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The distance between the hidden leaf village and the hidden mist village, was roughly three thousand and five hundred miles.

That was a larger distance than America was wide.

Then again the Land of Fire was one of the bigger countries, granted not the biggest, but it was still bigger than America itself.

Frankly, it was a good thing. If there weren't such massive distances between the great five shinobi villages, tensions would be much higher and there would have probably been more than just three great shinobi wars.

Flight made the trip oh so much easier.

Not because of the distance, but because it made it easier to avoid foreign ninja guarding boarders and such. Especially since with the Shinkugan he could catch sight of any well in advance and change directions or altitude as needed to avoid them.

They left the Land of Waves behind quickly, briefly re-entered the Land of Fire once more passing by, and before long they were into the brief stretch of main land that was once in possession of the hidden whirlpool.

Their main territory was in the middle of the ocean on a large island protected by natural whirlpool formations, but they did also have a stretch of main land given to them by the Senju where non Uzumaki resided, only those of Uzumaki descent or those who married into the clan were allowed to live on the main island from what Daiki had learned when looking into them during his studies on sealing.

Though it was less to do with something like thinking they were better than those not part of their lineage, or any xenophobia or anything and more to do with the fact that it was simply safer.

The Uzumaki for the most part, weren't far off of the Kaguya clan in temperament. They were utter barbaric blood knights, just stupidly smart ones on top of that.

To be honest they just sounded like angrier, more educated redhead Naruto's. And to be fair, when one was as skilled with fuinjutsu as the Uzumaki were supposed to be, it was hard not to go a little crazy.

Daiki could attest to that himself.

'Putting them aside, why haven't we reclaimed this land ourselves?' Daiki thought with a frown as they soared over the land main land itself.

From a brief examination as he flew, it was a rather large area, bigger than a lot of countries from his other life, and the land was ripe with lush vegetation and healthy land.

Not to mention it was annexed between the Land of Fire, the Land of Waves and the ocean itself. The only ones who could reliably attack it were the Mist Village.

'Maybe because there isn't any lands with shinobi here to work as a border again enemies.' he mused.

The Land of Loot stood between The Land of Fire and Land of Wind. The Land of Grass and Waterfall stood between Fire and Stone. And the Land of Frost and what would become the Land of Sound but was currently Tea Country blocked them off from the Land of Lightning.

And….formerly this land and Whirlpool stood between the Land of Fire and Water.

Honestly, it was a genius positioning. That was one thing he did have to hand to Hashirama and Madara, they picked an incredibly defendable area to build Konoha.

But Whirlpool were gone, there was nobody who had authority over those lands now. It was such a waste of land that could be used to expand industry for the good of the village.

If they could turn the whole swath of land into farm land and other such necessities, it would massively increase Konoha's standing even further.

Sure there was some risk of Mist before, but the place had been left untouched nearly since the second great shinobi war, the benefit far outweighed any risk of Mist attacking, and in fact would actually present a ripe spot to target to keep Mist busy if they ever did, claiming such an abundant land assuming another war broke out.

Daiki couldn't understand why the old man hadn't retook it with the Uzumaki gone, 'Unless it's sentimentality, and he's not reclaiming it as honour to the Uzumaki and our alliance?'

He hoped not.

That would be dumb.

Actually, to be quite frank, as far as Daiki was concerned. With Wave not having a ninja village either, he'd see about expanding into there as well. And cut off any stupid little punk ass bitches like Gato trying to operate out of there again.

'Thoughts for later.' he thought.

Better left for when he consulted the old man about it and those who's actual job it was to keep track of lands and shit. And when he could actually start putting plans in motion as the hokage.

Especially if he could confirm the alliance with Mist.

Before long, they had completely cleared the former main land belonging to the former Hidden Whirlpool Village and were out over open water.

And it wasn't long, before massive whirlpools began to desecrate the surface of the ocean.

"Damn." Anko whistled, overlooking them wide eyed.

And he didn't blame her.

There were hundreds of them. Each easily a hundred feet wide in all directions and churning with such force, just one would surely suck in and decimate even larger cruiser battle ships.

They decorated the horizon of the ocean for multiple miles, side to side in a curving manner that seemed to be going in a circular shape.

Frankly, he doubted any standard genin could get passed those whirlpools even with water walking, and even most chunin would struggle.

"That can't be natural." he shook his head.

"It ain't," Anko shrugged, looking away from the water to look him in the eye, "Orochimaru told me once the Uzumaki did it themselves with seals, how I've got no idea, but that's all man made kid."


It was tempting to see about looking down into the depths of the ocean to see if he could make them out with the Shinkugan and study them.

But, they'd already wasted a day with what he pulled with the Kubikiribocho, and unlike with that, he wasn't exactly on a time limit of a sort and could always come back this way to check them out.

Besides if he couldn't find them from the surface with the Shinkugan, he'd probably need to assume bijuu mode and dive into the depths of the ocean itself and search them out.

He put them out for the mind for the moment and pushed one, glowing wings of green chakra propelling them through the air over the massive amount of whirlpools and before long, a large island came into view.

