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"God I'm scrawny looking aren't I?" Yukio mused to himself as he examined himself in a shiny reflective surface, not quite a mirror but it was polished to the degree it could double as one.

"Release me human!!!" a howl of fury came from a few metres in front of him, followed by a roar of flame that splashed harmlessly against the reflective surface he was admiring himself within.

It came from the lizard hollow. Stuck within a large rectangular barrier he'd created to act as a cage for it, and the other nine hollow he'd captured. Unlike it, the others just continued to roar and thrash against the chains binding them, to no avail.

They were all currently within what he affectionally referred to as his command centre. It wasn't truly anything fancy, it was a huge spacious room with dark walls and gleaming dark blue tiles, and at the far end of the room was an absolutely massive futuristic super computer that allowed him to monitor everything within his Fullbring and control everything within it as well.

"Honestly, I'm pretty good looking to be honest." Yukio rubbed his chin, "Just a scrawny runt though." he added with a nod. That was probably mostly due to his bad living habits. He ate tons of junk food and had a horrible sleep schedule and never exercised.

Honestly it was probably only due to his spiritual energy he wasn't some fab completely unfit blob really.

He was much better looking than his other self, though build wise he didn't come close even if he was vastly stronger, "Yeah, no girl is gonna want to seriously go out with a runt like me." Yukio huffed in annoyance.

Honestly, before today that hadn't even been a thought he cared about. But he was two made one now, and with that came the desires and motivations of his other self.

'I'll need to work on that.' he mused. But it was easily fixable either way thanks to both his money and his power.

With a shrug, he turned away from the surface of the cage and walked around it to hop into the nice big comfy spinny gaming chair in front of the massive super computer, ignoring the obscenities and threats the lizard hollow spat at him.

"I'll destroy you human! I'll suck the marrow from your bones! I'll melt your very soul down before devouring it whole!" it howled in a rage, spitting hot fire.

Which did nothing because the hollow was just that weak.

It was neat though that it could breathe fire. Pretty cool actually. It made it almost look like a bootleg wingless dragon.

A drake? Wyvern?

Well, whatever.

'Time to experiment a little.' Yukio grinned, "Alright computer, take a scan of all of the hollows spiritual power and then mine, and use them to make a numerical reference scale."

The computer, prompted into action by his voice got right to work. And it wasn't long before it was complete.

In less than a minute, a scale of reference was created and displayed on a screen before him. Ten hollows in total, each with their picture displayed and a number below it.

37, 31, 36, 43, 25, 37,16, 42, 23.

Hmm, they were roughly all within the general range of each other. 'Well except for one stand out.' Yukio hummed, bright green eyes flickering over to the picture of the lizard hollow. Honestly, admiring it for a moment, Yukio admitted it was pretty intimidating looking. A pitch black leather quadruped body with massive, muscular legs, and a long spike tipped tale. The bone white mask atop its face, was in the shape of a lizard skull with red tribal markings across it, and at the top end flared out into a series of spikes reminiscent of a crown.


It was way stronger than the others. In fact, it had nearly more spiritual power than all the other ones put together. Using those nine as a reference point, he could conclude they were average? At least for those that had made it to the world of the living. Which meant the lizard hollow was quite a bit above average.

Perhaps it was close to evolving into a Gillian class hollow? Entering the stage of the Menos Grande?

'Then again, maybe not…' Yukio's thoughts trailed off as his green eyes flickered to a picture of himself at the end of the screen, and the number displayed below.


He was literally over a thousand times more powerful than the lizard hollow when it came to raw spiritual energy.

"I need more reference data before I can say just where I stand though." Yukio sighed, before shrugging.

Well, it did tell him one thing though. He was definitely more powerful than a gillian at the very least if he was a thousand times stronger than a well above average base hollow.

Which should put him at the very least on the level of an Adjuchas tier Menos Grande hollow.

"Well on to the next part then." Yukio bore a wide grin as he swivelled around in his chair to face the enclosed and caged hollows.

The reference data here was nice, but really he wanted these hollows for something entirely different, and their level of power was irrelevant to that desire.

Though they would be useless to him unless they possessed one specific ability.

Yukio clicked his fingers and above each and every single one of the ten hollows, polygon blades of hard light rippled into existence, before descending down and piercing through their backs.

"YOU BASTARD HUMAN!" the lizard hollows roar of pain and rage was almost drowned out by its fellows accompanying squeals, screeches, howls and more of pain themselves.

"My parents were married actually," Yukio replied, "Well, before they offed themselves at least." he added with a shrug.

Couldn't have happened to nicer people.

…Hmm wait, if his parents were dead, did that make him a bastard? No that didn't sound right.

The lizard hollow snarled in reply at his flippant response, before with a groan it succumbed to the stab wound piercing through its body and spilling its blood to the ground.

To Yukio's disappointment, he didn't see anything of what he hoped. Not a single one of the hollows regenerated from the stab wound he gave them.

There was one thing he'd found he could loot from hollows after killing them. Their masks.

He'd tossed them aside as trash in the past, because he didn't know any better. But with the knowledge of his other self, he knew just what kind of potent abilities one who gained the mask of a hollow gained.

The Vizard were proof enough of that.

"Guess I'll need to try and find some more." Yukio sighed in disappointment turning around in his chair. If he was going to take a hollow mask, and gain the power of a hollow through equipping it and binding it to himself, then he wanted one with Instant Regeneration.

