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Arlong stilled at Kaden's words, his muscles tensing and his eyes bulging with a fury Nami had never seen in him before, "You disgusting inferior low breed human trash! How dare you use that mans NAME!" the giant fishman roared, baring his mouth full of razor sharp shark-like teeth in a horrific growl, "The name of the great man who saved my life is too good to come from your disgusting filthy inferior mouth!"

With a roar Arlong threw himself towards Kaden and launched out with a punch so powerful a shock wave of force erupted from his fist and the wind generated by it buffeted Nami who was over twenty feet away and shielded mostly behind a wall.

Only for his incredibly powerful punch to be stopped completely in its tracks by Kaden lifting one finger and blocking it.

Nami gaped.

As did Arlong, the rage suffusing him being completely blown out momentarily, such was his shock at being stopped by a teenage human half his size, with one finger.

"…Huh," Kaden mused aloud himself, "I'm kind of disappointed. You're way weaker than I thought you'd be, which is interesting because I already thought you were pretty weak. Thinking on it, isn't even that piece of trash Don Krieg physically stronger than you?"

"What kind of trick are you pulling human!?" Arlong snarled, mouth opening wide as he thrust his neck down to bite at Kaden's skull, only to gag as Kaden's other hand came up and palmed him across the face and casually lifted him into the air.

"And you're so god damn slow as well on top of that," Kaden clicked his tongue, "It's pathetic honestly. I'd be hard pressed even using all my strength to take on Jimbei at all I'm sure right now, and considering what Fisher Tiger accomplished, he had to have had the strength to back it up. You though? It's no wonder you came here to the weakest sea to bully non combatants, you're a piece of trash."

Nami honestly could not believe what she was seeing. Sure, Kaden had managed to instill confidence in her about his capabilities with what he said before and just seemed to just…know.

But seeing it in person was a whole other ball game. The difference between him and Arlong looked to be even larger than the gap between the people of her village and Arlong himself.

It was incredible.

And absolutely crazy.

"Arlong!" a familiar voice shouted in worry and Nami watched as Hachi burst out of the water, followed by the massive form of Moomoo the monstrously large sea king, "Who are you? What are you doing?! Let go of Arlong!" the octopus fishman demanded.

"Okay." Kaden nodded with a smile.

Before stepping forward and swinging his arm outwards. And promptly driving Arlong into the ground with so much force he cratered it inwards and Nami felt the tremors shake the entirety of Arlong Park.

Arlong was buried in the ground when Kaden pulled his hand back, staring up at the sky wide eyed and gaping mouthed, sputtering struggling breaths escaping his mouth, only to gag as Kaden brutally stomped his foot down atop Arlong's stomach and rested it upon the large saw nosed fishman.

"The name is Kaden D. Freeman," he casually introduced himself to Hachi, a smile on his face as if he weren't using Arlong as a stepping stone, and wasn't surrounded still by a huge crowd of fishmen pirates with a giant sea king looming not far away, "You're Hatchan right? Well I'm here to save the people you and your buddies have been terrorizing while trying to emulate the Celestial Dragons for the past eight years. You can go though, but I'm only letting you go because I don't feel like getting on the bad side of the Dark King."

Emulate the Celestial Dragons? The World Nobles? That was what Arlong was trying to do? And the Dark King, where had she heard that from before Nami thought?

"W-what…?" Hachi blinked stupidly at the boy, before shaking his head, "Thank you? No wait! you're letting me go because of Rayleigh? And what do you mean we're emulating the Celestial Dragons? No we're not!"

'Rayleigh!?' Nami's eyes widened in absolute shock. That was why 'Dark King' was familiar. Dark King Silvers Rayleigh, the right hand of the Pirate King Gold Roger!?

Hachi knew a guy like that?

Today was crazy. She was having so much incredible things just dropped on her out of nowhere because of this kid that just appeared out of nowhere!

"You sure, that's funny cuz Arlong Park sure seems a lot like Sabaody Park, and you've enslaved full communities of defenceless humans and treat them the same way the Celestial Dragons treat all their slaves," Kaden mused, a grin on his face directed at Hachi that had no mirth or friendliness in it at all, "I guess you guys didn't give a shit about Fisher Tiger at all, considering you spat on everything he stood for the minute he died and ended up getting Queen Otohime killed on top of that because of some pieces of trash trying to emulate you guys here."

Hachi staggered back as if struck by the boys words, trembling, "No…it can't be, that's not what happened!" he denied.


"It was humans who killed our queen! Even after she tried to make peace with you disgusting bastards!"

A cacophony of angry denials flew from the gathered fishman of the Arlong Pirates, but none more so than the one below Kaden's boot.

"LIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Arlong absolutely howled, his tone bordering on maddened, both of his arms wrapping around Kaden's foot and pushing it up with all his might, "WE'RE NOT LIKE YOU FILTHY HUMANS, WE'D NEVER TURN ON OUR OWN-

Arlong managed to push Kaden's foot up a few inches off of his chest, before Kaden pushed back down and smashed his foot back into Arlong's stomach, cutting him off and driving the air from his lungs, "Your opinion and what you believe doesn't matter Arlong, I'm only giving Hachi here a chance to live because I don't want to get into a fight with someone like the Dark King as I am right now, but I'll kill him regardless if he doesn't take my generous offer you filthy slaver trash," the boy spat, "And for your information, it's mostly your fault Queen Otohime's dead Arlong. It was one of your little fanboys that did it. Goes by the name Hody Jones, and he absolutely detests we humans, but on top of that he absolutely hates any of your race of fishmen who side with humans at all. He hated Fisher Tiger for freeing human slaves as well, and he murdered Queen Otohime and blamed it on humans to stir up a race war he thought you'd be the head of. Hell, I hear Hody Jones even plans to kill that sister of yours because she has human clients."

