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The next morning, after Caelan inscribed successfully inscribed his rune chain upon himself, he awoke with a groan.

His arms and legs were aching.

They ached with a familiar pain he hadn't felt since his last life before he woke up in this world. An ache he was intimately familiar since he got it quite often before he died, being a teenager and all.

Growing pains.

He'd expected it to a degree. The initial runes when inscribed generally came with their effects activating straight away and giving a boost in whatever aspect their were drawn towards. It was quite often after being inscribed with the Masculinity rune, male children of the picts would wake up the next morning an inch or two taller and a bit broader.

So yes, having chosen that rune amongst others, Caelan had expected it. But he'd also expected his regeneration rune to take care of the pain.

No such luck.

Groaning, Caelan rolled out of bed rubbing his wild brown hair and gave a sleep yawn while rubbing his eyes, stumbling awkwardly a bit as he did so.

When he cleared the sleep away from his eyes, he opened them and looked blearily towards his crude mirror to take stock of his changes.

"What…the fuck!?" his eyes flew wide open and all traces of sleep were burned away by sheer shock at what he saw.

It was him for sure, and the changes to his looks weren't….to drastic. But they were well noticeable all the same.

For one, he was much taller. Easily five inches or so taller by his estimates. He was clearly over five feet tall now.

And much broader. Biceps that were toned and noticeable were almost bulging, and the toned stomach he had rippled with exposed rigid and hard muscle.

And then there was the the other noticeable thing.

He'd kicked off his kilt before he went to sleep so he could see it clearly from simply looking down.

The rigid hard manhood pointing proudly up at the ceiling, as if to say, 'Hey buddy, I'm finally awake, been a while, huh?'

A manhood that really did not belong on a child of this current bodies age, a few inches bigger than it was yesterday. It was well a match in size for the manhood of his previous life before he ended up here, and he had actually been rather gifted in that department.

Morning wood for the first time in this life.


He hadn't actually expected the effect to be so potent so quickly in this regard. But then, his own masculinity rune was quite…amplified.

So perhaps he was the idiot for not expecting this.

His eyes drifted from his tadger to the reflection of his left arm leading up to his shoulder. His runes were not in sight.

For a simple reason. There would be questions when the other druids noticed his rune chain, so he'd covered it with a standard tattoo to hide it from sight.

He was broken from his staring at the tattoo covering his runes by a knock on his rickety wooden door and shout from outside, "Oi Caelan, wake up you lazy arse!" a familiar voice shouted, "We've got a hunt!"

A hunt? Since when? Usually hunts would be planned in advance for days at least. And as one of the younger members of the warriors of the clan, he would have been told to make sure he was ready.

The one shouting for him was Alpia, the eldest daughter of the chief. It was her duty amongst other things to wrangle up people and make sure they were on time for their own duties.

Damn it, he'd wanted to spend the day getting used to his new abilities. Huffing in annoyance, Caelan made his way over to his door as she banged on it again, "I'm coming already." he rolled his eyes.

And completely forgot about one very vital change to himself this morning. That became even more apparent when he pulled the door open and Alpia came into sight.

A very tall shit brick house of a woman well over six feet tall, with burning orange hair held up by a band in a messy ponytail, pale blue eyes and a dusting of freckles across her body and pictish tattoos. And nude as the day she was born like all picts besides himself, showing off her massive teats and plump slit hooded by bushy orange hair.

His cock throbbed and desire to mount her settled in his stomach. The demand on his lips puttering off.

Alpia who had an annoyed scowl on her face, blinked and her eyes widened, "…It's only been a few days since I last seen you, how have you grown so much?" she gaped at him, before realization settled on her face, "Oh, you finally went and got your rune then? But shite, That's a big change." a grin settled on her face.

Caelan huffed out a breath, tearing his eyes away from her massive tits that were bigger than her head. Those femininity runes were something else man, "Something like that, aye." he shrugged.

Fucking hell, he forget how distracting it was to be horny as shit.

"Weird though, way bigger a change than the usual, that the royal blood in your veins you reckon?" Alpia mused, crossing her arms under her tits and unintentionally pushing them up, making the situation even worse, "That's a mighty impressive tadger though." she snorted, eyes blatantly looking down at his crotch.

Truly this age was ancient. Age of consent wasn't really a thing at this point, just what was and wasn't frowned upon. And that was thrown out the window when it came to pictish lads because of their height and such. Usually it wasn't quite the age he was at though.

"There's men with quite a bit bigger in the clan." Caelan forced himself to roll his eyes and reply. It wasn't hard to notice as such when everyone annoyingly and constantly walked around in the buff.

"Aye, but I'm talking for your age ya wee shite and you know it," Alpia snorted, "That'll probably be the biggest in the clan by far by time your grown." she noted.

He snorted right back and raised an eyebrow at her, "And what of it?" he crossed his own arms, "You'll be long married off by that time comes." he smirked at her.

