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The colours bled away abruptly not long later, surprisingly quickly actually. Much quicker than the other times Daiki had went through the void between worlds.

As such, he was not prepared.

And was deposited hard on his ass.

"Ow." Daiki uttered in annoyance, standing up with a wince. Honestly, it was a wonder there wasn't a crater shaped like his ass in the ground with how hard that annoying portal bastard thing deposited him wherever he was.

As he stood up though, something interesting met his ears.

The sound of traffic, and as he took in where he was, he noticed he was in the middle of a cramped alleyway.

'A modern world?' he thought, a bit interested.

And a bit disappointed. A modern world like this? Well, probably didn't have many strong people around, but oh well.

He may as well check it out quickly at least.

Then he frowned as a specific scent met his nose, something he easily picked up thanks to his dragon slayer senses.

The scent of blood, not far away.

It smelled old though, faint.

Daiki sniffed the air a few times, "Four people where it's coming from," he noted, "Three males, one girl and she smells pretty young, coming from…"

He turned around to face the other side of the alleyway and his gaze sharpened.

One slimly built grown man, dressed in black with a green jacket and some odd mask that looked like something a plague doctor would wear back in the day.

Two teenagers, one older than the other.

The shorter had a frizzled mess of green hair and had a decently stocky build and was dressed in some odd green get up. While the other, was a taller blonde with a broader build, dressed in spandex.

A super hero costume?

'…This better not be DC or something.' Daiki grimaced at the thought. If it was, he was definitely wrong about there not being anybody strong to fight.

In the worst way possible and would be jumping right back through that portal to another dimension.

And that green haired kid was familiar somehow.

That said he didn't care about him either way right now, his eyes were more focused on the fourth of the group of people and the one he could tell the blood was coming from. A little girl, small, with long greasy white hair and terrified crimson red eyes. Dressed in a ragged sheet or gown that couldn't even be considered clothing-

And her body covered in bandages.

Bandages that definitely were not fresh going by what he could smell.

He could literally see the tension between them. The hell was going on there?

Usually, not a thing he'd honestly get involved in. If some randomers were going to fight it out.

Not his business.

…But that kid.

She was no kunoichi in training, definitely not. And he highly doubted the kids of this world, were anything like his own, like him.

She was a real proper child.

And she was terrified.

And definitely abused.

That made him want to go punch the cause of whatever caused it all. In the face.

And turn their face into paste.

So Daiki began walking towards that end of the alleyway, a good two hundred feet away. He had no idea why this alley way was so big and long, but he also didn't really care.

As he approached, Daiki noted that the familiar green haired boy who now had an odd bat-bunny like hood up now, let go of the girl and let her run to the weirdo in the mask.

He saw him hesitate and reach out for her, before giving up.

Instinct deep within him, made him annoyed by the choice the green haired boy made.

Especially because the fear in the girl was so palpable, he could smell it in the air with his advanced senses.

The man, hand wrapped around the girls arm turned to him, and it was then they met eyes.

And Daiki stared into him.

Peered into the depths of the mans mind with his Shinkugan. Sifting through his entire life as easily as one could breathe, not a defence in his mind at all.

And he saw.


"Excuse me," Kai Chisaki, Overhaul began when he noticed him, "Can you let me and my daughter passed you plea-"

That was as far as he got.

Before his head came free of his neck, the decapitated corpse skull flinging lightly through the air and landed with a meaty splat besides the two heroes.

Hand out stretched, Daiki felt satisfaction well through him as the headless corpse of the child abusing sick piece of shit toppled limp to the ground, a fountain of blood spurting from the wound only a moment later as it fell.

That was how quickly he died.

The girl Eri blinked, and stared.

Confusion apparent in her eyes.

And the same could be said for the two heroes. Who let Overhaul just walk away with her, despite the fact that according to what Overhaul thought, they both definitely knew he was up to no good.

Daiki honestly didn't care about them at all.

He kneeled down in front of, "Heya, Eri," he smiled gently, warmly down at her, the same kind of smile he'd give Hanabi, placing a hand gently atop her head, "I'm Daiki, I've come to save you."

"Ah….eh?" Eri made multiple sounds of confusement, her head tilting to look at the corpse of Overhaul, before back to him, and just could not seem to process it.

The horn on her head sparked with golden light.

Her quirk.


An obscenely powerful ability.

"Shh shh shh, it's okay baby girl." Daiki stroked her head gently and whispered soothingly. Before his other hand came up and pinched a nerve in her neck.

Her pretty scarlet red eyes rolled up into the back of her head, and Eri passed out, falling into his waiting arms.

"You…you killed him!" an accusation came from the side as he stood up with Eri in his arms.

The blonde was trembling, a mish mash of horror and anger upon his face, "Why…why would you do that?!" he demanded.

Daiki ignored him and kicked Chisaki's corpse up into the air, which he caught in his palm and absorbed it into his dimension force seal.

