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"…So soft."

Emerald muttered to herself, gliding her hand across the smooth quilt of a double bed. In one the six, six! bedrooms in Daiki's home left to him by his parents.

He'd told her to pick whatever one she wanted, it was hers now. Her own room. It felt almost surreal.

Even after everything Daiki revealed to her, even after he kissed her! It still felt like a dream.

The room was huge. A double bed with a real proper and not all ratty mattress, a wardrobe, a bed side table, even a television mounted on the wall!

Even if she wanted to, she could never own her own apartment or house legitimately, she didn't have any legal ID. She was just some street rat dumped by her bum parents that she couldn't even remember at this point.

The most luxurious place she'd stayed in was the apartment of her 'ex', which was completely decrepit and the building had to be taken down not long ago because it was a building hazard. The mattress then had springs sticking out of it, and the walls were mouldy, the tap water was literally brown.

…Nothing that compared to this at all.

She was warm, her belly was full.

And she felt so clean. She'd had a bath. A full on legit, warm relaxing bath. Not wiping herself down in a public bathroom sink.

She was even wearing comfier clothes than the ragged gear she'd had on before. Albeit, it was just a large grey tank top and a pair of shorts lent to her by Daiki that would have fallen down already if she hadn't tied them as tightly as they could go.

"You know, you look pretty good in my clothes, it's kinda sexy." a voice spoke up from behind her.

Looking over her shoulder, Emerald found Daiki leaning on the entrance of the room, a scroll held in his grab and a big smile on his face, "How's the room?" he asked.

She smiled back almost instinctively, her heart jumping in her chest happily, "It's amazing, it almost feels like a dream." Emerald replied.

"Well, that's good," he chuckled and pushed off the door frame and walked over to her, "But don't settle for just this, like I said before, in the future I'll be stinking rich, so I'll let you enjoy the most luxurious places in the world all you want then."

…She'd be perfectly happy with just this, and him, but if that was what he wanted. "Alright," Emerald shrugged, before blinking as he held the scroll in his hand up to her, "What's this for?"

"You don't have a scroll right?" Daiki raised an eyebrow, and when she nodded he continued, "This is my moms old one, it's an older model for now but it'll work fine until we can get you a better one. I've scrubbed all her data so you can set it all up for yourself and do whatever you want with it."

"Wait…really?" Emerald's eyes went wide and she gasped, "For me?" she bit her lip as she felt moistness burn at the side of her eyes, before blinking it away.

"Yeah, of course, you'll need one so we can communicate, my number is already in it by the way," he nodded, "Also, the details for my bank account. You can go online and order clothes and stuff for yourself, I'd just take you shopping but I'm probably gonna be busy for the next few days."

On top of everything else, on top of giving her a place of her own, a scroll of her own, he was even letting her use his money to buy clothes? "Wait," she blinked, "What do you mean busy for the next few days?"

That was more important than her sappy emotions because he was spoiling her.

"I'm going to see about doing a mission or two to earn some extra cash, so I'll be gone for a few days," Daiki told her, "You can relax here while I'm away, and chill out for a bit."

No that was wrong.

"Aren't I supposed to help you?" she asked, eyebrows rising into her hairline, "That's my whole point of being here right? I can come, I can fight grimm."

She didn't doubt he would be fine on his own. Especially after he told her exactly what his Semblance could really do, and his plans with it, which were absolutely mind boggling…just like everything else about him.

But her place was to be at his side now, right?

"I don't doubt it," Daiki smiled at her, "But I don't think my clothes will do you well for going out to fight grimm." he said, amused, eyes taking her in form.

And his eyes lingering on the cleavage she was displaying in the gap at the top of the tank top.

"…I can just use my other stuff." she pointed out.

And she wasn't pouting.

"I tossed those rags out," Daiki snorted, "You deserve way better clothes than that, which is why you should stay here and order whatever you want to wear from this point on, you can spend up to a thousand lien."

….A thousand lien!? She'd never even held more than two hundred lien in her own two hands.

Her jaw dropped.

"…You're just trusting me to stay in this place alone, and giving me access to that money? While you go off alone?" Emerald couldn't help but ask.

"Well I wouldn't do it for just anyone, but you're the partner I chose for myself," Daiki told her straight up, "Every huntsman student at the main academies usually gets a partner of their own when they start there. I just picked my own in advance."

Her legs almost felt shaky. He was dropping too much bombs on her, she needed to get herself under control.

Her emotions were a whirl. She couldn't suppress a smile that split her face, and she was warm, and her heart was beating fast and tingly butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

…This kid…!

'His partner, huh?'

Emerald forced herself to swallow heavily, "…Okay," she agreed, and forced a smirk on her face, "So…ordering clothes huh? I suppose that maid uniform will be part of what I'm supposed to get?"

"Definitely," Daiki snorted in agreement, eagerly nodding his head and his gleaming with excitement, "That, and you should get yourself some gear that'll do in combat too if you wanna follow me into a fight later."