See Alpia was a little bit different than most girls. Well, most of the pict girls were the rough and tough type, but Alpia was one of the few that wanted to be a warrior since she was young. But, she had a duty to her father and the clan to wed and bed whoever her father chose, which was generally thought to be another chiefs child to foster good relations.

As it was, out of the three daughters the chief had, Alpia was both the oldest and the only one not married. And though she was never allowed to be a warrior, that didn't stop her from training with weaponry and doing all she could to get experience in that.

While the grown warriors of the clan would not spar with her, she had managed to weasel her way into being the one overseeing the youngling warriors of the clan at times, organizing them.

And took whatever chance she could to spar with them.

"Feh, we'll see," Alpia snorted with a smirk, "Watch the cheek though boy or I'll tan your wee arse."

That threat might have meant something a day before. See, women or not and with a rune that did not enhance her prowess in a fight, Alpia was still a pict woman. She was massive in build, the biggest and tallest woman in the clan, standing at just nearly seven feet tall.

And while she only sparred with the youngling warriors, a pict was a pict through and through. Even he yesterday was quite a bit stronger than the average grown man back in the modern world, and Alpia was quite a bit stronger than him yesterday, at least by a factor of three by his estimations.

And they were warriors through and through. And Alpia made sure that any of them tried their best. Well, at least the older ones, albeit the oldest of the younglings was only twelve, but even then he was nearly six feet tall and a behemoth of muscle nearly as well.

How she got them to try their hardest was simple. She offered to let any of us that beat her in a fight, fuck her.

Not that any one had managed it at this point, but it was a great incentive to those who had been exposed to the masculinity rune so long that they were already rippling with sexual desire.

Perhaps that was why he said what he said next:

"You better watch yourself hen, or I'll shove this tadger o' mine your staring at up your fat arse and make you beg for mercy." He bared his teeth at her

"Oh-ho, looks who's getting a big for his britches just cuz he's went and got his rune finally," Alpia laughed, "Don't forget who was slapping you around the other day even with your wee fancy dancing about."

It wasn't dancing around. It was bouncing on his feet. A habit of his he had from his last life when he was trained in kick boxing. Even if he was a pict, he was still young and it helped him move way faster than otherwise.

There was a reason why despite being only seven he was the best warrior amongst the young warriors even with some of them nearing six foot and towering over him before. Honestly, he hated training with the others because beyond training with weapons, one of the biggest combat features of being a pict, was wrestling.

And since beyond Alpia all the others were male, it meant he was constantly having to wrestle with naked guys.

"I just go easy on you so I can see those massive tits of yours bouncing around more and to not hurt your feelings," Caelan laughed back, "If I was serious all this time I'd have already won that little prize you like to dangle and mounted you like a bitch in heat."

That did it, her eyes narrowed.

Right in the pride.

The best place to hit people.

Well, beyond their faces at least.

"That right?" Alpia stepped closer to him and looked straight down at him, her massive tits literally being above mis head, she was after all still a full foot and a half taller than him despite his growth spurt from the runes, "Funny that, here I thought lads preferred to get their hands on tits rather than just look at them. Wanna try your luck again right now then? Same as always, if you can beat me you can shag me stupid whatever way you want."

Let it not be said that Alpia was the wisest woman around. She was a prideful meathead through and through. She was cunning when she needed to be and knew how to use what she had to her advantage, as could be seen with the position she had and how she got the other lads to fight their hardest against her.

But, the offer she just gave him, had no draw backs at all for him.

Well, there was one tidbit.

"Well I don't mind, but what about the hunt?" he forced himself to remain calm even as his balls pulsed with desire at her words.

"You can't use that as an excuse, it'll be a few hours at least before the lads set out, the scouts are still looking for the target," Alpia merely smirked at him, "One of the trader groups pulled into the village a few hours back, they got attacked by a group of wyverns on the way here. Da' decided we need to find and kill them before they breed and get too big a group."


'You're shitting me!' he gaped.


Phantasmal Beasts.

They were known to be one of the stronger breeds still around. While the vast majority of Phantasmal Beasts and other high tier mystical existences had high tailed it to the Reverse Side Of The World.

The difference was, Britain was the only place in the world that still had a foot in the Age of Gods, so the barrier here was much weaker than anywhere else. So the weaker Phantasmal Beasts like Wyverns, Fae and such could still breath into this realm.

….This could be good for him!

"Oi!" Alpia snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, "We doin' this or not or you gonna pansy out?"

Oh right, he'd almost forgotten about her.

"Aye I'm game," Caelan merely smirked, "Let's make this quick though, a wrestling match. I'll slap your fat arse silly, shag you cross eyed then get ready for the hunt nice and quick."

Fuck it, he may as well just go all in. This would be a good test of how much stronger he'd gotten thanks to his runes, and if he won, well, the prize wasn't too shabby.

Those tits were bigger than his damn head after all.

"Oh yer' in for it now Caelan, for that I'm gonnae smash your nose in." Alpia bared her teeth ferally in acceptance.



Really hyped for this story

Fireburner Gaming

Amazing work as always and to say what I haven’t said in a while more please

Sean Robbins

so u ever gonna continue this?!