they are expected to at least have the same app I do on my phone, interesting to know. While the phones didn't have quite the same processing power as the pokedex, it worked and it was connected to a trainers registered bank account. Which explained why there was a symbol for money on my profile on the phone.

How much depended on the general age, experience and overall reputation of defeated trainers. You earned more for beating gym leaders, like a whole bucket load. Brock apparently had only been a gym leader for a year at this point, and I'd found the prize money he had to give out was eight thousand on average, more depending on the circumstances of the winner, such as how well they did in the battle and their experience level, as in, how long they'd been a trainer.

On that route, it was easy to find when the next league tournament of Kanto was taking place. And the Indigo League was scheduled for eleven months from now. Plenty of time to be honest.

More interesting is the fact that Technical Machines are a thing. TM's. They're apparently created by infusing the knowledge of a pokemon onto what basically amounts to a computer disc that could then be applied through a pokeball to a captured pokemon. The only downside to it though, was that upon creating the TM, the pokemon who done so would then lose the knowledge on how to perform it themselves.

Quite the drawback, on top of being expensive.

And the final thing I'd found out was how money worked. For the most part, the best I could tell, it was more in line with dollars from my own world than yen. Food stuff was very cheap in comparison say pokeballs, about the amount I'd expect the same from my world, like I checked a supermarket website and found they were selling cheap food deals for as little as below a pokedollar on deal, but the average pokeball was priced anywhere from a hundred to three hundred depending on the demand apparently.

I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in, "Ugh." I groaned, rubbing my temples. I'd learned a lot, but there was still so much I needed to do. My eyes landed on the two snoozing peacefull atop the desk on either side of the computer. Pidgey was perched on the raised little wall of the desk beside me, while Rattata was curled up into a ball just a few inches from the keyboard.

My eyes lingered on the little purple rat. He hadn't wanted to return to the pokeball Nurse Joy had stored him in to treat him. He was a wild pokemon before being treated apparently. I fingered one of the two shrunken pokeballs in my pocket, Poliwhirl's and Spearow's were with them while they were getting treated.

..When it looked up at me with big and wide pleading red eyes when Nurse Joy offered to let me take the little guy, I just couldn't refuse.

The sound of someone yawning behind me caught my attention and I looked over my shoulder to see Nurse Joy walking into the main hall, one hand raised up to her mouth while the other was stretched high in the air, loosening up her muscles.

I couldn't stop my eyes from lingering on her thighs as her habit rose up a bit higher, nor from taking in her breasts. The pink haired woman was curvy as all hell, they were big enough I was surprised I wasn't seeing some of that traditional anime jiggle and bounce.

I made sure to look away from her curves as she lowered her arms and stopped yawning, her emerald green eyes locking with mine. She smiled sweetly at me and walked over, "Thanks for manning the front desk for my Jordan, it was a big help," she said in greeting, "I'll be sure to have the hourly pay that one of my assistants would get into your account."

Booya bitch. Some actual moola, cash money!

"How much is that?" I couldn't help but ask.

"One hundred poke little guy," she replied, ruffling my spiky hair, "Speaking of, Jenny just got off the phone and told me to tell you she'll transfer the bounty money that was put out for the capture of those thieves into your account, she just needs your trainer number."

..Thinking on it, didn't they actually have a wanted poster early on in the anime? Well, now I'm just glad I decided to step in. My money problems are pretty much solved already.


"And how much is that?" I arched a brow at her, not at all bothered by her ruffling my hair. It would probably annoy any normal kid my age, but with her thighs practically in my face, what is there to complain about?

"Greedy aren't you?" the pink haired nurse chuckled, "Their bounty amounts to two thousand, three hundred poke, so that's two point four thousand you'll get transferred to you after tonight."

Well shit. In the pokemon training industry, it isn't really a lot, training pokemon costs a lot of money. But normal day to day living? It would be just the same as if I made nearly two and a half grand in an hour in America. Plenty of dosh to get myself set up.

Nurse Joy placed her hand not on my hair on the desk and placed two shrunken pokeballs down beside Rattata, "Here yo go," she chirped, "Your Poliwhirl and Spearow weren't too bad off. A half an hour in the restoration machine and they were back to full health."

Perfect, with them healed up I can basically take off whenever. Ash and Misty were in Viridian Forest for at least five days, but probably leaning more towards a week since it seemed to be a new day when he encountered that Weedle that he failed to catch and ran into Samurai.