Kaden's grin faded away as he stared down at Arlong, disgust in his eyes, "If you were half the man Fisher Tiger thought you were, you would have returned to Fishman Island and did all in your power to protect the people there," he continued, "Instead, you inspired a hateful murderer into ruining everything Fisher Tiger stood for, who murdered Queen Otohime, the one who was trying to save your race. Right now, you'd be hunting down the likes of Vander Decken who wants to murder the royal family and rape Princess Shirahoshi. And putting a stop to that little fucker Hody Jones before he gives the world government a reason to wage war on the fishmen, like the Celestial Dragons have been wanting for generations and wiping you all out. If not for Jimbei becoming a Warlord and getting the protection of Whitebeard, your home would have long since been destroyed."

There was utter silence in reply to his words, and Nami was stunned even more than the utter manhandling Arlong had went through, went the man who had murdered her mother and tormented her for the last eight years, shook under the teenage pirates foot.

"….W-what?" Arlong stared up at the boy in absolute horror, "No…it can't be. That doesn't make any sense. How….how do you know all of this?"

In response, Kaden looked away from Arlong, and his gaze narrowed. Nami blinked as crackling bolts of black and red flickered over his body, before a wave of something erupted from his body, quickly flashing over the gathered fishmen.

She felt something slam into her as well.

She staggered back, her mind going foggy and for a moment as she felt a pressure press down upon her body and her head flared for a moment as if a migraine was coming on, she thought she was about to pass out, before she managed to catch herself, shaking her head and it passed.

"…What the hell was that?" Nami gasped, leaning against the wall of Arlong Park for support and then stared flabbergasted as she caught sight of all the fishmen pirates dropping like flies one by one, literally foaming at the mouth.

Even Moomoo passed out, its huge body flopping backwards and slamming into the water, disappearing beneath its surface and kicking up a large wave that splashed upon onto the surface.

Holy crap! What the hell was that!?

Hachi dropped to his knees, panting deeply and staring at the boy wide eyed in both awe and horror.

"The will…of the supreme king?" Arlong muttered aloud looking up at the boy in even more disbelief, "Conquerors Haki! But….only one in several million are born with that power! How….!?"

The will of the supreme king? Another type of that Haki stuff Kaden told her about before? And a special one at that?

"None of your business, I just have it and I just know," Kaden snorted, shaking his head, "Honestly, I shouldn't have even bothered going off like this. You just piss me off so much I couldn't help but stick it to you and rub in your face how much of a colossal waste of space you are. You deserve to die in despair knowing how much of a disappointment you are to Fisher Tiger and the fishmen race as a whole."

As he finished speaking and deriding Arlong, Kaden unsheathed his sword once more and lowered it down towards Arlong's throat, point poised at his jugular and ready to pierce it.

Nami's breath hitched in her own throat, this was it!

"Wait, please!" Hachi cried out, tears flowing from his eyes, "Please don't kill Arlong, I'm begging you!" he bowed his head down to the ground and pleaded with Kaden.

Kaden ignored him and stared down into Arlong's eyes. The huge man had absolutely given up trying to wrestle Kaden's foot off of his chest, and stared back up, eyes distraught and tears in the corner of his eyes, "Any last words?" the boy asked.

Arlong's lips trembled, "….Who are you really?" the fishman asked, "What are you planning to do? Why do you care? Why does a human like you who never met him respect Fisher Tiger at all?"

"Not begging for your life huh? I can respect that at least," Kaden nodded, "My reasons are my own, but I'll give you a little taste. I am half of one of those disgusting bubble headed freaks Fisher Tiger stuck it too. More than anyone else in the world, they consider me an abomination that should never have been born and when they find out I'm alive, they'll do all in their power to kill me. I'm directly opposed to them in every single way. I'm going to become a Warlord like Jimbei, and then rise as a king with enough power to challenge them. I'm going to take the head of that bastard Hody Jones and I'm going to rip the life from Vander Decken. You can die knowing that I, a human will carry fishmen island on my back if it ever needs it."

"…I see," Arlong grinned widely, tears streaming from his eyes, "Then go for it human, take my head, wear my teeth around your neck and display your win over me in every way proudly!"

"Arlong!" Hachi lifted his head and cried in dismay.

Kaden lifted his sword and Arlong stared up at it teary eyed, "Hey," he spoke as the sword reached its apex, "Do you know what happened to that girl? The one we took to her home. Koala."

Kaden paused, "She was horrified to learn what happened after you guys took her home. She ran away and joined the revolutionary army to fight against the government that took Fisher Tiger's life and learned Fishman Karate to honour him." he said.

"Ah, so I was wrong there as well," Arlong grinned, "Chahahahahahahaha!"

The blade swung down, and Arlong's laughter abruptly ended.