Well, at the very least he could just feed the rest to the lizard hollow and keep it around for now to feed to whatever hollow he wanted later and power it up after he found one that matched his criteria and-

"Hm?" Yukio paused in his thoughts as he felt the reiryoku of the lizard hollow plunge down, almost dramatically so.

He swirled around in his chair and his eyes widened as he caught sight of steam hissing from the wound of the hollow, before bubbling flesh erupted into existence and covered the wound, sealing it shut.

"Well now, you really are a step above the average shmuck hollow huh?" Yukio praised with a single clap.

The lizard hollow, huffing out deep exhausted breaths, glared bloody murder at him through poisonous yellow eyes.

Yukio clicked his fingers and the chains binding the lizard hollow disappeared, "You hungry big guy?" the blonde boy grinned at it.

It growled lowly, "…Just what is your game human?" it bit out.

"Well if you're not hungry I guess I'll dispose of them then." Yukio shrugged and completely ignored the lizard hollows question. He clicked his fingers and hard light swords formed into existence above the other hollows, hovering like swords of Damocles.

"Wait!" it lurched, eyes wide with sudden panic as its free meal and strength boost was taken from it. It forced itself to its feet and lunged like a raving beast towards the nearest other hollow, a robust boar hollow with brown leathery skin and sank its maw into the boar hollows neck, drawing a squeal from it as green blood flashed through the air.

It tore the boar hollows throat out and devoured it bit by it, taking in its form and energy and adding it to its own. Before leaping towards the next, and then the next after that.

It was brutal and savage, visceral green blood stained the insides of the cage he'd trapped them in as the lizard hollow killed its brethren one by one and made their powers its own.

And the numerical indicator of energy it had below its picture on his computer screen rose higher and higher with each one it killed and devoured the body and soul of, taking their power for itself.

Until finally, it killed the last.

And the numerical indicator rose up to:


A pitiful number really compared to his own, but it had just more than doubled its strength through devouring those nine other hollows he served up to it.

As it finished it turned towards him, bone white mask covered in green mask and began laughing ominously, "I have no idea what your game is human, but you're going to regret giving me power like this," it bared its teeth at him in a hideous leer, "With this kind of strength, it won't be long before I reach it, the vaunted level of menos grande and you will rue the day you-URK!?" its threats were cut off and its poisonous yellow eyes bulged in shock, horror and pain.

That would be because of the hard light sword stabbed into its neck from above that he'd just formed, "Sure you will mate." Yukio laughed, and then the sword cleaved through.

And the decapitated head of the hollow dropped to the ground.

Its head stared at him in horror even in death.

…Second death?

Before Yukio activated his power and the body dissipated into dark smoke, the mask atop the head clattering to the ground as he banished the barrier. Curling his finger, Yukio manipulated the soul of the air itself between him and the mask and it flew through the air, jumping into his hand.

He examined it for a moment with a grin, taking in the extended snout leading into a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, the crimson markings over its forehead and snout, and the horns atop its back end that reminded him of a crown.

'Ironic how easy it is for me to get my hands on hollow powers.' Yukio laughed lightly. It was only this easy, because it was him, and because his power had a link to hollow power in the first place as a fullbringer.

He wouldn't be able to do something like this with a Zanpakuto or a Quincy's cross unfortunately. There were limits even to his power, unfortunately.

So no Shikai or Bankai or anything like that for him.

But hollow powers would certainly make up for it. Hollows after all, were the one race capable of devouring other spiritual beings and getting stronger from it.

"Well beyond the bount I guess." Yukio snorted, if they even actually existed and that wasn't just filler nonsense.

…Hmm actually, if they were real he might actually be able to use their dolls through manipulating the souls within them with his fullbringer powers.

Something to ponder on later.

He had more important things to do right now, "Equipment." he said aloud, and clicked his fingers.

A holographic display popped up in front of his vision, displaying a full three hundred and sixty degree model of himself. Small floating empty squares hovered over his body at various places. His head, his heck, his torso, his legs, his feet, his arms, his hands, his back and his fingers.

There was actually a lot of equipment slots. But, he just couldn't equip anything willy nilly to any spot. Like in the game Invaders Must Die, the equipment had to fit the body part.

A mask could obviously only be equipped in one place.

The head.

Lifting the mask in his hand, Yukio brought it up to the head slot and pressed the mask against.

And he shuddered as it submerged inside the display, and a picture of the mask appeared on the head equipment slot.

He could it immediately as it took root deep within him. Feel the foreign hollow spiritual energy deep within the depths of his soul.

Yukio let loose a deep breath, before grinning, "Let's try this out." he brought his hand to his face, his fingers forming into a claw shape, before dragging it across his face.

Black spiritual energy tinged with bright green exploded into existence, a familiar mask formed upon his face.

And strength flooded his veins.

"Oh yeaaaah!" Yukio cheered in relish, "That's what I'm talking about!"


Derek Palm

This is good but at the same time "bad, bad Jord" focus on your already existing stories

Gilgamesh Archer

I literally was just looking for a bleach fic yesterday. Nice! Thanks for the read


You could technically make him into an arrancar, couldn’t you? Arrancar are just hollows that remove their mask and seal their power into the form of a sword. Don’t think it’s ever mentioned that Aizen got them asauchi to imprint on so that should mean they’re pretty much like how Ichigo was for a majority of the series using a zanpakuto that wasn’t created from an asauchi until he went to see Nimaiya.