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"So, where abouts would you like the guild mark?"

After having spoken to Makarov and being allowed to join the Fairy Tail guild, Mirajane took him back upstairs to the absolutely totalled main hall of the guild where the magic stamp they used for the guild marks was being kept.

Sat atop the bar while Mirajane leaned over it and looked up at him curiously, Daiki tapped his chin in thought, while doing his level best not to stare down her dress top and admire her massive well of cleavage, "Hmm," he hummed in thought, "Maybe my chest?" he mused.

Directly parallel to his four symbol seal.

"Sure, just take your top off," Mirajane shrugged, "What about the colour?"

"Red will do." Daiki nodded, hopping off the bar and reaching for the zip of his jacket. Out of the clothing he'd bought, he'd changed into a simple pair of hiking boots, black cargo pants and a white hoodie

"Wow, you're really well built," Mirajane noted with a blink as he pulled the jacket off, "How old are you again?" she asked.

"Looking to see if it's frowned upon?" he smirked at her, "I won't tell if you won't." he winked.

"Cute try, but no," Mirajane giggled and poked his chest, her finger lingering on the four symbol seal over his heart, "I just can't tell your age. Going by your height and build I'd say about fifteen or sixteen? But something about your face makes me think a little younger."

"I'm thirteen, soon to be fourteen." Daiki revealed with a roll of his eyes. He was only two and a half months off of turning fourteen before he ended up here.

"Really?" Mirajane's eyebrows climbed up high in surprise, "It's crazy how young you are and how built you are, just from touching you right now I can feel how dense your muscles are." as she finished, she gave him a sad, almost pitying look.

Daiki snorted, "All thanks to the grind," he laughed, reaching up to grasp the wrist of her hand that was pressed against his chest, "Though if you keep feeling me up like this, I'm gonna have to have you let me do the same to you as repayment."

"Ara? You're a dangerous little flirt huh? Despite your age," Mirajane giggled, the sad smile being replaced in just a moment, "I was just curious what the muscles of someone lugging around four hundred tons as you say you are would feel like." she said, even as her eyes glanced curiously at the seal tattoo'd over his heart.

"I mean, I'm curious what the chest of Mirajane Strauss would feel like in-" Daiki began to retort, only to be silenced by a finger being pressed gently to his lips.

"You'll have to stay curious I'm afraid," Mirajane winked, before lifting the stamp in her hand and pressing it to his chest on the opposite side of his four symbol seal, pulling back a moment later to show off the crimson red emblem on Fairy Tail atop it, "And there we go, you're officially a member of Fairy Tail."

Daiki stared at it for a moment, wondering if he should customize it with seals in some form, before putting it out of mind for the moment, "Awesome, thanks," he grinned at her, "And actually, since we're alone, this is probably a good time. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Hmm?" Mirajane tilted her head curiously, "What about? Though if it's just more flirting I don't actually have the time for it right now, there's still some more things I need to go shopping for."

"Nah, at least not right now, I can flirt with you later," Daiki laughed, hopping back up on the stool and not bothering to zip his hoodie back up, "It's about what we were talking about with master downstairs, you know the other dimensions and stuff?"

"Oh?" Mirajane hummed, "What about out? I'm taking masters word for it, but it's still a lot to believe. Honestly, I'm still not sure I believe most of what you said, like the fact you're carrying four hundred tons for one. If you are, why isn't the bar breaking under the weight?" she asked, giving a pointed look to the bar he was sitting on.

"Because the weight is only targeting my body while I wear my weights," Daiki shrugged. That was pretty standard for weights like these back home, otherwise anytime guys like him or Gai or Lee took a step they'd be cratering the ground, "Here, I'll let you try." he said, hopping off the bar.

Once he took the weights off, the weight would be applied as normal. So reaching for his wrist, he slid one of his weights off, balancing it so the weight didn't channel into the floor beneath his feet, before slowly placing it on the ground.

"Try and lift it," Daiki gestured to the weighted wristband on the floor, "Though careful, it weighs one hundred tons."

"…It sure doesn't look it." Mirajane said, giving him and it a suspicious look as if he were just playing a joke on her.

The white haired woman crouched down and grasped it with one hand, before tugging. It didn't budge an inch.

Mirajane's eyes widened and she added her second hand, and grit her teeth with exertion and pulled with all her might. So much so he could see the muscles bulging and contracting under the skin of her bare arms,

And to her credit, she managed to drag it a few centimetres, before giving up and staggering to her feet panting deeply, "…You weren't lying at all." Mirajane gaped.

"Nope." Daiki smirked proudly and bend down.

Before picking the weight up with one hand and sliding it back on his wrist.

"…Alright so I guess you really are just that strong," Mirajane giggled, shaking her head, "So what was it you wanted to speak to me about then in regards to these other dimensions?"

Alright…how to word this?

"You remember master mentioned a specific world he knows is connected to this one?" Daiki began.

"Mmm, Edolas, right? Where Mystogan is apparently from?" Mirajane nodded.

"That's the one," Daiki nodded, "See I actually passed through there before I ended up here. there's ethernano there like in this world, but unlike some of the people here, nobody in Edolas has magic containers so they're completely unable to use magic."

"Hmm, I see," Mirajane nodded again, taking in his words, "But, what does this have to do with you wanting to talk to me about it?"

"Yeah…." he trailed off, giving an awkward shrug, before deciding to just bite the bullet, "Promise not to freak out until I'm finished?"

Mirajane gave him an odd look, before nodding, "Nope." she replied succinctly with a pop of her plump lovely lips and beaming at him.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes, "Look, the thing about Edolas is that it's a counterpart to this world, so if you go there, you'd be able to even find an alternate version of yourself, there's even an alternate version of Fairy Tail there."

