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After a moment or two, Ao managed to hide his grouchy old man emotions once more and gestured for them to follow him, "Please follow us, Mizukage-sama is expecting you." he said.

"Lead on." Daiki continued to give a blindingly bright and full of good intentions debonairly handsome inviting good guy smile.

'That doesn't even make sense.' Isobu snorted.

It did to him, which was all that really mattered in the end.

Ao nodded once, tersely before turning on his heel and walking away. What a testy old man.

Well, he could work with that.

"So Chojuro," Daiki casually fell in line with the older blue haired boy and struck up conversation, "You're a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen then, that's impressive."

"Eh…ah, n-no not really I still have a long way t-to go until I catch up to my predecessors." the older boy replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"You're pretty young though and already been chosen to wield Hiramekarei," Daiki pointed out, "That's pretty impressive." he praised.

"Ah-ha…you think?" the older boy flushed at the praise.

Somebody needed to get this guy laid. It would do wonders for that timid personality.

"Definitely," Daiki continued smiling, "I'm quite well aware how strong someone has to be to be, to be chosen to join the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, I actually fought a former member a few months ago, and a friend of mine fought another."

Chojuro's eyes widened in shock, but before he could stutter out a reply, Ao's head whipped around to stare right at him with a severe intensity burning in his one visible eye, "You what?!" he asked, "Who, and where might I ask? We've been trying to track a bunch of those fools down for a while now."

"Well my friend and his team fought Zabuza Momochi over in Wave, he attacked them during a mission," Daiki shrugged casually, like it was no big deal. It was time to apply the pressure already after all, "And I came across Raiga Kurosaki, he had teamed up with a few bastards from another village, he had big plans to attack Konoha in fact. So I killed him."

If possible Chojuro's eyes widened even further, "W-wait y-you were the one who k-k…killed Raiga?!" he gasped out in shock.

"Among a few others at the time." Daiki shrugged.

"I see," Ao's eye narrowed at him, "You wouldn't happen to know then what happened to our weapons that he absconded with when he betrayed us, would you?"

Daiki continued smiling pleasantly, "I might," he replied easily with another shrug, "But that isn't really here nor there right now, is it?"

Ao visibly bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from snapping. After all, Daiki couldn't have been more obvious he was in possession of the Kiba Blades even if he just came out and said it.

Even so, his old man temper was easily frayed by young bucks like him. Daiki could see very minute little twitch in his skin with the Shinkugan, no matter the emotional control he had.

Daiki's smile widened, "That's a nice eye you've got under that eyepatch by the way," he cut him before he could say anything in reply, "I'm good friends with a few girls from a clan who all have eyes just like that one."

Ao froze.

The meaning behind what he said, pleasant and complimentary sounding as it was, couldn't be hidden at all.

'You can't say shit about me having those swords, you stole from us first fuck face.'

Ao forced a smile on his face, "I see, you have friends in high places I suppose," he 'chuckled', though to Daiki it sounded more teeth grinding, "And it's very impressive such a young lad managed to overcome Raiga, he was a very powerful shinobi."

"I wouldn't know," Daiki just shrugged, pleasant smile not twitching a fraction of an inch, "If I'm being honest, he didn't last very long, I killed him in one hit, I was actually quite disappointed. I guess the bounty on his head was nice at least I suppose, kinda cheap though for an A-rank."

A vein pulsed on Ao's neck.

Ao almost robotically turned back around and continued on, "Very…impressive." he bit out, not looking back at all.

If Daiki's pleasant smile flickered into a victorious smirk for a moment, then it was really just a trick of the light.

…Even though they were outside.


"That's r-really incredible Daiki-san!" Chojuro was a lot different though, giving him a bit of an awed look, "I-I don't think I c-could beat Raiga-san in a fight, but you did it in one hit attack? I-I suppose it's no wonder you were chosen to be an envoy at so y-young if you're that s-strong!"

He fumbled his words a bit, but he was honest at least.

Anko he saw in his peripheral, had raised her eyebrow at him. He flashed the finger at her.


They were led from the port into the main elevated paths of the village, towards the large spherical building he'd noticed at the very centre of the village.

Once they reached it, Ao bid them to wait outside the Mizukage's office while he went in to 'announce' their arrival.

Which was really just code for him to let her know what he'd gleamed from them on their little walk into the village, while Chojuro stood watch over them and made sure they didn't get up to anything funky.

Not that they would.

He and Anko hadn't spoken a word to each other since Ao and Chojuro appeared. There really wasn't any need.

Daiki relaxed in one of the chairs outside the Mizukage's office, casually leaning on his elbow after sitting it on the armrest and sweeping his gaze over the interior with his eyes.

Anbu littered the place.

Dozens of them spread out throughout the building. Which was to be expected.

The only place he hadn't checked, was the Mizukage's office. After all the hype and crap Anko and the old man were giving him about how hot she was, he wanted to see her face to face when he saw her for the first time, see if that wow factor was real or not.

In the meantime, he made some small talk with Chojuro and probed him about Mei Terumi.

But, beyond having nothing but praise for her, he didn't really let anything slip. A Jonin was a jonin he supposed, even if they were timid and shy.