That left me with four days to get my pokemon ready to beat Brock and get there before Ash. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about Steel Wing, and as long as Pidgey can get at least that down, Poliwhirl should be able to handle Brock's pokemon.

..I hope.

"What are you thinking about with that serious look on your face?" Joy pinched my cheek and brought me out of my musings.

"Stop that," I flicked her hand off of my face before looking her in the eye, "I was just thinking on my plans for after here. I'm heading for Pewter as soon as I stock up on supplies tomorrow."

"That doesn't seem to be something that would need such an intense look on your face." Joy raised a finely combed pink eyebrow back at me.

Huh, was I really that deep in thought? Well, doesn't matter, I have plenty of excuses to use at this point either way.

I made a show of shrugging, "A lot has happened today, I got mugged, my starter pokemon and stuff stole by goons from the same organisation as those two I caught earlier," I started, "On top of that, I already have four pokemon, nearing my carry limit as a newbie trainer and I don't really have anywhere for them to go."

One of the things I was very interested to learn about while researching on the computer was that it was possible to carry more than a team of six. But it was something only trainers who had achieved things of note or were highly ranked that managed it, and it could only be increased by a regional professor or high up league official.

"Sounds like it's been a stressful day," Joy replied kindly, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a comfortable embrace. And by that I mean, her breasts were resting on my head and my face was pressed into her soft stomach. Man, being a brat again comes with some awesome benefits, "I'm sorry that I can't help much with your Snivy, but I can at least help you with where to send your pokemon. New trainers get their first pokemon here or from Giovanni at the gym, I can register you as an active trainer from here if you'd like?"

Ah, now I feel kinda bad about taking advantage of her comforting me by being a pervy little shit bag.

I pulled out of her embrace and smiled up at her, "That sounds great!" I made sure to beam a bright excited smile at her before turning it into a smirk, "Does that mean you'll give me a starter pokemon then?"

"You already have four and I gave you Rattata didn't I?" she questioned drily, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Doesn't count, Rattata wanted to come with me and you would have just released him anyway now that he's fully healed." I countered, ignoring her point about how many pokemon I actually have. Not that I'm unhappy with Rattata in anyway at all, I know the kind of move pools they have access to, and the little guy I have isn't bad at all to start with. Quick Attack, Hyper Fang, Bite, Focus Energy and Mimic of all things for current known attacks and Guts for his ability.

I was amazed when I saw Mimic. I have real big plans for that move.

"We don't have much starter ready pokemon on hand at the moment to be honest, and even when we do, we won't have anything as rare as Snivy," Joy pointed out, "A sandshrew, a mankey, a geodude, maybe a horsea or shellder. Those are the kind of pokemon available for people starting out here. Not something you'd really need help finding yourself or capturing with the pokemon you have on hand."

There is one pokemon she has quite a few of. And the one I'm most interested in. "What about one of the Chansey?" I asked, blinking my eyes open nice and wide to appear nice and cute, "They learn really good moves and are really strong. I'd love to get my hands on a pokemon that knows Heal Pulse."

The pink haired nurse bit her lip, "..I don't know," she replied, "While it's true there's quite a lot of them here and we have more than enough, I don't think any of them are particularly inclined to battling."

"They don't need to battle," I assure her quickly, "Having a Chansey with me to help keep my pokemon healthy, especially one that knows Heal Pulse is way more important to me than one to use in battles."

She stared into my wide pleading eyes for a few moments before sighing in defeat, "Fine, fine," she relented, "I'll ask if any of them are interested in going with you to help look after you and your pokemon, but no promises."

I mentally fist pumped.

"Thanks Nurse Joy!" I gave her my most angelic looking smile. The pink haired woman just sighed again.

..Guess I need to work on that then.

Well I was pretty sure she would do her best to help me. It was easy to see how quickly she took to me after I saved her and the Pokemon Centre and played the poor orphan card when I introduced and explained myself.

I seriously hope one of the Chansey agrees to become my become. If one with Heal Pulse joins me, and my theory is right, I can get jacked in a fraction of the time it would take normally back home.

It wasn't long after that I was shooed off to bed in a room for the night. Not that I complained, with all the excitement, I crashed pretty hard. And Rattata made for a good hug pillow. Pidgey himself just roosted on the headboard.


The next morning, I was awoken by Rattata squirming out of my grasp and Pdgey cuffing me on the head with his wing. Having just taken off all my clothes besides my boxers, I just threw them back on since you know they were the only clothes I had for now.

