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It was almost sad really.

Just how easy it was for him to literally waltz into Romalia and take down the Holy Pope and his familiar. And then waltz right over into Gallia and do the very same to its king, and his familiar.

"They sure don't make Void mages and familiars like they use ta'." Derflinger snorted from where he was sheathed on Daiki's back.

It hadn't even taken all that time to infiltrate both countries and take them. The countries here were pretty small compared to back home. Even putting Tristan, Gallia, Albion and Romalia together, they weren't even half the size of the Land of Fire.

With the Mysterious Peacock Method to fly, he had literally done all this in less than an hour.

Daiki shrugged, "Were you expecting any different?" he asked with a roll of his eyes, looking down at the four unconscious people in front of him.

A svelte blonde pretty boy that could have passed for a woman. A younger, pale and slightly stockier blonde. A broad blue haired man, and a beautiful voluptuous dark haired woman.

She was pretty hot Daiki would admit, but she had nothing on Mirajane. She was a massive fucking cunt from what he remembered though, so he didn't have any problem feeding her to this supposed Ancient Dragon to power it up.

Wait, actually-

"Does it get stronger from feeding the void familiars to it as well?" Daiki asked curiously.

"Nah," Derflinger denied, "Honestly partner, why don't you just yoink their powers as familiars too? They might not be the Gandaldr and get to partner me with, but mastery over all magical items and control over all beasts is pretty decent as far as powers go."

Magical items maybe, but he remembered Julios' power over beasts from the show. He couldn't even control the Ancient Dragon.

If the power couldn't even control such a weak beast by his standards, it wasn't really worth taking.

And he said as such.

"Well the power from what I remember is based on the willpower of the familiar that uses it partner," Derflinger replied, "Maybe he's just lacking in it?"

"The Mind of God powers have their runes appear on the users foreheads." Daiki added.

'We both know that isn't an issue, you could hide them easily with your seals.' Isobu snorted.

…Alright fine, so he actually didn't really care and just wanted to go back and seduce Henrietta. Then get her into Louise's school uniform and blow her back out.

It wouldn't really be much of an issue, he already had an idea for a seal that would let him steal those runes. For one, they and the Gandalfr runes were originally supposed to come from the same origin. So he could use his own runes as a focal point to basically drag their runes towards him.

"Didn't you wanna get a good fight already?" Daiki asked the weapon spirit on his back.

"Eh, I can wait a little bit more." Derflinger replied with a chuckle.

"Fine, fuck it." Daiki rolled his eyes again and held his hand out, summoning his sealing brush and ink.


It took an hour and twenty minutes to complete the seal, after directing the hundreds of clones within Isobu's dimension towards it.

Which was really more total to a bit over sixteen days really, but whatever.

Standing over the unconscious bodies of Julio and Sheffield, both laying within a seal painted over the ground, Daiki brought his hands into the ram hand sign, "Seal!" he declared aloud.

The seal lit up with bright blue light, at the same time the Gandalfr runes on his left hand did the same. And then the runes on Sheffields forehead and on Julio's right hand, did the same.

Before promptly fizzling away.

And appearing on Daiki's own.

They glowed for a moment, before disappearing altogether from view, the Gandalfr runes with them, hidden away.

"Alright, that'll do," Daiki nodded to himself, just like the Gandalfr runes, he could feel as the powers integrated within him, but he ignored it and looked at the two now normal humans. He took in a deep breath, chest expanding, before-

"Hellfire Dragon's Roar!"

He opened his mouth wide and unleashed a massive torrent of blindingly hot flames that swept over the unconscious two.

And when he closed his mouth and cut off the flames, all that was in their place was a deep twenty foot pit of molten rock from where the sheer heat of his dragon fire melted the ground, and them away entirely.

"Jeez partner, you really show no mercy huh?" Derflinger mused aloud.

Daiki shrugged, "The bitch happily caused a war that got thousands of innocents killed and Julio was in support of his master in invading another world," he replied without remorse, "I'm not exactly a good guy, but there's lines and getting innocent people involved is where I pretty much draw the line."

It was literally one of the only reasons why the main plan to deal with the likes of Stone and Cloud back home, wasn't sniping their villages from afar with Bijuudama's through the use of the Shinkugan. to get him their undetected.

But rather a last resort kind of thing.

"Fair enough partner, fair enough," Derflinger replied, "So anyway, let's go beat up old rock face for fun!"

Yeah, that sounded a lot more appealing right now.

Making his way over to the unconscious forms of the pope of Romalia and king of Gallia, Daiki grabbed them by the scruffs of their neck and casually dragged them towards their destination like a pair of trash bags.

Specifically towards the form of a large rocky outcropping that looked more akin to a small mountain than anything else.

But in reality, was actually the Ancient Dragon itself just resting. Its entire body according to Derflinger was covered in a rocky armour and its real body was actually more like molten magma.

It was like a bigger, massively weaker more solid and vastly less intelligent version of Atlas Flame.

'Well, not wrong I suppose.' Atlas Flame mused.

"So anything to be on the lookout for?" Daiki asked the weapon spirit on his back as he walked towards the slumbering Ancient Dragon.

"Eh, not really," Derflinger denied, wiggling a bit on his back as if shaking a non existent head, "Its got flame breath like most dragons, but its more magma. Its armour ain't anything that can stop us, weaker dragons like familiar ones can be controlled by it pretty easy…oh and it has that whole anti magic thing going on. It pretty much lets it negate any power it has access to, but old rock face only has Willpower, so not like it can do the same to our chakra or anything like that."

