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To be perfectly honest, Emerald half expected to wake up on a park bench or something. She expected to wake up and find that everything that happened the day previous, was all a wild dream she concocted.

Instead when she woke up in the master bedroom of Daiki's mansion, comfortably rested upon a massive bed bigger than any she'd ever seen before, nestled under warm luxurious high quality sheets and clad if silky pajama's-

She almost burst into tears from the sheer joy of it all being real.

Emerald didn't, mind you, because she wasn't a little wimp, but it was a near thing.

With a yawn, Emerald sat up in the bed, the massive mattress feeling like a soft cloud beneath her butt and stretched out her arms with a satisfied yawn. She took in the absolutely massive bed she was in and had to goggle at it for a moment, because seriously, it was huge!

It could fit ten people in it comfortably. And there was a literal kind of veil or curtain that covered the sides of the bed hanging down from a canopy above it. It was like no bed Emerald had ever seen before to be honest, she thought ones like this only existed in those crappy Mistralian smutty novels that the perverted female ninja protagonist of it would come upon and make out the silhouettes of people fucking through them.

…Yeah, the only reading material she ever managed to get her hands on was trash that people tossed out.

Pulling the curtain back, Emerald shifted over to sit on the edge of the bed and sitting there for a moment. 'I thought he might have joined me last night.' she thought.

This was the master bedroom she was in, his bedroom. When he told her she could rest in here for the night and pick out her own bedroom later, she thought he planned on fucking her.

…She'd even made sure to put on a sexy little pair of lacy green underwear from the mass amount of clothes he'd gotten for her. But no, he hadn't appeared at all.

She couldn't say she wasn't disappointed either, she'd been anticipating it for hours before exhaustion overcame her and she just fell asleep.

Which reminded her.

Emerald's eyes drifted to a night stand beside the bed, where two books lay sitting innocently. Magic books.

That still felt weird to even think, never mind the fact that she apparently had magic power now? Or ethernano as Daiki called it. What he did to her, flew completely over her head, though she got the gist of it. He'd given her the heart and lungs of a magical creature, a wyvern straight out of fantasy stories in his own words. It was kind of gross when he just had them appear in his grasp and then he touched her on the shoulder and a tattoo had formed over her torso, before disappearing along with the heart and lungs.

That were much too big for her body, but apparently were sealed inside of her now and gave her wyverns own magical power and potential?

And in the process, she'd grown massively stronger. Like, so much stronger it was insane, she could probably break a huntsman in half with her bare hands now, and not only that, in the process even her aura had grown massively.

It was mind boggling, but honestly Emerald really didn't need to think on it much. Daiki said it worked and it was fine, so it worked and it was fine.

She didn't need to understand the specifics.

As it was, after spending hours inside the library yesterday, she'd ended up picking out these two magic books. Well, initially she only planned on trying to learn the magic of one of them.

And gosh that just sounded so odd to think.

But regardless. She'd chosen shadow magic. Mostly because, while browsing through the book on it, the main ability of shadow magic seemed to be something called Shadow Form, which would allow her to…become and move through shadows.

As a thief, that was even better than invisibility! Not only would she be able to hide with it, but she'd be able to slip through shadows into locked places like bank vaults.

Emerald almost drooled at the thought.

The other one she'd chosen though, was for an entirely different reason. Standing up from the bed, Emerald made her way over to the window and peered out of it, specifically, her gaze landed on the form of the massive monstrous grimm resting docile on the outskirts of the mansion.

She'd never seen a grimm like it before. She didn't even know grimm could get that ludicrously massive. And that wasn't even getting into the fact that the massive thing could breath fire and spawn other grimm.

…And that was before Daiki tamed it, claimed that it, a monster even an army of huntsmen would fail to beat, was too weak to be his pet and decided to make it stronger.

Still, the ability it had to make more grimm, presented her with an opportunity, 'Take Over magic, huh?' Emerald mused.

It was a magic that allowed one to, more or less consume another living creature and gain their abilities. On top of that, it would give them a transformed state using whatever creature was taken over that would enhance their abilities.

And the more of the same creature they took over, the stronger the transformed state would be. Though there was also something about compatibility with certain creatures and the overall boosts she would receive from creatures would only apply once for most creatures unless she had a massive compatibility with them.

That wasn't really a problem though. She was more interested in the fact that, grimm were un-aging physically, and yet they grew stronger passively the longer they lived.

Kevin, an absolutely absurd name for a being like it by the way, was the answer to her making herself more useful to Daiki.


After washing up and getting dressed in the outfit she'd picked out yesterday, Emerald made her way down to the kitchen where she partook…in stuffing her face.