Honestly I was so very happy I decided on that outfit to go out with before I ended up here. The black boots are stylish, but are also of a brand that was good for hiking. The jeans again while stylish and looking expensive, were actually pretty durable and nearly as comfortable as tracksuit trousers. The jacket was double layered and durable, so it was warm and would serve me well for a while.

And my boxers are silk, so ma boii's are nice, comfy and cradled to perfection.

I returned Rattata to his pokeball before leaving the room and let Pidgey hop up on my shoulder before leaving the room behind and heading down to the main lobby.

I passed by a clock on my way down through the hallway and noted it was just after nine in the morning. so I roughly got about six or seven hours of sleep considering I went to bed at just after one.

My stomach was rumbling a bit, but I ignored it for now.

When I got to the main hall, it was to see Nurse Joy standing in front of her desk, conversing with two familiar people. A black haired boy around this bodies age and an older orange haired girl.

I noted almost immediately, the Pikachu perched on Ash's shoulder. Looks like it has already recovered then. They should be getting a move on soon, from what I remember, Ash left and hit Viridian Forest early the next morning after first meeting Jessie, James and Meowth.

"Oh hey, it's you!" Misty shouted, pointing at me as I made my way over. Hmm, she was wearing her canon outfit, but oddly enough she had a blue hoodie on over her yellow crop top. I think I vaguely remember her wearing it in some episodes where it was snowing, but I can't be sure.

It still left a ton of toned stomach and full thigh in view though. In person, Misty is pretty damn hot, and she's way more of a chest on here than I thought she would.

..How old is she here man?

"Hey." I greeted them with a wave of my hand, "You guys doing alright?"

Misty smiled at me, "We're doing fine thanks to you taking care of those thieves last night," she replied, "Sorry I didn't get around to thanking you last night, but after everything wound down I was exhausted because I had to carry my fried bike for a couple miles to here."

"No probs, I was glad help." I waved off her gratitude easily. Girls like confidence in a guy, they don't really like arrogance though. Playing it humble will be my best bet for now with her I think.

"Oh, I'm Misty, you're Jord right?" she introduced herself and asked my name, getting a nod from me.

Before I could say anything else to her, Ash stepped forward and clapped me on the shoulder not, "I didn't see you last night cuz I ended up getting caught in that attack that put those guys out, but thanks a lot! You saved Pikachu!"

"Pika!" the yellow electric rodent on his shoulder nodded its cute little head and beamed brightly at me.

"No problem mate," I clapped him back on the shoulder as well, before reaching into my pocket and pulling out Spearow's pokeball, "Think of it as me returning a favour. From what I heard, it was you two that took down that massive Spearow flock right? I managed to catch the leader of the flock while it was still down."

Ash blinked slowly and I had to take notice of his eyes. They were a a bright, burning orange amber colour that was hard to look. He looked t me dumbly for a moment before palming his face, hard, "Stupid! Why didn't I think of that! They were right there for the taking!" he cursed, "I could have easily shut that idiot Gary up if I did that."

"You idiot." Misty snorted, shaking her head. "Obviously Jord is much better suited to being a trainer than you are."

"Oh shut up!" Ash growled at her while Pikachu burst into snickers.

"Good morning Jord," Nurse Joy took the time to butt in, smiling at me, "You'll be glad to know that the money you earned last night has been transferred into your account."

"Wait really!?" I asked, looking to her in excitement. When she nodded, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened up my profile on the pokedex app.

Name: Jord Odhar

Age: 12

Home: Viridian City

₱: 2,400

I resisted the urge to jump and cheer. The fact that I already had a bank account set up upon arriving here just made things so much easier. It brought a lot of questions to the front, but it made things so much easier regardless for now. My home town had been changed to Viridian after last night when I accepted Nurse Joy's offer to become an trainer on her roster.

I scrolled down a bit to look at my pokemon's icons, only to blink when something interesting caught my eye.

Pokemon Owned: 5

The icons for Pidgey, Spearow, Poliwhirl and Rattata were there. But so was another one. One for a Chansey.

My eyes widened, "You got one to agree?" I asked i shock, unable to keep the excitement from my voice. Chansey is my ticket to getting swole, and possibly my pokemon as well.

"There were quite a few willing to go actually, they were quite grateful after your help last night," the pink haired woman replied, reaching into the pocket of her white habit and pulling out a shrunken pokeball and holding it out to me, "And when I mentioned your starter pokemon had been stolen and you were interested in having one of them, they were only to happy to volunteer. I picked the one that had the best moves to help you out, and made extra sure to make sure she knew Heal Pulse like you wanted."

