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Being hurtled through a void made up entirely of kaleidoscopic colours that would have sent many a normal person into flopping fish like seizures, wasn't fun the second time around either.

It was brief and landed only a few moments, and this time Daiki was prepared enough to land on his feet.

And found himself standing in the middle of a forest. It…was green. Like many a forest. And had trees. And leaves. And some bushes.

Even some grass!

"Where the fuck am I now?" Daiki clicked his tongue in annoyance. He was allowed to be testy okay? Because his sense of responsibility had him leaving behind an amazing place, filled with amazing babes like Mirajane to traipse through who knows how many dimensions to try and find his way home.

He could still feel the great doughy softness of her fabulous badonkadonk in his left hand after he copped a feel and left behind his beacon at the same time.

"God she's so fucking hot." Daiki groaned. Like seriously, that body, those curves! That gorgeous face, those shimmering eyes and that beautiful white hair!

She was like a goddess incarnated in mortal form. And he had given her up, to go be the leader of a shitty ass village that would need him to one day fight a monstrous bastard like Madara.

Fucking Madara. Fucking Akatsuki. Fucking fucking Naruto. Fucking Kaguya. Fucking Konoha. Fucking stupid ass Daiki being too sentimental for his own god damn good!

He…was in a bad mood right now.

A snarl from behind him made him pause in his mental rant.

He looked over his shoulder, and beheld what appeared to be a large pack of pitch black furred werewolves, with bone masks over their faces and savage glowing eyes.

They were roughly in the range of six to seven feet tall standing up, beyond a singular one that loomed at the back that seemed to be closer to ten feet tall and had spikes and armour of bone jutting from its arms, shoulders and back.

Daiki stared at them blankly, "…Am I in Bleach?" he wondered idly. He couldn't see anything from these things at all. But they looked kind of like hollows.

No energy or anything that he was familiar with at least.

The largest of them all, the apparent alpha of the pack howled and as one the pack numbering over ten tore towards him, savage murder in their eyes.

"Buzz off." Daiki huffed in annoyance and lifted his palm, channelling chakra through it. A split moment later, a massive shock wave erupted from his palm and slammed into the approaching pack.

Howls and yelps escaped from their throats as they were bodily lifted into the air by the shock wave, followed by the audible sounds of bones snapping, and the alpha wasn't any better as the trees it was hiding behind were completely uprooted and sent flying off into the distance.

One by one the now dead werewolf looking creatures dropped to the ground, "Those are some weak ass trees." Daiki snorted. Seriously, he barely even put any chakra into that and zoom they went!

He definitely wasn't back home at least. No tree anywhere near Konoha would be so flimsy and pathetic.

He was about to turn on his heel and look for a land mark of some sort, when he paused and stared.

As the bodies of the wolf creatures dissipated into black smoke and disappeared, "Well that's new."

'You appear to be on Remnant.' Isobu commented then.

Daiki blinked, before he realised where the massive turtle tailed beast meant and his face screwed up in revulsion, "Ugh, seriously? That trashy web series Rwby? Are you kidding?" he outright gagged in disgust.

He left Fairy Tail behind for a trash place like that? With the crappy squeaky voiced red riding hood wannabee, the stupid self centred cat sjw woe is me racist cat bitch pain in the ass wannabe Bella and the bimbo goldilocks? The only one of them of any interest at all was the Snow White expy.

Well there was that mute girl with the ice cream theme going on and the awesome tits, but other than that? "Lame as fuck." he scoffed.

Even the redhead warrior corset wearing babe was just some lame ass simp of a girl.

Well actually, speaking of her-

"This place might not be a complete wash I guess." Daiki mused. If he could get his hands on aura, then that would be useful. Especially because, if he did, he could unlock it in all of his shinobi and kunoichi back in Konoha as well.

Sure, from what he seen it wasn't all that great. But then it was powered by the weak ass souls of all the trash in this world. Most of them were all whiny losers.

Obviously their souls would be weak as well. So by that logic, his own soul and the souls of his people would be infinitely stronger and make their aura force fields infinite more useful.

"Now let's see where I am." humming, Daiki hopped up atop the highest tree he could see, clearing the fifty or so feet between him and it easily and landing atop it.

With the sheer distance he could see with his gaze, it wasn't hard to find something that stood out. Specifically, he could see a city in the distance.

Actually, he could see two. Though the second one, towards what he estimated to be close to the south of the first city, seemed to be in ruins.

And around the still in tact city, beyond the forest around it he could make out a few islands that seemed to have human civilization on them as well.

"I thought this was supposed to be a death world or something?" he wondered to himself, confused.

Then again, the dudes who wrote for the series were complete hacks who kept making shit up about racism against the animal people. Yet the only racism at all from humans was from a cunt mocking a cute rabbit girl for her ears, but then also bullying the shit out of a human.

Sjw nonsense. God he hated crap like that.


As it turned out, the actual still thriving city turned out to be the City of Vale. Which meant the ruins he saw in the other direction, must have been Mountain Glenn.

Which wasn't really all that important beyond it being where that dumb Cinder bitch had Torchwick launch an attack on Vale from with a train, bombs and the grimm.

Honestly, he'd ran across quite a few of the grimm on his little jaunt towards Vale. They were weak as hell.

He'd literally come across a twenty foot bear and backhanded it. And it died. Like, he was no stranger to giant creatures, there were hundred foot tigers and bears and shit in Training Ground Fourty Four, but they were way stronger than these grimm things.

They did look kind of cool though.

'If I remember right, there's that giant dragon one inside a mountain beside Mountain Glenn, maybe I could make it my pet?' he mused as he walked down the streets of Vale, idly taking in the sights.