Daiki paused, "Wait….what?" he blinked.

"Yeah yeah, it can't stop you at all to be honest, I mean even if it did have chakra or something you'd probably be able to punch it to death pretty easy as well and-"

"No," Daiki cut off Derflinger, "What do you mean it can negate power it has access to? How'd you know that?"

"Oh, cuz it didn't use to have magic or willpower or whatever," Derflinger just laughed, "Honestly, we have no idea where this guy even came from. He just popped up one day a little after Brimir got killed and was pretty weak and tiny back then, its little smoky miasma didn't do anything beyond look smoky, course then it managed to kill a void mage cuz that guy was a moron and basically eat him and take his power and after that its miasma got the ability to negate willpower."

"And you didn't think this was important to bring up first?!" Daiki gaped.

'And you didn't think that would interest us!?' Isobu was pure stunned.

'Say that first you dumb sword!' Atlas Flame roared.

"Ey now, calm down pals," Derflinger huffed, "What's so interesting about it anyway? Not like it can effect any of us now anyway!"

"No, but if it gets access to those powers it could!" Daiki shot back.

"How's it gonna do that? Unless you plan on letting it eat ya' or something." Derflinger replied, "…You aren't are ya, cuz that would be dumb."

'No you dumb sword,' Atlas Flame's eye roll could literally be felt within Daiki's mind, 'But Daiki has those powers, and if he seals it inside himself like he has done with Isobu and myself, then he can take its power for himself.'

'…To think such a weak world would have such a potent ability within it,' Isobu murmured, 'If Daiki gains access to it, he could negate not only the magic of this world, but ethernano, aura and even chakra! And the power of any other world we end up in and gain access to! Daiki would become near unbeatable!'

"Eh, it's not that great," Derflinger replied, sounding a little pouty, "How'd you think we beat this thing before? It can't do it indefinitely, it drains a ton of stamina from it to use, hit it with enough spells and power and the miasma gets smaller and smaller."

'Daiki's stamina will not just be his own though, it will be mine, and Atlas Flame's and the Ancient Dragons itself,' Isobu replied, 'Besides, even at that, the ability to negate on some things is incredible in of itself. Daiki, I will rarely ever say something like this. But you must go beat that dragon up and stuff it inside here with us.'

"But I wanna kill him!" Derflinger whined, "He's the only thing worth fighting here and I've got a bone to pick with him for eating my wielders…and me a bunch of times!"

"How about we go some other world then?" Daiki offered, "I've already left a return seal on Louise's ass, we can come back any time. We'll just pop over to another world real quick, see if anyone is worth fighting and come back after we do."

"…It has to be someone strong then partner, someone we can get a real good fight out of!" Derflinger relented.

"Fine, fine fine," Daiki rolled his eyes, "We'll take a jump or two, see if there's anyone worth fighting. And if not, well there's always Acnologia I suppose."

"Dunno who that is, but fine with me then," Derflinger agreed, "Let's go get you a big stupid rock dragon dinner special then partner!"

Well, at least that was dealt with.

Anti power huh? That made him think of a certain spiky haired unfortunate lad who he was a big fan of.

…Daiki hoped he never ended up in that universe.


Even if best girl existed there.

"So, how do I wake this guy up exactly Derf?" Daiki asked, resuming the walk over to the slumbering rocky form of the Ancient Dragon.

…He'd need to think up a good name for it actually.

Like Bob or Billy Bob.

Or maybe Samantha?

"Eh, just give him a hard hit and jolt him awake," Derflinger wiggled and replied, "A good kick in the head oughta do it."

You know, this was why he could totally vibe with Derflinger. They had a similar thought process in a lot of ways.

"Alright." Daiki nodded, stepping forward-

And then disappearing from sight in a blur of raw speed and a second later a thunderous impact rocked the area as he smashed the bottom of his heel into the front of the mountain like and slumbering dragon.

Rock and debris went flying as his foot outright pulverized a massive chunk of the mountainous exterior.

And Daiki found his foot suddenly right within bubbling magma.

Not that it bothered him beyond losing his boot.

He was a Hellfire Dragon Slayer after all, the heat from the magma felt nice and toasty really.

A roar shook the air a second later as he pulled his foot back, the burning remains of his boot falling away as he did so.

And he looked up as the mountain like exterior exploded, massive dark wings clad in rocky armour erupting from it, debris and massive rocks falling as it rose up and up.

And then it was revealed in its entirety to him, a gigantic dragon that would tower over even Atlas Flame staring down at him with a trio of gleaming bright venomous yellow eyes.

The Ancient Dragon opened its massive maw wide open, a spiralling dark miasma wafting from every point of its body and cloaking it in its entirety and roared in pure rage at him.

"Here, have some breakfast." Daiki simply replied.

And with a jerk of his arms, tossed the king and the pope held in his hands high into the air, with pinpoint accuracy.

And straight down its gullet.

It swallowed them whole, and the miasma around its body spiked slightly in size.

"So do you prefer Bob, Billy Bob or Samantha?" Daiki asked, smiling up at the Ancient Dragon.

Who proceeded to roar and unleash a massive wave of red hot magma down towards him, that swept over his form and blotted him from sight.



Thanks for the chapter bud. Our main man would definitely need to be much more op before he should consider going there. Lots of broken bs in that world.