I accepted the pokeball gratefully, almost unable to believe my insane luck. It's a bit too much honestly for just gratefulness I think. But when I was researching the pokemon trainer profession last night, it did mention that those that sponsored high ranking trainers gained an increased funding, so the higher rank of a trainer I became, the more funds that would go to the Pokemon Centre as well, so maybe I'm an investment?

I shook my head, putting it out of mind, either way I'm just glad things are going my way for now. "Thanks." I said.

"Not a problem Jord," she beamed, ruffling my hair again, "I'm glad to help you."

"Your starter got stolen?" Misty gasped, bringing my attention to her. The orange haired girl was looking at me with eyes wide, full of both sympathy and possibly horror. "I'm so sorry." she patted me on the shoulder consolingly.

"Damn thieves!" Ash growled, punching one of his fists into his palm, the incredibly loud thud it made and the blast of wind that shook my hair from the simple motion was incredible, "Who did it? Do you need help tracking them down?"

Crap, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty now. "It was goons from the same group as those two last night, but it's alright," I raised my hands placatingly, "Snivy didn't like me anyway, he was just staying with me because I fed him. I'm honestly much happier with Pidgey as my official first pokemon instead." on my shoulder, Pidgey puffed up his chest with pride.

And I'm not lying either. I'd take a Pidgeot over a Serperior any day of the week.

Ash deflated, scratching at his cheek, "Ah.." he looked at the pokemon on his shoulder and Pikachu actually ducked his head a little bit.

"..Chaaa." the pokemon mumbled almost embarrassedly.

"What' a Snivy?" Misty looked at me in curiosity, "I've never heard of a pokemon like that."

"It's one of the three regional starters on the Unova Region, it's not surprising you haven't hard of one, it's the furthest away region from Kanto," Nurse Joy explained helpfully, "It's a pure grass type. Unova's equivalent to Bulbasaur if i'm not mistaken."

"Like Bulbasaur?" Misty's eyebrows rose up, "That must have been a pretty rare pokemon."

"It was," I shrugged, "But like I said, I prefer Pidgey, his species is way more common but Pidgey is also way stronger than Snivy ever was." If Pidgey's chest puffed out any larger he was going to end up choking himself or something.

"It's good to look on the bright side of things," Joy input, "So what are your plans from here out Jord? Ash and Misty were just about to leave to head towards Pewter City through Viridian Forest before you came down."

"Pretty much the same, once I teach Pidgey Steel Wing, him and Poliwhirl should be able to handle the Pewter City gym, and I'm hoping to get my hands on some good pokemon in the forest like a Beedrill or Butterfree, and maybe a grass type or two." I answered.

"Ah, bugs." Misty cringed.

"It might be hard to find a Butterfree, but there should be a ton of Beedrill around at this point and Venomoth as well," Nurse Joy hummed tapping her chin, "There aren't many species of grass types that live there, mostly the Bellsprout line, the Oddish line, the Paras line, the odd Tangela and I've heard rumours of there being wild Bulbasaur around as well."

Now that is good to know. Bulbasaur huh? I was thinking just going for a Bellsprout to be honest, and I'm still going to, but getting a Bulbasaur as well could be fun. And even if I don't find one, I know where to find an abandoned Bulbasaur, one massive in size. In Trovitopolis of the Orange Archipelago.

"Good to know, I'll probably mainly go after a Beedrill and one of the Bellsprout line then." I said. It will probably be better to wait for that Bulbasaur rather than get a normal one, I've no idea how Sanpie from Kalos, or rather his older brother trained his Venusaur on how to be so agile, so one with twice the bulk of an average one and double down on the main defensive abilities of a Venusaur would probably be a better option instead of trying to make a ninja Venusaur.

And if I can get my hands on a Butterfree and Venemoth as well? I'll go for it. I know most moves pokemon can learn, thank you Bulbapedia! And in the anime world it's just a matter of training hard to do it. Like I know how to teach Iron Tail, Energy Ball and Bullet Seed as things are already. With more variety of attacks, the more the attacks can be traded around by my pokemon teaching each other.

I might be getting ahead of myself and going all gung ho. But I'm here in the pokemon world and have no idea how I got here or how to get back home. So I may as well aim to make a good life for myself here.


