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"I'm sorry…?" Frieza's head tilted to the side, a bewildered look upon his countenance, his black painted lips tugging down into a confused frown, "What just happened?"

I snapped my fingers and yoinked my new mafubamons balls back into my hand with a quick jolt of telekinesis, twirling them atop my finger tips, "I captured them in mafubaballs obviously Frieza, get with the program," I snorted, "I'm a mafubamon trainer. And catch mafubamons to train up and battle other mabufamon trainers and their mafubamons."

"That explains absolutely nothing," Frieza replied blandly, completely unconcerned, "Some form of slavery where you pit slaves against one another in a fight I assume? Quite a novel way of doing it using such odd magic and devices. But I'm going to need to to let Zarbon and Dodoria, I need them pilot my ship assuming you've killed everyone else on your way here."

"Not all of them," Bulla shrugged, wide grin still on her face, "Just most. Now hurry up and transform into this final form crap I've heard so much about so I can beat you up and eat your tail at your best."

Frieza rolled his eyes in annoyance and floated up out of his floating high tech lazy boy chair to stand in front of Bulla, "I do wonder how you came to know such knowledge, but I suppose it's no big issue," the tiny alien emperor shrugged, "There is no need for me to transform and unveil my true power for you little girl with a big mouth. Let me tell you, in even in this form my power level is five hundred and thirty thousand, now goodbye."

He lifted one finger up, purple light shining into existence as a Death Beam lanced out from his finger tip.

Which zoomed over and splashed harmlessly against Bulla's forehead with nothing to show for it.

Frieza blinked, "…What?"

"Performance issues?" Bulla smirked at him, arms crossed, "I hear that's quite common amongst the elderly, and from what I've heard you're getting on in years right?"

Frieza's eyes narrowed, "Who the hell are you?"

"The sexiest girl the galaxy has ever seen," Bulla's smirk became even smugger somehow and she flashed Frieza a piece sign, "Lemme tell you tiny emperor Frieza, a power of five hundred thousand or so, isn't really worth bragging about. Hell I don't even know my power level, but I know it's way higher than yours. And mine doesn't even come close to daddy over there." she jabbed her thumb over her shoulder at me.

"It's just shy of sixty three million." I explained as I stowed away my new mafubamons balls and strolled over, "Not quite as high as Frieza here at his maximum, he can hit a hundred and twenty million."

Of course going unsaid was that I was talking about Bulla's base form.

Freiza's eyes almost bugged out, "Inconceivable," he hissed, "The only ones in this universe with power like that are myself and my family, if swine as powerful as that were to appear we would know about it and-"

He trailed off as his eyes flickered down and landed on something behind me. To be specific, the lime green monkey tail hanging from my backside.

"…A saiyan tail….?" he trailed off, before his frown returned, "No that gaudy colour of your hair and the tail itself does not fit."

His eyes zipped back up to meet mine, "…Just who are you?" he demanded, "How do you know so much about me?"

"Actually, I am saiyan, as is Bulla here," I smirked back at him, throwing an arm around her shoulder and leaning on her as I smugged at Frieza, "But you're not dealing with your average saiyan warrior when it comes to me Frieza."

"So I missed a few more then?" Frieza scoffed, relaxing, "No matter, I'll clean you up nice and quick and be done with you. No saiyan could ever hope to reach the nonsense level strength you just spouted!"

He spread his arms out and yelled loudly, a purple aura blazing into life around his body and the entire spaceship beginning to quake. His body began to pulse with deep purple light, like shining veins that spread across his entire form-

Before suddenly, he exploded.

Or energy did.

And the shell of bio armour around his body, suppressing his power. Shards of bio armour went flying in a gleam of purple power.

And when it died down a second later, it was to show Frieza, his form changed. Taller, sleeker. His entire body bone white, his horns gone, and purple gems atop his head, chest and shoulders.

Frieza's true form.

"You asked for it you filthy monkeys," Frieza laughed, "It's been to long since I unleashed my true form, and now you will-"

Beep beep beep.

He was cut off by the beeping noise coming from my scouter, as I examined his battle power, "Only eighty million huh?" I tsked in disappointment.

So that big muscle up thing really was just a variation of the Ultra form, huh? Giving him a fifty percent boost in power.

"Only!?" Frieza shrieked, outrage in his voice and a palpable rage blazing in his eyes, "You dare look down upon me? Lord Frieza? And how do you even have a scouter capable of reading a power level as high as mine!?"

I ignored him as I blitzed forward before he could react. Dragging Bulla around with me, I palmed Frieza's face and- "Kai Kai." I declared.

And a moment later the world changed around us as we appeared within my own personal dimension. Specifically out in one of the larger pieces of land that had formed over time through the dimensions ever expanding growth from my constant power seeping into it.

I dropped Frieza to the ground where he immediately bounced up, head whipping around wildly, "What in the blazes!?" he gaped, "Where have you taken me you filthy monkey?"

I ignored him and turned to Bulla, "He's useless to us right now to be honest," I shrugged, "He's a shit fighter right now and has never trained a day in his life. Even without powering up you could beat him despite the power gap."

