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Louise sighed tiredly, flopping down on her bed and staring up at the canopy. She was exhausted. More mentally than physically. Honestly, even after the blur of a pleasure filled night she had with Daiki the previous night, she still felt more energized than she ever had before.

It was a simple testament to the power Daiki had granted her.

No, her exhaustion was all mental. From dealing with Kirche. Question after question after question. She would not shut up asking questions about Daiki, from what kind of women he liked, to how it felt to have his obscenely large manhood filling her up to what kind of outfits he would like to see her, Kirche herself specifically in.

Annoyance flared at the thought of the redhead. She was always such a bother. She'd ended up snapping and told her Daiki had said the most appropriate attire for Kirche would be the garments of a dancer or concubine.

She'd never seen the redhead move so fast, dragging Tabitha off along with her. Hopefully she wouldn't see the annoyance again for a while.

Not that her luck was that good.

Well, at the very least she'd did as Daiki told her and sent out the letters she was asked to, and was very particularly descriptive in the one she sent Wardes. Actually, the words she'd penned in that later should even have been ever thought of by a young lady of her station.

Sighing, Louise lifted her hand up and stared at her fingers, wiggling them for a moment, and with a bit of concentration, a pink glow surrounded them.

Her aura.

After a life time of her magic fighting against her, it was such a wondrous feeling to feel such an energy move so easily at her bidding. If she had to describe it in a feeling, it was like her magic power always jerked away from her grasp, where as the aura slithered straight into her palm.

'Not that I'll need to worry about that ever again soon.' a giddy smile spread across Louise's face.

Soon her lord Daiki would gift her a book on wind magic that would allow her to learn to use the other magic power she had obtained, ethernano.

And if Daiki was to be believed, he had placed what he called a seal upon her, that would filter her excess innate magic power into what he called her 'ethernano container' and and force her ethernano to grow stronger each day even if she did not use it and train with it.

…Not that she planned to do such a lazy thing. That was merely a passive benefit of being blessed by her lord, it would be blasphemous to the holy grind if she sat upon her rear like a fat useless tub of lard.

As soon as she was able, she would pursue the grind in full and train her ethernano magic power every single day!

A ripple in the air at her side suddenly appeared, before forming into a familiar looking portal, just like the one she'd seen this morning.

And out stepped Daiki!

Or was it one of his clones?

Well no matter, the way he explained it to her, even his shadow clones were him. As a god, he could be in multiple places at once after all.

"Yo Louise," he grinned, "I finished translating the book for you." he said, the portal closing behind him.

"Already?" Louise bounced up on the bed to a sitting position and smiled excitedly.

"Yup." Daiki grinned, holding out his hand with a book held out towards her.

Happily, Louise accepted the book from him and felt herself near vibrate in happiness, "Thank you so much Daiki!" she beamed at him.

"Don't worry about it," he waved her thanks off and sat down beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "Just put in the effort to learn it all and I'll be happy."

"I'll do my best!" Louise nodded, leaning into the side of the younger boys chest, a content feeling swimming through her as she basked in the closeness with her god, "What kind of spells will I be able to use with this wind magic? Do you think I'll be able to match up to mother?"

"Karin Of The Heavy Wind huh? She's a skilled one, but limited by an inferior magic," Daiki replied, "This wind magic I've gave you a book on. It'll eventually let you use wind barriers in the form of hurricanes that can cover entire castle, conjure tornado's that could decimate entire armies of this world. Fly as you please through the air, and even create an armour of wind around your body few here would be able to get through. And once you master the wind magic, you'll be able to open up the storm magic avenue which will allow you to control the very weather itself."

Such a casual assurance that even her mother could not match up to the power she would gain, left her in awe. And to think, there was a higher branch of magic that would open up once she mastered the wind magic.

Then…was it akin to wind magic alone even with all the power it granted, being a dot mage? And then the storm magic would be akin to a line mage? Only of course of a vastly higher scale.

Then what if she mastered the storm magic, would another form of magic be open to her akin to a triangle mage? And beyond, such as one akin to a square mage?

Such power, Louise could barely even fathom it. And he just casually handed her the instructions on it.

"As expected of a god…" Louise breathed out.

Daiki snorted, "Louise, I think you've got the wrong idea about gods," he said, "Well, I suppose more that you're generalizing and thinking all gods are unstoppable beings."

Louise blinked, "…They're not?" that didn't seem right. She couldn't fathom any being more powerful than Daiki.

"Well, it varies I suppose," he mused, "You know how onions have layers?"

"Yes?" Louise replied, confused. She didn't have any idea what that had to do about anything with gods.

"Then think of this entire world you live in like the layer of an onion," Daiki said, "And the layer above that layer is a world above this one, where the people are stronger, faster, more powerful, have access to more potent technology and weapons and live longer and things such as that. What you think of as gods, are really people from worlds dozens, if not hundreds, maybe even thousands or more layers of worlds above yours."