It wasn't long later that Ash left with Misty following behind him demanding he pay her for a new bike. He'd offered to let me tag along with him, but while I was incredibly tempted, I wanted to go about things my way, I didn't want to just tag along with Ash and mooch off of him.

Plus, I needed to get some breakfast and do some shopping. Funnily enough, it was a Chansey that handled the cooking of the Pokemon Centre, and she made a mean roll and sausage with fried egg. I'm not sure where fried egg or sausage comes from here and I'd rather not think about it truth be told.

After that, I thanked Nurse Joy again and ventured out on my own. First stop, being the market area. And let me tell you. I spent so much fucking money. A hundred on some extra sets of clothes, socks and underwear. Another hundred on a month supply of food for my pokemon and fifty to last me a decent while, mostly in cheap noodles and supplements to make up for the vitamins and shit I'd be missing out on with such a diet. Camping supplies in a tent, a sleeping bag, some rope, a lighter for making a camp fire and a few more things cost over a hundred as well. Toiletries like a tooth brush, soap, tooth paste, deodorant and the like only cost around twenty poke and cooking utensils around thirty.

I ended up splurging another hundred in a tech store to get a solar charger for my phone and internet access for a month.

I was oh so glad when I checked out my Chansey's move set. With both Heal Pulse and Aromatherapy, I didn't need to splurge quite as much on medicinal supplies, though I did grab some. And I had seven pokeballs with the two I had left over from the five I initially had, and five given to me by Nurse Joy for becoming a trainer sponsored by the Viridian City Pokemon Centre. So I grabbed another three for a hundred a piece bringing my total up to ten.

And all in, I spent one thousand, six hundred pokedollars. I don't think I've ever quite went on a spending spree quite like it before. Honestly, by time I was done nearly three hours later and getting ready to move on and start my journey towards Pewter City proper, I was exhausted.

Along the way to Viridian Forest, I took a seat on a park bench and just rested for now, setting my incredibly heavy bag down on the ground between my legs. I was so damn stoked to find out the thing was a standard bag from this place and had storage abilities like pokeballs in it, a standard kind of bag most trainers apparently had nowadays when starting out. But while it might have shrunk it down into the storage space and made it less cumbersome, very little of the weight was reduced.

Good shape or not, I'm not Ash Ketchum, and carrying so much weight is a tiring for a twelve year old. Or someone with a twelve year old's body.

"Prdig." Pidgey snorted on my shoulder, patting me on the head with his wing. I got the feeling he was calling me a wimp.

Instead of getting testy, I just rolled my eyes. We'll see how much of a wimp I am once I put my 'Super Epic Ultra Body Transformation Plan' into motion. the move set of my new Chansey, despite the fact I've not greeted her yet, is Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy, Gravity, Sing and Pound.

With Gravity and Heal Pulse, I'm hoping I can pull a dragonball z gravity chamber kind of thing. In the real world, that kind of shit would kill you. But with a pokemon that has the ability to heal you akin to the way Dende could? I'm sure I could do it. Or, well I hope so at least. Nothing fucking ventured, nothing fucking gained after all.

Speaking of. I pulled my newest pokemon's pokeball from my pocket and sent her out. The pink egg shaped pokemon solidified from white light and in a few moments appearing in front of me.

"Chansey!" she smiled brightly, waving one stubby little arm my way in greeting.

Pidgey rose one of his wings and waved back and I copied them, tossing a little wave myself, "Hey Chansey," I greeted her panting lightly, there was sweat trailing down the side of my face from the exertion I'd went through, and lowering my hand out to her after waving, "I just wanted to say thanks for wanting to come with me. With the moves you know, we'll be able to stay in tip top shape after training."

"Chansey, chans." She nodded, still smiling brightly. Then she stepped forward, lifting her small arms up, her little paws glowing with pink light that seeped out in a wave into my body.

Breath filled my lungs in an instant, and the ache in my back and legs from walking so much and carrying my heavy bag cleared up almost instantly. My eyes went wide and I jumped up, testing out my body.

"Fuck man! I feel amazing!" I exclaimed. No sluggishness or pain at all! Heal Pulse is so awesome! I couldn't contain myself! Surging forward, before Chansey could react and just as she let her move die down, I wrapped my arms around the egg shaped pokemon and hugged her tightly, "You're awesome Chansey!" I praised her.

The pink healer pokemon giggled, rubbing her torso against mine as she embraced me back happily.

I spent a few minutes getting to know Chansey after pulling back from our embrace. And she was quite pleasant. The bubbly bright type, very happy and helpful, she even offered to carry my bag for me. But I waved her off by just saying she could help me out later with Heal Pulse again once I'm done carrying it.