"I can still take his tail and eat it though, right?" Bulla asked quickly with a pout, "I want that cool bio armour stuff as well!"

"Yeah, though we should make sure you get the most out of it as you can and-"

"YOU DARE IGNORE LORD FRIEZA!?" a shriek came from the side of me as Frieza roared forward and smashed his fist into my cheek.

Which did nothing as I kept talking, not even budging an inch, "I'll power him up a bit and unlock his potential, though once it evens out he'll probably be too much for you." I told her, even as I lashed out with my elbow and caught Frieza square in the nose.

Crack went his nose as he was sent rolling ass over tea kettle like a rapid tumbleweed across the plains, "GLFRHFGGHJHL!" he sputtered as he came to a stop in a crater a few hundred feet away, laying in a daze and staring up at the sky, his face bloody and crushed a bit inwards.

I dented his face with a love tap.

"Eh, I can take him." Bulla shrugged uncaringly.

"Alright then." I laughed and zipped over to land over the emperor of the universe who stared up unseeingly at the sky, mumbling gibberish to himself.

…Did I give him a concussion?


Honestly, what even is my power level right now actually that a love tap did this to him? I haven't measured it in a while. Not to mention I'm still in my Legendary Super Saiyan Three form, the longer I stay in it and get used to it, the easier it'll be to use like all other super saiyan forms.

I tapped the scouter and measured myself.

Beep, beep, beep!

And then I blinked at the number the scouter landed on, "Huh."


'Just shy of twenty three trillion, huh?' I hummed. That…that was something alright. Especially since I could push my power six times higher between my mystic saiyan form and the ultra bio form-

Hell I could even put it a little higher with the Four Witches Technique. Which gave a roughly one point two times multiplier--

If my math is right, with all of them, I'd be just over one hundred and sixty trillion in battle power.

….That was a big number.

…How strong exactly were the likes of Golden Frieza and stuff in the super timeline? Were they even this strong?

And this isn't even taking into account I should get a one hundred times boost over that with super saiyan four. With that, wouldn't I jump to like over ten quadrillion.

I wonder just how that would measure up to the super crap? I'm sure I could at least take the battle of gods clown Goku on right now.


Whatever, not that I need to deal with any of that for now.

I hope.

It depends on where I end up with my next jaunt through time.

But right now, I have other things to do. Reaching down, I grabbed the concussed Frieza by the throat and lifted him up, releasing healing ki from my hand into his body and healing him.

Awareness returned to Frieza's eyes as he was healed and a snarl tore from his lips, "What have you done to me monkey?! Let me go at once!" he demanded, hands lashing out with mountain crushing force and smashing into my face.

Which I ignored, "So Frieza, would you rather be a tree decoration or a mafubamon?" I asked, holding my other hand out and opening up a portal.

Which a golden butt shaped peach fell out of into my waiting palm.

"Excuse me, wh-" Frieza froze and began to demand, but as soon as he opened his mouth I stuffed the Yemma fruit down his gob and forced him to swallow it.

I dropped him to the ground as he choked and spluttered trying to swallow the whole fruit, a purple tinge appearing across his face-

Before finally he managed to swallow it through sheer force of will and not choke on it.

And power exploded from his body as the fruit settled within him and doubled his full power.

My scouter began beeping rapidly as his battle power of eighty million, swelled to one hundred and sixty million.

"…What is this?!" Frieza gasped, staring in awe at himself, his hands trembling, "Such power! So exquisite!" he rose up with a nasty smarmy grin on his face and looked at me-

"Some form of poisoned fruit?" he smugly laughed, "Yet it failed to hurt me. In fact, it seems your pitiful attempt has merely just unlocked some more depths of my sublime hidden strength and made me even stronger. Quake in your boots monkey as I-"

He was cut off as my hand covered his face and shut him up, bodily lifting him into the air. He shrieked into my palm and flailed around wildly, to no avail.

"How much is a hundred sixty trillion in the old Roshi scale actually?" I wondered idly. Over a trillion Roshi's?

Well whatever.

Shrugging to myself, I spread my magic out and reached deep into Frieza's core. And unlocked his potential.

The results were immediate.

The world began quaking around us as his body exploded with power, his ki roaring forth like a blazing purple ocean of death as his power swelled to all new levels of strength that Frieza probably hadn't ever even dreamed of at this point.

Beep, beep, beep went my scouter as it read his new immediate unlocked battle power level.


One point six billion. And it continued to rise and would until it levelled out later on.

By my estimates, he'll at least hit ten billion.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I can feel it, such power! I don't understand what is going on but I don't care you dumb monkey, give me more!" Frieza cackled into my palm, his body shaking and convulsing in what looked like lewd orgasmic pleasure.



Alright, first post of the month. The 1/10 at least restarts. But honestly, I'm kind of pissed. Patreon has once again implemented another dumbarse update. Now when you copy and paste things from other mediums like docs and such, it removes line spaces. So now I'm gonna have to fix the format of every update I make, wasting time.

Why do they keep making such dumb fucking updates? They just make everything less convenient for everybody.



Hey I was charged twice one on the 30 and one on the 1st

James French

Thanks for the chap!!