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"I'm…a good lil….bunny slut…"

Daiki paused in the process of stretching out after pulling his clothing back on and looked over his shoulder at the sound of Mirko mumbling, beholding the sight of her face down in the pillows, ass up. Her womanhood and and anus were stuffed so full of his semen it was trickling out of her like a steady river and, not only running down her thighs but dripping straight down into a great deluge of a puddle that had forever ruined those bed sheets.

'Oh well.' Daiki smirked and shrugged, it was just a random bed he'd pilfered to use on the fly whenever he needed. He could just get a new one. He looked away from the gorgeous chocolate skinned bunny hero and looked at his arms as he stretched them out.


Despite the fact he was wearing a hundred tons per limb. It was to be expected he supposed. Shisui Uchiha, was if not a kage level ninja, then approaching that level, and definitely S-class.

He'd combined his body with Shisui's through Overhaul, merging their physical capabilities together and then brought the limit of his new body to its current physical peak.

Numerically his strength had simply jumped from around two hundred and fifty to three hundred and eighty or so, on paper and number that seemed to be around a fifty percent increase.

But no, the numerical indicator of his strength stat, was no linear. Right now, he was actually easily five times physically stronger than he was before, if not a bit more than that.

While that was all well and good, incredible even.

It was important for a simple other matter.

He needed to increase his weights again because one hundred tons per limb was simply too light for him now.

"Maybe a jump to five hundred per limb this time?" Daiki mused.

He was sure he could lift that amount now, but would it be enough to strain him to grind with? That was the question.

"Let's check and try one out." Daiki hummed, bringing his hands together in a ram seal and focusing on his right wrist weight. A flare of chakra caused it to glow blue, and the weight increased five times over.

Almost immediately he felt the strain to hold his arm up multiply, "Hmm…" Daiki continued humming thoughtfully as he lifted his arm up and down, testing the resistance, and while he did need to actively put effort into it, it wasn't as much as he was expecting, "…Half again should do it by my estimates."

So that would be seven hundred and fifty tons.

He brought his hands back into the ram seal, and with a flare of chakra, the weights on each of his limbs increased to seven hundred and fifty tons each, for a total of three thousand tons in total across his body.

"Oh yeah…!" Daiki grinned as he threw a few experimental punches, a few kicks, and then bounced on his feet a bit, "I can definitely feel it now!"

With this much weight on him, he was probably reduced back to a bit below his top speed before he arrived in this world and assimilated Shisui.

"Now then." Daiki turned back to look at the fucked silly Mirko and took in her nude form proudly for a moment, "I suppose I'll need to get you dressed huh?"

It really was too bad she wasn't interested in coming back with him.

"Oh well, I can always come back later to see you," he chuckled, before remembering something, "Oh that reminds me."

He walked over to Mirko, before winding his hand back and delivering a firm spank to her bodacious brown cheeks that sent them rippling erotically.

"Mmm…" Mirko moaned into the pillow submissively.

And when he pulled his hand back, there was a familiar seal engraved on her ass cheek.

He admired his handiwork, like a symbol of ownership. Before her realised something else, "Oh wait, I tore your outfit to shreds." he remembered.

Oh well, he'd just have to put some of his clothes on her and-

Suddenly Daiki's eyes lit up as an idea came to mind. Both for something that he wanted to see, and something that would get a hell of a reaction.

Holding his hand out, he summoned a pair of black t-shirts and a few golden jewelry trinkets he'd yoinked from Everlue's safe before taking his place for himself.

He sat them atop Mirko's body, before activating Overhaul. The trinkets warped into a liquid state, before reassembling into a necklace around her neck and a few bracelets around her arms and thighs.

And then he did the same with the black t shirts, the fabric warping completely in shape, before sliding around Mirko's body and forming into a very specific outfit.

'I wanted to see what Emerald would look like in one, but seeing Mirko in one first is just as good.' Daiki's lips formed into a shit eating grin as he grabbed Mirko and sat her up, the bunny hero swaying dazedly atop the bed, clad in a skimp black harem girl outfit embroiled with gold, and gold jewellry that stood out amongst her dark skin.

Her huge tits were barely held in the thin straps of cloth bra. While the slinky black skirt flounced more akin to a loin cloth that draped slightly over her crotch and barely covered her voluptuous round ass cheeks.

"Now that's a good look." Daiki licked his lips.

Very sexy. So sexy in fact it made him want to mount her all over again despite the fact he'd already spent for hours destroying her.

Which reminded him-

He touched her again and used Overhaul to get rid of the sperm leaking from her holes and covering her body, and clean her up a little bit.

Such a handy quirk.

'Too bad I really need to get a move on.' Daiki sighed, giving Mirko's gorgeous form dressed up like a proper harem girl for him a forlorn look. He'd already spent over five hours in this world now, he probably wouldn't have any time to find Derflinger a good fight before he had to go back to Louise's world.

'Actually, about that,' Isobu who had been silent for the last few hours of bunny breeding spoke up, 'I've found something interesting. How it works I do not know, but it definitely works to our benefit.'

"What do you mean?" Daiki raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

'It's thank to the fragment I left back in our original world in my pond, and the clones you left behind in the last world,' Isobu continued, 'As you know I can see through your clones and talk to them at any time just like you, and I can perceive what my fragments do as well.'

"…Okay?" Daiki raised an eyebrow, he wasn't sure where he was going with this.