Finally, after a few minutes, Ao returned, stepping out of the office and closing the door behind him quickly, "Ahem," he coughed, standing in front of the door, "Mizukage-sama will see you now." he said directly to him.


"Sounds good." Daiki replied and stood up, but as Anko made to the same from the other chair she was lounging in, Ao shook his head.

"Mizukage-sama will only see the boy, no bodyguard allowed," he stated, "As a show of good faith, she has dismissed her anbu guard as well."

"You're kidding right?" Anko scowled, crossing her arms, yet her shoulders were tense, "You can't believe we're that stupid can you?"

"And just what are you implying?" Ao narrowed his singular eye at her, "Are you, the ones who brought up the talk of a possible alliance in the first place, making allegations against us?"

Anko growled, eyes narrowing angrily at his tone. She'd saw right through the game already, as had he. Separating him from his bodyguard, and putting the pressure on him of dealing with a Kage face to face, all alone.

Daiki didn't say a thing and merely flicked his fingers towards Anko. And a quick pulse of chakra left him.

'Don't get baited, it's fine. They're just trying to get an edge now after I dabbed on them on the way here.' Daiki transmitted a message to her with his chakra.

Her eyes flickered to him, before she huffed into a smirk, "Nothing like that, calm down grouchy," she shrugged in reply, "Man, reaching aren't you? Nah, it's just the kid is a bit of a playboy, trust me he doesn't need bodyguard for anything fighting related, it's to keep him getting lured in by a nice set of tits, and I hear your Mizukage has got a sweet set on her."

"W-watch what you say woman!" Ao's eye widened at her statement, "How indecent! Back in my day woman had class!"

Chojuro wasn't really any better his face beat red.

"Eh, I'm not that bad," Daiki's pleasant debonairly handsome smile, turned into a smirk full of ill intentions, "But alone time with Mei Terumi? Sign me up. We can speak Kage to Kage."

"Wait, what?" Ao's head whipped around to stare at him, "What do you mean Kage to Kage?" he demanded, Anko's words being completely forgotten about.

"He means just that grouchy," Anko gave him a shit eating smirk, "This kid is the next in line to be Hokage, why do you think someone so young was chosen as the envoy? Hokage-sama chose him specifically for this mission, because he has the strength needed for the position. This is just him getting his feet wet with his future duties."

Ao's face fell completely.

"Thanks for the escort buddy." Daiki flashed the man a thumbs up as he swaggered his way over and motioned for him to open the door.

And like a robot that had lost all conscious thought, Ao did just that, opening the door for him to enter and standing aside. And shutting it closed as soon as he stepped in.

Once inside, Daiki's eyes immediately took note of the space within almost unconsciously. It was a wide open spherical room with dark blue flooring and dark grey walls, it was sparsely decorated with a few pictures, but otherwise the only thing of note within the large spherical room, was the large desk at the other side of the room and the oval curving window panels that gave a full view out over the village.

Much more interesting though, and the thing or rather person that took up his conscious gaze though, was the woman leaning against the desk, arms crossed and a pleasant smile across her plump, shiny pink lips.

And what a woman she was.

She was tall for a woman, her stature a few inches above the average height of women he was used to, with eyes a mesmerizing and piercing shade of emerald green.

Fair skinned and beautiful, she was clad in a figure accenting blue battle dress that hung from her chest and didn't cover her shoulders at all, dangling to just passed her knees, with her feet clad in sturdy blue toeless ninja boots.

And left plenty of cleavage to his gaze.

Like god damn. Her breasts were massive, bigger even than Anko's. Yet, despite their size hung high, proud and perky on her chest.

But, yet despite the temptingly deep valley of cleavage she displayed, Daiki's attention was more focused on her hair, and her face. Her face was sharp, yet beautiful, with thin almost dainty cheek bones that curved in at an angle that made her face look incredibly feminine and beautiful. An eye catching curtain of wavy auburn absolutely gorgeous hair, tied at the top with a topknot reached down passed her backside, nearly to her ankles. While her bangs curved around her face, hiding one from view and framing only shimmering emerald green eye, giving her an almost ethereal mysterious look.

'Oh no, she's stupid hot.' Daiki thought in that moment.

Anko and the old man might have been hyping it up a bit more than necessary, but they weren't exactly lying.

Mei Terumi was stupid gorgeous.

Beyond gorgeous even. Those looks, those eyes, that hair. And those god damn curves.

He had to admit, Mei was definitely the most beautiful women he'd ever seen.

…Except maybe Naruko, but she didn't count.

On account of not really existing.

Shame that.



You know the existence of Naruko always did make me wonder if Naruto might have been either possibly transfem or at least genderfluid with how much effort he put into that technique. Even went so far as to improve it during his training with Jiraiya. Maybe Daiki could convince Naruto to become Naruko full time using the Land of Demons permenant version of the transformation technique. https://i.imgur.com/Z2PYFoT.jpg


Wow, three updates! I hope daiki wraps this meeting up quick, he certainly has a lot to do before the invasion.


Ugggg just binged reread from the start from yesterday now I need to wait again


I re-read this story and the pokemon one as well once and awhile; it def is a difficult wait. Both stories are interesting reads!


Love this, hope mores coming soon

Daddy Ivan

Excited for this to continue. Can’t wait to see how he makes her flounder in his own Daiki way