The appliances were ran with something called lacrima's, which were honestly all over the mansion, and was the reason why the lights and such worked in this place even without anything like dust to power them. Apparently they ran on the ethernano magic energy she now had as well.

Either way, it was amazing. The food was incredible and what made it even better was she was free to eat as she pleased, and the place had a massive fridge that was more like a walk in closet, and cupboards filled with sweets and chocolate she'd never come across before.

And after she'd had her fill, Emerald made her way to the library again. While she love to check out more of the amazing things within the mansion, like that room with the huge screen and connected to what Daiki called a movie lacrima, that could come later.

Being useful to Daiki was more important.

Surprisingly as she made her way into the massive library, she found multiple Daiki's sitting around the table within the middle of it, each of them with stacks of paper in hand and what appeared to be copies of the same book.

"Uhh…Daiki?" Emerald called out as she made her way over. She wasn't all that surprised to see multiple versions of him, after all there were literal hundreds of him not that far away from the mansion training away.

Instead of any of them answering her, one of them made an odd hand gesture, and there was a puff of smoke as another Daiki appeared and gave her a wide smile, "Yo Emerald," he greeted her, "Have a good sleep?" he asked, walking over to her.

Emerald just stared for a moment. That honestly would take some getting used to, "Um, yeah," she nodded absently, "What are you doing?" she asked, gesturing lamely to the other clones.

"Just translating a book on wind magic for a girl in this new world we're in," Daiki shrugged, "What about you? Getting settled in alright? Need a hug?"

"Well, I wouldn't complain." Emerald couldn't help but snort.

"Fair enough." Daiki grinned, and Emerald squealed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and bodily hugged her.

"…You smell sweaty." Emerald said as she found her face buried in his neck, but that didn't stop her from wrapping her arms around him as well.

It felt good. His arms were warm, and strong. Comforting and made a feeling of safety flow through her.

"You smell sexy." Daiki laughed, and a breathy gasp of surprise escaped her as he reached down and sunk his hands into her ass and casually lifted her into the air with his grasp on her butt cheeks.

"Really?" Emerald couldn't help but grin back at him as he hoisted her up by her ass, her arms moving up to wrap around her neck to keep her balance, "Actually, I thought you were going to pay a visit to me last night you know and fuck my brains out."

She was blunt about it, she knew. But, she didn't see the issue in dancing around it.

"Oh I wanted to," Daiki shrugged, "But we've got plenty enough time for that. I want you to enjoy yourself a bit more getting to live it up in a mansion like this and not worry about anything beyond having fun and the like."

Emerald bit her lip and forced herself not to tell him she wouldn't mind, "Okay," she agreed, "Maybe we can watch a movie or something though together later?"

"We can do it right now if you want," Daiki replied easily, giving her ass another squeeze, "We can grab some food and go hit up the movie room, make a little date out of it even." he winked, "That's the best thing about being me, there's always a part of me that can have time for you if you want me to."

A giddy feeling fluttered in Emerald's stomach and she couldn't help but giggle, "Yeah alright…." she nodded, "Or well, I'd like to say but I wanted to talk to you about magic first."

"Oh?" Daiki raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah…can you make your giant monster grimm pet spawn a specific type of grimm for me?" Emerald asked. She'd actually put quite a bit of thought into a very specific grimm she wanted to use Take Over on last night. One that would not only make her stronger and have a variety of uses, but also let her be even more useful to Daiki.

"Probably," Daiki shrugged, "Why?

"I wanted to use this take over magic thing on a grimm," Emerald explained quickly, "Specifically, a Manticore. They're pretty big strong grimm that look like lions from what I know and have big feathered wings. And they can breathe fire. I thought maybe, I could get its ability to breathe fire and since you can eat fire to recover your stamina and stuff I could support you with it if you ever needed it."

"Hoh?" Daiki's eyes widened, "That's actually really a genius idea Emerald. Especially since they have eternal youth and grow in strength the longer they're alive. Amazing!" he praised her.

And Emerald felt her cheeks blaze at his praise. Nobody had praised her growing up at all, what little she could remember of her parents, was of them treating her like trash, and all anybody had wanted her for before was to use her and toss her aside.

Daiki was completely different.

"Even better is partial Take Over's are a thing, which means you'll be able to get cat ears from it!" Daiki beamed at her and she mewled as he gave her ass a noticeably harder squeeze, "Cat girl Emerald! That's the stuff dreams are made of! Let's do it!"

A squeal left Emerald's throat as he rushed off carrying her by the ass.



Will you update Shinobi in the near future or will you continue with mayhem? I, unfortunately don't know the Animes/Mangas that are featured here, so did not read the last 10 updates :D

Dragon Cross

I think he going up to 20 chapters of this then it leads back into naruto

Dragon Cross

I’m fine with it if I’m wrong