Plus it had the ability to spawn other grimm from what he remembered. Maybe he could do something with it, like strengthening it with a summoning contract? It would hardly measure up to his actual sumnmons even with that.

But it would be a decent pet he guessed.

'That is more akin to a wyvern than a dragon and even that is a push, I'm actually insulted you would even think of that thing as a dragon.' Atlas Flame commented, aghast.

Well, it had the looks, but not the strength.

'Right, find someone to unlock my aura assuming I have it, get a bunch of scrolls and ways to charge them, steal a few of their flying ships and go make that giant grimm wyvern my pet,' Daiki nodded to himself, 'Am I missing anything?'

'A brain.' Isobu commented dryly.

'Besides that.' Daiki replied, to no answer. Dumb giant turtle demon, thinking he was so smart with his little sarcastic comments.

He paused then as a strange whistling sound echoed in his ears. Frowning, he looked around, but nobody else walking the streets reacted to it. As he turned to face the direction he was heading again though, it was to see an older, dark skinned girl with minty green hair making her way towards him.

And blatantly reaching for his pocket as she walked passed him. Well, to him it was blatant with how slow she was, but compared to anyone else around here it would have probably never been noticed.

"Nothing in there for you toots." Daiki caught her wrist and she froze, ruby red eyes widening in shock.

Wait, he knew this girl didn't he?

"Y-you can see me?" she sputtered in fear, "My illusion didn't work?"

Yeah, now he remembered. This was that Emerald chick that worked for that Cinder bitch. But my she looked a lot different from the one he remembered. Her general outfit was roughly the same, chaps over green pants, though the ones he remembered were white and more stylish, and a small threadbare green crop top.

She was cute, but from just a glance he could see that she was quite gaunt. Oh right, wasn't she an Aladdin expy or something?

A street rat orphan thief.

Was this before Cinder found her?

Well whatever, more importantly was the fact that, illusions were her semblance right? Meaning, she had her aura unlocked at this point?

"Illusions don't work on me." Daiki smirked at her, "Let's have a little chat, shall we Emerald?"

"W-who are you?" she froze, "How do you know my name? What do you want?"

"I'm Daiki, and I can read your mind by looking into these pretty eyes of yours," he winked, "Now, come here out of the way where we can talk a bit more privately." he said, tugging on her wrist and pulling her towards an alleyway.

How lucky, he was just looking for someone to unlock his aura and here she fell right into his lap.

He was very careful to control his strength as he tugged her along with him. The people of this world, even the trained huntsmen and huntresses were vastly weaker than the mages of Fairy Tail.

And he'd accidentally ripped Duke Everlue's head off just the other day. If he tugged too hard, he'd probably rip this girls arm off by mistake.

As soon as they were in the alleyway and he let go of her wrist, Emerald immediately backed up and eyed him warily, "Who are you?" she demanded again, "You said you could read my mind? What do you want from me then?"

He hadn't actually read her mind, but he supposed that would quicken things up a bit. Just a quick peak.

He locked eyes with her and delved into her thoughts. Immediately, he could feel her fear, she was panicking on the inside, terrified he was going to kill her and her mind was running a mile a minute thinking of ways to escape him now that she knew her semblance couldn't effect him.

He found the names of her weapons as she debated on using them, her age being that of eighteen. And with just a little push he could see more. See how tired she was, how lonely she was. How pathetic and hungry she felt, wishing for a place to belong, wishing for a safe place to be where she didn't need to worry about her next meal.

Honestly, she was pitiful. It was no wonder she seemed to have latched onto that Cinder cunt in the other timeline.

And speaking of her, he saw no memories at all of the bitch in Emerald's head, which meant this was before they met. Which was good and bad, because honestly he would have loved to rip that arrogant bitches head off and punt it to the moon.

He pulled out of the older girls head and smiled at her, "You've had it pretty rough huh?" he asked and she stilled, "Why don't you come with me? You won't ever have to worry about living from meal to meal and look over your shoulder constantly."

"W…what do you mean?" Emerald gaped at him, and he could see it, how it was just so sudden, how it was clearly to good to be true, her mind racing once more as she tried to figure out his angle.

"I mean, that a pretty girl like you? With a semblance that useful? It's a waste," he crossed his arms, smile widening, "There's a place for you by my side if you want, though if you accept you'll be wondering what kind of crazy world you stepped into."

And she'd look much better once she ate some proper food and put some meat on her bones. Honestly, he could take care of that himself pretty quickly with the mystical palm jutsu, his eyes and having her eat a ton.

And while she was pitifully weak, it wasn't like he couldn't do anything about that. He couldn't give her chakra. But it wasn't like he'd been idle while travelling from Hargeon Port to the Sun Village and from there to Magnolia.

He'd killed every single creature he'd come across on the journey and harvested them for their hearts and lungs.

Their ethernano containers.


It was almost like taking candy from a baby. Emerald was so desperate for a place to belong, that she all but jumped at the chance.

Daiki supposed he should have felt guilty about that, but he didn't. He'd done a lot worse things than manipulating a girl for her own benefit. Besides, if he didn't do it, Cinder would have done it in his place and turned the poor desperate girl into a terrorist responsible for the destruction of an entire city and who knows how many deaths.

"Thank…you." Emerald uttered as she took his hand not long later, eyes shining with a fervent hope.



Geez what’s with all the hate for RWBY I mean I get what your guys are saying about the characters flaws and some annoying traits. But can we keep an open mind that there just teenagers and despite there flaws this show became a raging success. I don’t want to fight about it just voicing my opinion also I respect your work and love what you write hope things get better for you.


im curious whats the time dilation between worlds or is it all the same