"…Still feels weird that you're just letting me stay here while you're away, but alright, if that's what you want," Emerald sighed in defeat, then gave him a little grin, "So maid outfit then? I know you said thigh thighs and pleated skirt, but anything else you want?"

She wasn't an idiot and knew full well what was going to happening going forward. Especially when she got that maid outfit. He was going to fuck her. A lot.

She wasn't at all averse to it.

In fact, part of Emerald wished instead of heading out, he would stay and take her right here and now. Fuck her until her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she cried his name to the skies above.

…And then, maybe even cuddle with her? She'd never been properly cuddled before. She could almost still feel it, the warmth of his hand on her chin, his lips against hers.

She had no idea she could even feel like this, but Emerald found herself wanting it. To be bedded silly by this kid, no Daiki and then all asleep in his strong, warm arms.

"Make it lacy?" he suggested, and then his grin returned, "Actually get yourself a nice little bikini while you're at it."

…Well she'd obviously need to get underwear as well, she didn't have any. So, she could get that then as well.

"Alright," Emerald agreed with a smile, "Anything else? Maybe want me to call you master?"

"Maybe once you get the maid outfit," he fired back, before pausing and tapping his chin, "Actually, there is one thing, Do you know anybody that would be able to get me a ton of used up lightning dust crystals? Or know anybody that wants to buy them for cheaper prices?"

Something for her to do for him?

"I can think of a few that might, and if they don't I'll find out any others." Emerald promised, jumping on board immediately.

Off the top of her head she knew there was a junkyard where a lot of people went to dump used up dust crystals, amongst other trash.

"If you can, that'll be great! It'll speed things up massively!" he beamed, before suddenly sweeping her up into a massive hug.

"Daiki!" Emerald gasped, before giggling.


Yeah, this was where she belonged now.


'You're fucked Cinder.'

And not in the good way.

There was a massive smug grin on Daiki's face as he walked down the streets of Vale, twenty minutes after leaving his home behind.

He had really played with fire there…but it definitely worked out. In fact, it had worked out better than he could have ever even imagined.

Was it manipulative and scummy of him using his knowledge of Emerald and her desperation and longing for someone to care for her? A place to belong? Someone to love her?


But he was okay with that, and he was sure Emerald would be too. Even if her gobsmacked, and undeniable pure happiness at everything he dropped on her for a bit there was so radiant she couldn't hide it.

It had been a calculated move. Revealing not only his plans, but dark shit he wanted to accomplish in regards to Adam. Emerald had a thing against goody goodies who'd never had it rough. Revealing what he'd went through and the deaths of his parents, showed he wasn't like that, and his plans for Adam, told her he wasn't some naive hero wannabe like Ruby.

Or an idiot like Xiao Long.

Maybe that made him no better than Cinder really, taking advantage of her like this. But he didn't care, it was for her own benefit. And it wasn't like he didn't feel anything for the older girl.

Emerald was gorgeous, she was competent, she had a busted semblance, and she was so eager to prove herself. But personality wise, at her base, she was also sassy as fuck and could strut with the best of them.

Emerald was one of his favourites before he ended up here, and only ranked lower than others because of her simping for a piece of trash like Cinder. 'She ain't Cinder's Emerald anymore, she's mine.' he laughed to himself.

She was one of the most valuable existences in this entire world at the moment, and she was his. He might not love her, but that didn't mean he didn't like her or was already quite fond of her.

Or lust like hell after her.

It had taken all his self control not to push anything with her before he left. He could probably get her into bed easily. But no, too fast could spoil trust.

So he forced himself not to.

He'd hold back for now.

'Besides, not only is Cinder fucked without her, it'll be all the more sweet when I get back.' Daiki hummed to himself as he arrived at his destination and stepped into the mission building.

After all, thanks to her aura and her being able to eat as she pleased, Emerald would fill back out and get back to a healthy weight and lose the slight gauntness she had in just a few days.

Aura was amazing like that, and enhanced the rate at which the positive aspects of the body worked. And a bunch of other things.

There was a reason many huntsmen and huntresses and such tended to be very tall around here.

As Daiki's  eyes drifted over to the holographic mission boards in the middle of the room, he paused, blinking as his eyes landed on something.

Or rather someone.

A tall scraggly looking blonde dressed in blue jeans, a hoodie and with a set of simple armour over his chest, a blade sheathed at his hip.

'What the fuck is Jaune Arc doing here?' Daiki stopped and stared, bemused.


Arc B

Honestly early jaune is kinda a big fuck up but the dude has improved quite a bit and if you compare him to well *eyes Blake and yang* he's actually kinda useful also point the guy has no training whatsoever but gets up to the point he can fight toe to toe alongside the likes of ruby Weiss in like a year and a half so maybe kinda sorta take him under daiki's wing in a way

Glitched Knights

I like how Jaune changes over the story (I still hate everything beyond Volume 3) however I still can't get over how he acted at the start of the show after hearing him be Felix in Red Vs Blue