An island easily the size of a small country, filled with lush green nature, large twisting rivers and lakes-

And the ruins of a one thriving civilization.

The ruins of buildings were clear in view, huge, sturdy buildings reminiscent of buildings from his other life, much more advanced than any in Konoha or any other village he'd been in, even once massive and sprawling sky scrapers lay in ruins.

It really was amazing how advanced the Uzumaki were. Society and technology wise, they had to have been ahead of everyone else by a good thirty or forty year at least.

He wouldn't be surprised if they had already devised super computers, laptops, wifi and other such technical marvels. If only this world wasn't basically in a constant state of war and death and the Uzumaki had shared their technology.

This world would probably be way more advanced than the world of his other self.

And he probably wouldn't need to make a trip to the land of moon just to get his hands on a damn gaming console!

…Which he still needed to do!

Honestly why was he so god damn busy all the damn t-

"Hm?" Daiki halted suddenly mid air as he caught something in his peripheral gaze.

"What's the deal brat?" Anko asked, furrowing her brows.

He turned around mid-air towards what he saw and nodded his head in the direction, "There's somebody down there." he said

"Where, I can't see em." Anko narrowed her eyes in the direction.

"They're a few miles off," Daiki explained, his eyes narrowing as he focused his vision to zoom in on the figure he saw, "I only noticed because they've got a ton of chakra."

Actually, there were two figures with chakra, both quite potent, though one more than the other.

Otherwise without focusing specifically in that direction he wouldn't have noticed the guy. As his vision zoomed in on the man until it was like he was standing right in front of him, his features came into view. He was tall and burly, with dark tanned skin and burnt blonde almost orange hair, beady little pale green eyes, and a bushy beard of the same colour of his hair and a tousled moustache. He seemed to be in about his late twenties give or take a few years, dressed in plain pants and boots, and was shirtless beyond a small unbuttoned vest.

And there was a shinobi headband around his forehead, a Mist forehead protector to be exact.

With a slash through it.

"How much chakra we talking here?" Anko asked.

"About the same as you." Daiki replied.

His focus wasn't really on the man though. Rather, it was the weapon on his back, a spear of some sort. Though not any spear he'd ever seen.

The long shaft of it was made of crimson red metal, and the spear tip…wasn't so much the tip of a spear as it was the face of some sort of fish, a swordfish maybe? It was bone white, with a long spear or sword like nose.

And it contained a vast amount of chakra.

More than the man carrying it, more even than Daiki himself. He narrowed his eyes a little bit more, and he peered straight into the weapon itself.

And then his eyes widened at what he saw.


Specifically seals in the same style of the Kubikiribocho and the Kiba Blades. Though, even with his advanced knowledge of seals, he could only see that part of the make up of the seals within, were geared towards…

Absorbing chakra?

It was similar to the seals that allowed for chakra absorption within his chakra armour, but more advanced. But the greater whole…actually reminded him more of a seal used to seal away a bijuu, like his four symbols seal.

He let Anko know of the mans description.

"A pretty strong missing ninja from Mist then, huh?" Anko hummed and reached into her coat, a second later bringing out her hand with a bingo book in hand and quickly opened it up and flipping through it, "Let's see, blonde blonde blonde…." she muttered, flipping through the pages at a rapid rate.

She stopped a moment later and held up a page, "This him?" she asked.

Daiki looked at the image, before nodding, "Yeah that's him."

"An A-rank missing ninja then, his name is Araumi Funato," Anko hummed thoughtfully reading his information off of the page, "Says he was a candidate for the seven ninja swordsmen of the Mist, a backup wielder for Samehada whatever that is. He went rogue apparently after Kisame Hoshigake and losing his chance to wield the sword and killed a bunch of his comrades on the way out. He even has a bloodline apparently."

"What kind?" Daiki raised an eyebrow.

He'd never heard of a Funato clan before.

"Power of The Sea Dragon it's called," Anko shrugged, "Seems to give him an amped water affinity making his water jutsu stronger, let him breathe underwater and even freely control standing bodies of water without having to shape it into a jutsu or anything."

That…was a really cool sounding bloodline. Though, it clearly had nothing to do with dragons. Obviously it was just named that because it sounded cool or powerful.

It also explained how this guy managed to get to the island.

"Let's kill him." Daiki decided after a moment.

"Okay…I'm all for it," Anko smirked, "Though, we are on a pretty important mission right now brat, I hope you remember that."

"Oh, I know," Daiki smirked back, "I'm just thinking, bringing them the head of one of their higher ranked missing ninja will also be another point in our favour for the negotiations, especially since he's technically trespassing on our allies land, and by proxy ours."

Also, he wanted that spear thing he had. He wanted to study those seals. And he could even give it to Tenten or somebody who could use it well.


And 200 naruto tag posts, yaaaay!



Gratz on hitting 200 chapters for this.

Derek Palm

Is Hinata confirmed harem yet if not plz add her I just reread the story and couldn't find who had been confirmed