That sounded odd…but Louise thought she understood what he meant. But, that sounded nothing like what gods were supposed to be like. "Then…are you telling me there isn't an after life? A heaven? A hell? That gods cannot grant miracles such as bringing back the dead?" she asked.

And she prayed to all that was holy that what he was saying simply wasn't true.

"What? No there's a bunch of after life's like heaven and hell, the one from my world is called the Pure Land," Daiki waved her off, "And there's definitely gods that can perform miracles and resurrect the dead. Hell, I can resurrect the dead for the most part. I'm just saying that while I might be a god to you people, to my people I'm just a person from my world, granted an obscenely strong and high ranked person, but still a person."

Louise…was lost. He just confirmed the existence of worlds beyond death, a real after life, more than one even. And confirmed he could bring the dead back to life. But he was not a god…because his people did not refer to themselves and each other as gods?

But that only made sense. Gods did not worship each other as gods, they were gods. Of course a to a god, another god would simply be a person, because they were equal.

Actually, if she thought about it, what he said made sense. The way he described the worlds. If each world above was stronger noticeably than the one below, then of course the world of gods would be thousands upon thousands of worlds above her own.

Daiki was just being humble.

He was a kind god like that, that did not even smite her classmates after they mocked him. Those damn filthy heretic frenchies.

"That's the definition of a god." Louise pointed out, even if it was not her place. As he was her god, Louise couldn't let him debase himself for one as lowly as her and her people.

"You're a stubborn one huh?" Daiki snorted and her cheeks flushed, she had seriously overstepped her bounds and-

He cupped her cheek, "I was bringing it up because I've decided, you're the first of my women in this world, and I wanted you to act as you naturally would, get mad and angry at things that annoy you, even if I do it," Daiki told her, "There's no point in having Louise as my woman, if you stop acting like Louise, if you get what I mean?"

Her heart thundered in her breast as he stared into her eyes with deep beautiful scarlet eyes that shimmered like stars, "Okay." she understood. Be herself right? He had told her before hadn't she, that he saw her worth. If she stopped being who he saw worth in, then she she was no longer of worth.

Act as she pleased and do as she wanted then?

A wide smile spreading across her face, Louise crawled over and sat atop the younger boys waist and leaned back against his chest, "Then teach me about the holy grind." she grinned up at him, wiggling her hips.

He grinned right back, "You minx," the boy rumbled, "I will, but first I need something from you."

"What's that?" Louise wet her lips with her tongue and resisted the urge to kiss him. Heat was spreading through her body once more, a tingle in her belly and betwixt her thighs.

She wanted him to take her again and make her scream his name to the heavens.

"I need one of your school uniforms." he informed her.


"…Why?" Louise couldn't help but ask.

"As a disguise," Daiki merely grinned at her, stroking her cheek with his thumb, "I'm planning on paying a visit to your old friend Henrietta."

Her oldest friend. The person she cared about the most in the world, before she met Daiki. Her queen.

Ah, it clicked.

"You want to see the queen in my school uniform….that will not fit her?" Louise's tone was dull. She was not an idiot, she knew what it implied. She was well aware of the…curves her oldest friend had, "Why does she even need a disguise?"

She should be outraged that he planned such a thing for the queen. But she knew…how heartbroken Henrietta was after losing her father and her lover. How stressed she was. How she regretted having to be queen.

Daiki had said it before didn't he? The two he saw worth for in this world the most, were her and Henrietta. If he helped her, then surely he could make things better for Henrietta as well?

"I'm gonna take care of a few problems for her," Daiki merely shrugged, "And one thing she's really jealous of is you're freedom as a student here, she always wanted to be a student here with you. that, and I think she'll look really sexy in your uniform."

"…Are you a god of lust as well?" Louise wondered.

"Silly Louise," Daiki laughed, squishing her cheek with his fingers teasingly, "All gods are gods of lust, haven't you ever heard of that pervert Zeus?"

No, no she had not. But if Daiki was calling him a pervert, then she had no interest in ever learning about this so called god Zeus.

"Here, I'll even trade you for it," Daiki continued and lifted his other hand and suddenly there was a sword like none other she'd seen before in his hand. It was a short blade with a beautiful golden hilt, and a sea green blade that curved like a cloud, "This is the Gale Sword, it'll convert ethernano into powerful wind magic and even amplify your normal wind magic when used through it."

"…I'm more partial to a wand." Louise pointed out, even as her eyes were entranced by the beautiful blade.

"It's fine, with your strength increase you should be able to wield it easily," Daiki merely laughed, "Besides, wands are for wimpy mages. The type that don't follow the path of the grind."

…So then all the mages of this world that needed a wand to use their magic, were wimps that were unworthy of the holy grind?

Louise's eyes widened at the thought.

They were below the elves!?


Brian Rodriguez Perez

The whole damn frenchies thing would make Britain as a whole proud. Great chapter like always.


I dont know if you know who you just told is making britain proud XD