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"Mmm…this could be a problem." Isobu mused to himself as he rested his head atop his hands, peering off into the new starry distance of Daiki's mindscape.

It was actually quite the nice back drop he had to admit. If nothing else, taking in Nana was worth it for the view alone.

Though One For All was definitely a very powerful ability in of itself from what Nana had explained to him. Well, not the original version, but the variation Daiki had taken for himself.

Simply because, the power of the quirk was dependent on the holder of the power. From what Nana explained to him, the stockpiling factor of the quirk had three facets. The first was the most important at the moment, but the second and third factors in how it grew were quite useful too.

The second facet of the quirk, was that the quirk internalized and copied any growth the user went through in becoming stronger. So if the holder trained for a month and increased the amount of weight they could lift by say, a hundred pounds, then the quirk itself would internalize that growth itself as well.

The third facet was the weakest of all, it was passive growth. By far the smallest and slowest of its growth, but the fact that the power within the quirk passively strengthened even by a small tiny bit, day by day, was incredible in of itself.

But back to the first, the most important facet of the quirk, at last currently for the moment. One For All, upon being transferred to a new user, essentially copied what they were capable of, and internalized it.

Which meant, once the quirk properly settled within Daiki, it would start out with a beginning charge on par with what Daiki himself was capable of. His physical abilities, and even his chakra and other energy sources would become power within the quirk.

'It's not even so simple as doubling all he's capable of when he uses it either,' Isobu mused, since it was basically Daiki calling upon his own strength overlapping his own that was already there, 'But it'll enhance everything twice over. From his physical strength, to even the potency of his elemental affinities when in use, which will not only make things such as his jutsu more potent and powerful, but cost even less chakra to do so.'

And that wasn't even taking into account that it was also going to basically be a second chakra pool that mirrored his own, doubling his full chakra capacity when in use, or just flat out being used as an abundant energy source to enhance other abilities.

Truly a fearsome ability, and to think Daiki got it entirely by mistake.

"…There's no might…" Nana who had been despondent for a while after that Daiki killed that fool who tried to assassinate him spoke up, giving him a blank gaze, "He's in the process of knocking up one of my worlds current top heroes! Putting aside the ethics of it all with their age gap and that this is just a flat step away from being forced, but he's planning on impregnating her and just what, leaving the child?"

Nana shook her head, "And he's just thirteen at that!" she added, scowling.

"No, not that," Isobu rolled his eye, "That's hardly an issue."

Especially considering something he'd noticed very quickly upon this little jaunt through the vast multiverse, and confirmed since leaving the previous world and coming to this one.

"What do you mean hardly an issue!?" Nana gaped up at him, a far cry from the terrified woman who popped up in this world within Daiki a mere hour or so ago, "This is a child we're talking about! A child impregnating a woman with another child! And that's not even taking into account the kid has basically announced himself to the world as some super soldier far beyond anything my world has, and bullshitted them all into thinking he and his people naturally have quirks. Once he leaves and its found out he's left a kid behind, the government is gonna want to use that kid not only as a weapon but to breed more like him."

'Though, considering Nana is more or less linked to Daiki's senses as we are now, it probably feels a lot longer to her.' Isobu mused. Daiki processed information far and away faster than Nana ever had after all, he was just that much faster in everything than anything Nana had ever experienced. For her, it probably felt something akin to days had passed.

"Yes, hardly an issue," Isobu shrugged as he repeated himself, "For one, Daiki always leaves a seal marking in the worlds we've been to so he can return to them as he pleases. Secondly, he's enhanced the bunny girl to her current possible physical peak and given her aura on top of that. They'll have to go through the mother to take the child, and from what I can gather through Daiki's senses, unless someone like All Might or that Deku child once he masters his power goes after her, there's precious few in this world who can beat her now."

Frankly, considering the child would inherit not only multiple powerful and chakra enhanced quirks from Daiki, but multiple energy sources, traces of his own chakra, the coral style and even the newly created Shinku-Sharingan and more - he was willing to bet that by the time the child was a teenager like Daiki, even without proper training in how to use chakra they would be the most powerful being this world had ever seen.

Not including Daiki himself of course.

"That's…." Nana trailed off, she definitely didn't agree with him. But, his logic was sound, and thus she had no counter beyond feelings and cultural morals that had no basis in this discussion.

"Now now Isobu, you're almost bullying her there, she's not entirely wrong he's still being irresponsible," Atlas Flame piped in with a yawn, "Admittedly not that I can say much, we dragons weren't much for being parents either."

"Hmm, true I suppose," Isobu nodded, "Daiki is always irresponsible though, he is after all, a child despite what he likes to think, as I went over with him before. But baby steps and all that."

Nana sighed and just slumped down onto her backside, rubbing her face with her gloved hands, "Fine, whatever," she huffed, clicking her tongue, and shaking her head, "Then what exactly is the possible problem?"

"His plan to take All For One's quirk and all the quirks he has taken up to this point," Isobu replied bluntly, "Meaning, this place will soon become full of people. And thus take up even more space, and be loud and annoying."

"….That's it…?" Nana asked blankly, "That's the only thing you care about in all this?"

"No, no, he's got a point," Atlas Flame nodded in agreement, "If nothing else Nana, think about just how many people that weakling has taken quirks from. Hundreds? Thousands? And once Daiki takes the quirk, they're all going to appear in here like you. Think of the sheer panic."

Nana grimaced, "Okay, admittedly that does sound like a pain to deal with."

"The only solace is that thanks to your inclusion and One For All, the space has been massively grown," Isobu hummed, before closing his singular eye and sighing, "Pity, I've never learned how to manipulate and change the inner world as some of the Yamanaka Clan were said to be able to do with their mind arts. I spent most of my time within humans chained up and unable to interact with my surroundings or change them at all."