'Simply put, they're perceiving time a lot slower than we are right now,' Isobu explained, 'Roughly thirty times slower by my estimate. Since it's the same for your clones as my fragment, I've come to the conclusion that when you enter a new world through the odd way you have been, you are somehow interact with the flow of time in that reality somehow, and it is noticeably sped up. Or perhaps the worlds you've been to after having you break through their space-time continuum, slow down in pace for a while after you leave. I'm not sure how this is happening at all, merely that it is. But, regardless of the how, it does mean that we actually have a lot more time on our hands.'


That….that was something alright.

Daiki wasn't even sure how to react to it either. It was pleasant news though. And, opened up a whole lot of avenues.

For one, it meant not even five hours had passed for Mirajane since he left her behind. Not even fifteen minutes had passed in Louise's world.

And in his home world, it was probably only reaching the time he was set to go in his mission to the Hidden Mist Village with Anko.

'…Even if I spend an entire year jumping between dimensions before finding my way back home, I'll still get back in time for the Chunin Exam third round and the invasion.' his shit eating grin returned.

That was…incredible!

Even with the talk he and Isobu had and him agreeing, that didn't mean his desire to return home had disappeared, nor his worry for things that could go wrong. He'd just put it at the back of his head at Isobu's urging.

A tension in his shoulders he didn't even realise was there eased out, and a content relaxed feeling spread through him.

"Looks like fun is fully back on the menu." Daiki laughed happily, pumping his fist into the air.


There was a tension in the air Ochako hadn't ever really felt before. It wasn't just around where she was either.

Ryukyu paced back and forth across the roof in front of her, her body energy radiating agitation and worry despite her best efforts to hide it from her and her other schoolmate who were with her.

The entirety of the city, no, the entirety of Japan was tense. Fear was palpable. Panic was rising in the streets, and the public outcry was almost nauseating.

And, if some overheard conversations were to be believed, it was spreading beyond Japan. It was not every day after all, a boy from another world came to visit and caused the…sheer mayhem this one had.

A boy who had casually murdered top tier villains, easily beaten down incredibly powerful heroes with no effort, and even apparently killed off the league of Villains in the blink of an eye…and was still planning on seeking out the greatest villain of all, just to kill him and take his power.

'Deku-kun…' Ochako grimaced, she couldn't hide the worry herself. From what she learned, he alongside Togata-senpai had been the first to encounter Daiki Yurei, and were soundly defeated without any effort at all, and who both were in the hospital after their encounter.

Just like Fat Gum, Kirishima-kun and Amijiki-senpai. And dozens of other heroes who had arrived at the scene.

…Not to mention, the missing rabbit hero Mirko, who'd went missing atop this very roof she was standing atop right now. She'd been defeated easily and kidnapped on live television, for the entire world to see.

"Calm, calm calm Ochako-chan!" a comforting hand on her shoulder made her look to her side to see Nejire-senpai giving her a bright smile, "It'll be alright, you'll see!" the peppy older blue haired girl told her.

She gave her a shaky smile back, "Hopefully." was all Ochako could reply with.

She wasn't even sure what she was doing here. All the strongest heroes in the country were mobilized around Tartarus, Daiki Yurei's target before he up and disappeared a few hours ago after thoroughly trouncing Mirko on live television and disappearing with her to who knows where.

She should have been sent back with Tsuyu back to U.A instead of being involved in this. But, Ryukyu's role had been to grab Mirko and flee from Daiki Yurei if things went south. Ochako was chosen to stay because she could remove Ryukyu's weight and allow her to fly faster to get away, alongside Nejire-senpai who's job it was to harry him if he chased.

"It will be, I'm sure Mirko is fine! And we'll be fine too!" Nejire just continued to beam, hopping in placing cheerily, "It was only villains that got hurt bad by that kid. From what we saw, he was pretty light on we heroes. And just look at what we saw, what happened to that poor cute little Eri-chan. You know it's no wonder he was steaming mad at villains you know?"

Tell that to Deku-kun who had a broken knee and a broken arm.

…Granted he might have just overused his quirk again and hurt himself. He did that a lot.

'Not to mention, he wasn't even phased after killing those villains.' Ochako thought with a heavy swallow. Then again…after seeing what those villains did to Eri-

Ochako had almost thrown up when she saw the display personally on the live television in town.

If that was the first thing he came across upon coming to their world…she could see why he would be so furious, especially someone like Daiki Yurei who was a trained child soldier himself by his own words.

"I bet he's not that bad a boy," Nejire shrugged, "Bad guys don't get angry over little girls being hurt you know?"

Well, she supposed.

"Yeah…maybe he isn't that bad?" she offered back hopefully.

"Nah, I'm pretty bad," a voice suddenly said from behind them, "I'm a bad bad boy. Are you guys here to punish me?"

Ochako's eyes widened and she whirled around in shock at the sudden voice, to find Daiki Yurei himself standing behind her, carrying a scantily clad Mirko over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

And he was grinning right at her!

…Or maybe it was Nejire he was grinning at?


Wanted to get more done today than this, but was caught up finishing getting 99 smithing.



W chap


Look at that 2 more girls to steel away

matt smith

Judge daiki *comes in and sees the defendant heroes are beautiful women* Judge daiki: you are all sentanced to DEATH!.... BY SNU SNU!!