After all, it had to weigh somewhere close to two hundred pounds. The only reason I could carry it at all is because of the way I feel stronger since I've gotten here than I know I was at this age initially. Lugging this shit around and with Chansey to fix me up, I should get some good muscle building in.

Still, instead of returning her, I kept her out for now. Because there's still one challenge I have to overcome before I fully head into Viridian Forest. Meeting and greeting Spearow.

Pidgey was tense on my shoulder as I lifted the other birds pokeball and released him. The small bird appeared on the ground in front of me, shaking out his wings before cocking his head to the side and looking at me in curiosity for all of a moment, before his little eyes narrowed.

"Spearow!" he flared out his red wings as much as possible and beat them hard, squawking threateningly at me, eyes sifting between me and the pokeball he saw in my hand.

"Pidg!" Pidgey barked right back angrily, flaring out his even larger wings at the slightly smaller bird. After all, for a Pidgey, mine was pretty big, a few inches bigger than the average one according to the pokedex app on my phone.

Chansey looked between the two worriedly, arms raised in preparation to use her Sing attack just in case things got violent as I had instructed her. But before things could get off on the wrong foot, I raised my hand up, palm facing Spearow, "Calm down Spearow," I said. He just beat his wings and squawked angrily again. Better just get to the point then, "I found you and your entire flock knocked out cold last night and since you were the leader of such a big flock, I decided to capture you while I had the chance seeing as you had to be really strong to rule over all of them." I bullshited some flattery.

At my words, Spearow lowered his wings a bit and cocked his head to the side. And just like Pidgey, I saw the way his little cream feathered chest puffed up with pride. What's with these fucking birds and their pride?

"Yeah," I shrugged a bit awkwardly, "So I caught you. Took you to the Pokemon Centre to get healed up and wanted to see if you would join me as my pokemon." better to let it seem like his choice I think, with how prideful it is.

Spearow scoffed, somehow. I have no idea how bird can scoff, but well he did. I plastered a smirk filled with confidence I didn't feel on my face, "I did you a solid, you should at least hear me out." I said.

A sigh left the birds before before he looked me in the eyes and waved his red feathered wing. 'Get on with it'. was pretty much what I interpreted it is. And Pidgey obviously wasn't too happy with the rude gesture, his wings flickered with white energy for moment with the power of his Wing Attack before dying down and a growl left his beak.

I ignored the by play, "Let's be truthful here, your strong, but you and your entire flock got destroyed by one little Pikachu," I said, not beating around the bush. A squawk of fury left the birds beak as soon as he heard what I said and he jumped into the air, shooting towards me, beak glowing bright white with power.

Before the bird could even close half of the foot of distance between us though, there was a chirp of anger, "Chansey!" and Spearow quite suddenly slammed into the ground, and I could suddenly see the air rippling above his small body.

I blinked and looked to Chansey, to see the egg pokemon with her eyes narrowed angrily at Spearow, the tips of her stubby paws glowing with a black energy that seemed to draw the very sunlight around us inside it.

This must be her Gravity attack!

Pidgey scoffed at the downed Spearow, lowering his wings. But I stood up from my space on the bench and crouched down to look at Spearow closer, he was struggling with all he was worth, scraping his taloned feet into the ground and beating his wings against it as well as he tried to push himself up, to no avail.

"You're tough, but not tough enough," I continued, a bit on awe of myself really with how utterly calm I felt in this situation, I hadn't even had a flare of adrenaline through my veins when Spearow went to attack me. "I plan to become one of the best, and to do that I need to train pokemon to be the best. If you become my pokemon, I'll make sure you never lose so pathetically like you did to that Pikachu ever again."

Spearow growled and growled, fought with all his might, pushing and snarling through his beak. All the while, he looked me in the eyes. He tried with all his might for a good minute while I held his gaze, before his energy ran out and he fell limp under the gravity crushing him into the ground.

"...Row.." the bird nodded, accepting, if grudgingly, my offer.

As soon as he did, the Chansey released the gravitational pressure that was pressing down on him and the bird sighed in relief. I picked him up and stood up, "You did good," I praised him, "That Pikachu had a lot of power, but it doesn't have the kind of will power or stamina you do." not yet it doesn't at least, and positive reinforcement for good behaviour is a common dog training technique, hopefully it works here.

Despite his limp body, Spearow practically preened from my arms under my praise.


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