"Oh! Now that sounds interesting," A wide smile spread across Mirajane's face, "I wonder what the other me is like over there?"

"A lot the same," Daiki shrugged, "And right, look for context. Edolas runs their appliances and stuff with magic power. But there's hardly any ethernano left there. To deal with that, they've built a machine called Anima which connects Edolas to Earthland and they use it to steal ethernano from this world."

God, explaining all this was a pain in the ass.

"And the plot thickens again, huh?" Mirajane laughed, "Honestly, you should have gotten me some popcorn before delving into this story."

"We can save that for a date to see a movie," Daiki shrugged, "But look, here's where we get to the crux of why I wanted to talk to you alone."

"Obviously something that effects me I suppose considering you wanted to talk to me alone?" Mirajane mused, before gasping and clapping her hands together, "Don't tell me you slept with the other me over there and now you feel awkward being around me? Is that why you keep flirting with me?"

"No," Daiki deadpanned, "I flirt with you because you're one of if not the most beautiful women I've ever seen and no reason other than that."

"Oh, poo, that's boring, though thanks for the compliment," Mirajane pouted, "That would have fun been to tease you about if you did. I could have made a ton of jokes about forbidden love and romance that just isn't meant to be because it was a completely different Mirajane."

"You're quite the evil one, huh?" Daiki snorted in amusement despite the heavy topic he was trying to broach.

"Hehe, they didn't used to call me Demon Mirajane for nothing y'know!" Mirajane grinned, flashing him a peace sign with her fingers.

"I suppose not," Daiki rolled his eyes, amused, "Well anyway, look, I'm going to be blunt. You had a sister right, Lisanna?"

It was interesting to see the teasing and amused expression drain from Mirajane's face in all of a split moment, "I did," she nodded, "I suppose if you're bringing this up, then there's a counterpart of Lisanna over there as well? Is this just a warning or something to not be shocked if we end up over there are at some point?"

Daiki sighed, "No," he denied bluntly, "The Lisanna over there was thought to have died two years ago, but then turned up out of the blue not long later. The thing is, I saw that Lisanna. And unlike everyone else I saw in that world, she had a magic container."

Mirajane froze, her entire body locking up, "…W-what?" she uttered, eyes going wide with shock, "But…how can you even know that?"

In response Daiki pointed to his eyes, "My eyes are special, they're known as a dojutsu back home. Specifically, my eyes are called the Shinkugan, which means the all seeing scarlet eye," he said, "These eyes have a ton of abilities they grant me. From the ability to see up to ten miles away, hear anything within the range of my vision, mask my energy, reading minds and heal almost any wound by using up my own life force and energy. But they also give me the ability to see any energy I have myself and to see through solid objects. I'm capable of literally seeing inside your body, and because of that I can tell who is a wizard from just a glance."

"Oh….oh…." Mirajane bit her lip and stumbled back, and would have tripped over a stool at the bar if he didn't place a hand on her shoulder, "Then….does that…?" she trailed off, unable to even complete the question.

"I'm certain your sister is alive," Daiki nodded, "Two years ago, she was dragged to Edolas when she was weak and vulnerable by the anima, and she took up the role of the Lisanna from Edolas who was already dead."

He wasn't sure what he was expecting.

But it wasn't quite Mirajane bursting into tears and throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, her face buried in his neck.

Daiki stood there awkwardly for a moment as she cried, before wrapping her arms around her and patting her back comfortingly, "Sorry for dropping it on you." he apologized.

"It's…it's fine!" she sniffled into his neck after a few moments, pulling back to give him a teary smile, "It was just sudden, but I'm glad you told me, thank you."

"Better news than me sleeping with the other Mirajane?" he teased light heartedly, squeezing her gently.

"Yes." she giggled, but didn't let go of him.

"Well, not that I'm not enjoying you pressed up against me and all, but if someone see's us like this, and you all teary eyed, they're gonna have a lot of questions," Daiki pointed out, "Especially your brother."

"Oh right, Elfman!" she pulled back from him, eyes widening, "I'll need to tell him! He's been blaming himself for Lisanna's death since it happened, this'll be really good for him. And we'll need to go there right away!"

She looked him in the eyes, "You said you can travel dimensions right, can you take me there?" she asked.

"Sorry, I can't," Daiki apologised, though it was more for the lies he told than anything else, "I'll be able to return here in the future by leaving a beacon to lock on to while jumping worlds, but while I was in Edolas, I hadn't perfected my technique yet so I don't have any there."

"Damn, that's too bad," Mirajane sighed, before shaking her head, "How do we get there then? This anima thing? Maybe Mystogan will know?"

"You won't need to worry about that," Daiki said before she could ramble on with her thoughts, "The ruler of Edolas is looking for Dragon Slayers specifically because they can create a special lacrima they want from their bodies. Sooner, maybe in a few months at most, they'll be targeting Fairy Tail since there's two dragon slayers in this guild, three if you count me."

"Two?" Mirajane blinked owlishly, "We have another dragon slayer besides Natsu?"

And Daiki blinked right back at her, "Yeah, Laxus?" he replied, "He's a second generation dragon slayer. He's got a dragon lacrima implanted in his body made from a dragons heart."

"He's a dragon slayer and he never told any of us?" Mirajane clicked her tongue, "That guy is such a big brat!"



Good job Daiki, score more points with Mirajane! XD

Brian Rodriguez Perez

Daiki out here planting the seeds for a multiversal harem that will dwarf all others in quality, considering he already has Anko secured while having Sakura, Tenten and Hinata wanting their backs blown out by him.