…And that of course wasn't going into a possible other problem.

Isobu's eye flickered down slightly, taking in the dark mass of energy that stood out within Daiki's chakra. The energy, the essence, the authority of Ankhseram.

It was a pitiful amount originally, like a small slivering serpent deep within the depths. But, he'd been not been idle since it was left here. He'd cycled his chakra and ethernano into it, before cycling it through himself, and back out into it. He'd already taken it into himself and was growing it within him steadily.

The mass below, was for Daiki.

Gods were odd beings. But at their core, they embodied a concept or a natural function. Ankhseram according to Atlas Flame, was the god of life and death.

Perhaps not the most powerful being out there that embodied such titles, but he still had claim to them. And through the energy taken in, so too did Isobu.

And so too would Daiki when he passed it through to him.

The problem was, when he did, Daiki would have the divine authority of a god of life and death. How would that interact, when Daiki's own soul, became a haven for other souls?

If they were not careful, who knew what could happen. 'Daiki's soul itself could become akin to an afterlife dimension, and any being who dies close enough to him may end up claimed by that divine authority.'

Isobu himself did not need to worry about that. Because, technically speaking, he was a part of the incarnation of his planet. By many technicalities, he was a god of nature. Life and death were parts of nature in of themselves, so even taking the power into himself wouldn't change his pardon the pun, nature.

Daiki was entirely different as a human at his core. He had no core concept as a god. As far as divine authority went, he was an empty vessel just waiting for one.

Especially since he'd already started gathering worshippers through Louise in Halkagenia. He might have been bullshitting Louise originally, but it wasn't actually that far of a stretch for Daiki to become a literal god.

…Frankly speaking, Isobu had already acquired everything he needed from the power. Not only had he taken it into himself and made it a part of him, with Atlas Flame's help he had been quite easily able to use it as base to create anti properties through it that made it extra effective as a weapon against its own kind.

In other terms, God Slayer Magic.

And would make a great basis for him to use his own energy now, to create what he originally brought up with Daiki. Bijuu Slaying properites.

It was ready to be passed to Daiki at any time, but he'd been holding off for this very reason, because he wasn't sure how things would go.

"If you're worried about that, I might actually be able to help." Atlas Flame spoke up.

Isobu's head cocked to the side, "You can?" he blinked, "I was unaware such a thing was in your skillset."

Admittedly Atlas Flame was quite skilled in multiple magics because he'd had to create his own form of fire dragon slayer magic and evolve it into his Hellfire Dragon Slayer magic, but he was unaware he had any abilities revolving around the mind.

"No need to sound so surprised, I may not be as old and as powerful as you Isobu," Atlas Flame laughed lightly, flaming maw quirking up into a smirk, "But I like to think of myself as quite capable."

"I wouldn't dream of saying otherwise, your help so far with Ankhseram's power and developing slayer properties speaks for itself," Isobu snorted, "I was simply unaware you had any experience with the mind arts."

"Well admittedly not much," Atlas Flame shrugged his wings, "And not something of my own creation either. But the Dragon Soul technique allows we dragons to manipulate the terrain of the dragon slayers we reside in to our preferences. You may have noticed from Daiki's memories, but my dear friend Igneel seemed to be residing within a volcano, and a terrain filled with brimstone and magma when he was inside Natsu."

…Hmm, actually now that he brought it up Isobu did remember something like that. It was when Grandeeney tried to communicate with him if he remembered right from Daiki's memories.

"I see, so that's what that was about," Isobu smirked back at the flaming dragon, "If you could then, that would be splendid. The best bet would probably be making a large area in the shape of a modern world, with all the contraptions humans like the play with that implies. Would that be possible?"

"With Daiki's memories and thoughts it shouldn't be an issue," Atlas Flame replied, "I assume you'll want me to wall them off so they are stuck to that space and cannot interact with…or rather bother us?"

"If possible, that indeed would be preferable," Isobu mused, "Perhaps overlay the surroundings with golden clouds or some such thing? Humans would not react well after all to massive walls and such enclosing them."

"Humans are indeed quite silly like that." Atlas Flame chuckled as he pushed himself up on all fours and stretched out his limbs, before leaping into the air and taking flight, disappearing off into the vast distance of Daiki's massively expanded mindscape.

That was one issue taken care of at least.

"…That's absurd," Nana spoke again, staring after Atlas Flames' bright burning form as he left, a frown on her lips, "Do you realise what that sounded like to me?"

"A space to stash some annoying humans?" Isobu retorted, raising a non existent eyebrow.

Though he was deliberately being obtuse. He knew exactly what this implied. He'd already went through those thoughts just moments ago after all.

"An afterlife, a place of comfort. Heaven even considering the way Atlas Flame said he could basically mould it however he pleases," Nana bit her lip and continued staring after the dragon, a longing, sad look in her eyes, "Damnit…I should have pleaded with Daiki to take Tomura's quirk as well." she near sobbed, gloved hands curling into fists.

Tomura, as in Shigaraki, the fool who just tried to assassinate Daiki and was burnt out of existence like the useless pest he was?

"Why?" Isobu felt the need to inquire.

"…Because he was my grandson." Nana admitted after a moment, head bowing in defeat.

Isobu blinked, and resisted the urge to click his tongue. 'Well, there's another possible problem.'


Now how to deal with that?

He connected with Daiki's senses to speak with him-

"Oh god! It's so fucking big! Fuck, fuck fuck! Yes, yes! Fuck me more! Own this fat bunny ass daddy!"

Isobu immediately cut the senses of.

'Nope.' he decided.

This new problem could be totally dealt with later.

Damnit Daiki, why did he always have to desire to fornicate with women when he had serious matters to discuss?