That quirk of his would be very useful to him in the future. It was outright bodily manipulation of the highest order. Biokinesis. No, not even just that. Rather, full molecular control over solid and liquid material. The scope and range of it was not massive, or big really, but the sheer control and effect it had on what it could, was astounding.

And with that done, Daiki leaped into the air and landed atop the one of the buildings beside the alley, over a hundred feet up.

Then he touched his palm to Eri's forehead and with a flare of chakra, a seal formed. A simple seal, sealing off her quirk and stopping it from activating.

And he formed a shadow clone, passing Eri into his copies arms, "Take her inside, patch her up and look after her." he ordered.

"Gotcha," the other Daiki nodded, "Sunpo." he declared, and disappeared into Isobu's dimension alongside Eri.

It was a testament to the smouldering rage both he and his clone were currently processing, that he didn't even make a quip or anything.

What Chisaki…no Overhaul had done to Eri. It was sickening. Monstrous. Right out of the most messed up shit the likes of Orochimaru had done.

His quirk, Overhaul he called it. He'd wanted to use it to make bullets and other weapons and such out of Eri's flesh, containing her quirk factor, the origin of peoples quirks in their body…to rewind people who got hit with them, and take their quirks from them.

And in the process, he'd mutilated that little girl. Not once. Not twice, not even three times.

Hundreds of times.

Thousands actually. So many times they all blurred together in Daiki's head.

But that wasn't even the worst of it. He'd literally unmade her. Tore her apart at the very base of her being, turned her from a person into just a mass of cells.

And then remade her again.

Multiple times.

He'd killed her.


And over.

And over again.

Daiki felt his breathing pick up. His gaze snapping to the side and vision zooming in on a target.

A blocked off mansion.

The base of the Shie Hassakai.

His gang, his pathetic little followers that helped him every step of the way. Red chakra bubbled around him and he wanted to do it.

He wanted to enter Bijuu Mode right fucking now.

And Tailed Beast Bomb everything in that area out of fucking existence!

Isobu cut off the flow.

For the best really.

But the rage remained.

Even in all his time as a shinobi, even after taking hundreds of lives himself and killing quite a few people in gruesome ways. Even after everything he'd saw, the things he had to prepare himself for that at his core invoked a sheer terror that would make him wake up at night and vomit if not for how he'd deluded himself into believing his own hype.

Never before had he felt so sickened.

And so angry.

If Madara Uchiha popped down here right now, with Kaguya and the fucking Juubi beside him, he was sure he could go right fucking through them all right now, strength be damned.

"Stop!" a voice shouted, and his head turned just in time to see that familiar green haired hero land on the roof.

And then the blonde one phased through the roof as if it weren't even there to stand beside them, "Hand over the girl murderer and surrender." the older blonde ordered.

Oh look.

A pair of punching bags.

"Wait…" the green haired boy gained a confused look and his head whipped around wildly, "Where is Eri? What have you done with her!?" he demanded, his fists coming to bare in a frankly amateurish stance, one foot slid forward.

It looked like a mangled absolute failure of a kick boxing stance, like he'd seen someone do it in front of him and just tried to copy it. But got it completely wrong beyond some general positioning.

His eyes flickered over to the blonde and he peered inside. And he snorted. Pathetic. Then his eyes went to the green haired boy.

And he did the same.

Izuku Midoriya.


All Might.

One For All.

All For One.

Ah, Daiki remembered him now. The new supposed titular shounen hero. The one people were talking about being the new and improved version of Naruto. So relateable. So kind. So heroic.

Such a great hero.

He'd read the manga for it up to its end before he'd ended up where he was, where it had gotten at least. Some stupid sports festival that was a complete knock off of the Chunin Exams.

The only interest he'd had in it at that point, had been the main love interest girl and the other ones in the class because they looked good.

This piece of trash wasn't man enough to clean the dirt off of Naruto's boots! Because, he knew just from what he saw briefly glancing into their minds.

'They were going to abandon Eri and let Chisaki take her.' he sneered derisively. Because they had a mission.

Rules. Regulations. Laws. Orders. Punishments?

Even if it was the Hokage himself ordering him to back down under threat of torture and death. Naruto would never have backed down and let someone he wanted to save suffer in front of him.

That was the kind of guy Naruto was. And the kind of guy Daiki could respect despite all of his sheer idiocy and pathetic moments.

Nothing at all, like this pathetic little piece of trash pretender to the name.

"None of your god damn business, you useless Deku." Daiki bared his teeth.



Thanks for the chapter


Man he killed overhaul on sight! Yeah he could have played with him a bit but at least he prioritize getting eri, away from him indefinitely


considering what overhaul intended to do with eri, death on sight is an absolute mercy on daiki's part, legit, orochimaru is sick and twisted, but thats just fucked

God of Wind 200

And that’s why I hate Deku because compared to other protagonist his background story is pathetic