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Kaden cast an eye at the comatose blonde woman laying beside him on the massive bed he'd commandeered.

Four days ago.

Nude as the day she was born, Honey Queen was completely out of it, literally dead to the world. A frown was on his face.

She was covered in hickeys, especially around her large breasts. Her pert ass cheeks were had two hand shaped bruises formed over them. And she was absolutely caked from head to toe in his semen, which was also leaking out of both her pussy and ass.

Her devil fruit was pretty much an incredible natural lube after all.

It was…good sex he supposed. But there was something missing. Even now, he didn't feel anything for this woman.

Actually, even after spending the literal last four days fucking her senseless to his hearts content, he felt the urge to reach over and snap her neck.

She was a legitimate piece of shit after all that had alongside her compatriots, enslaved the entire population of Clock Work Island, and kidnapped girls on multiple occasions to brings them to Bear King for him to do as he pleased with.

He'd literally allowed her to live on a whim.

Not that he really was any better. He was tainted by association. That piece of shit who had this body first, had fucked him in more ways than physically. It was so much easier to violent and cruel here.

Those memories had effected him that much. At the very least though, he would direct it towards those who deserved it.

As it was, he'd been using Honey Queen in the simplest form.

As a confidence booster.

It was what he needed the most.

The greatest thing he could gain in this world, was the belief in himself that he could do what he wanted to, that he could accomplish anything he set his mind to.

The will to accomplish what he wanted, was what he needed above all else. Above even a second devil fruit.

If nothing else, he'd just spent four days having his way with a beautiful women who'd lorded her superiority over others and been worshipped by a crew of pirates in the thousands.

And he'd made a bunch of them watch as he did it, made them cook his meals and bring them to him while he did so.

Though it wasn't like that was all he was doing.

While sex was great, he hadn't been idle.

He'd spread out his observation haki at all times, keeping it up for as long as possible, keeping track of everyone within his range, while at the same time focusing on Honey Queen, tracking her feelings and every single emotion that passed through her mind.

Feeling her discontent, her fear, her anger, her disgust, her lust, her pleasure. And used it to fuck her into a squealing mess.

It was good multi-task training with his haki.

Besides, he'd had a few days to kill for the most important thing he came to this island for in the first place.

Naked just the same as Honey Queen, Kaden stood up from the bed, allowing a yawn to escape from his mouth and stretching out his arms as he made his way over to the far side of the room.

Where a large glass container akin to a fish tank sat atop a table, and within it - Sandai Kitetsu.

The bottom of the tank had some small shiny spots, as if it was still a bit damp from water drying up.

While there was a liquid in it previously, it hadn't been water. It in fact been a murky foul smelling lumpy brown liquid that looked like freshly steamed sewage broth.

Smelled like it too.

It had been all the squeezed out juices of the Hard Hard Fruit which had reincarnated in the fruit he'd brought for it, a durian just as the devil fruit encyclipedia had said.

Honestly, it had looked more like a spiky coconut after the devil fruit had reincarnated in it than a durian.

Doctor Vegapunk had came up with a few ways for an item to take in a devil fruit. One of them had simply been soaking the item in question in the juices of the devil fruit until said item absorbed every bit.

It was the most simple of them, though it took the longest. It had taken these four days while he was fucking Honey Queen for Sandai Kitetsu to absorb every last bit of devil fruit juice.

"Finally done huh?" Kaden grinned as he reached into the glass tank and grasped the blade by the hilt and lifted it out.

He could feel an eagerness practically wafting off the blade. An excited desire to fight that almost seemed to make the hilt tremble in his grip.

"Show me." he commanded.

At his words, the a bright gleam trailed up the length of the blade, before fading away, just as it had for Bear King during their fight.

"Nice, nice," he laughed, "Can you do the superheating thing he did as well?" he asked next.

Nothing happened for a moment, or so it seemed.

But after a few seconds, Kaden felt the heat around him swell up.

But that was all.

He felt frustration slam against his observation haki and Kaden snorted, "Still working on it huh?" he said, amused.

Indignant anger flared at him from the blade.

He laughed again.


It was almost bemusing how quick the people here on Clock work Island were to jump to his orders Kaden thought, amused.

After confirming Sandai Kitetsu had absorbed every last bit of juice squeezed out of the Hard Hard fruit, he wasted no time in getting dressed and left the massive bedroom that once belonged to Bear King behind, Honey Queen still completely comatose.

It had been a simple matter to find a few of the former trump pirates lingering around and ordering them to gather everyone, every member of the crew, and the residents of the island.

Granted it wasn't like there was all that much residents of the island in comparison to the pirate crew, they pretty much outnumbered them ten to one.

…Which made the fact they'd been ruling the island even more pathetic actually.

Either way, within an hour, everyone was gathered below the trump castle, island resident and pirate alike waiting with baited breath.

The fact he'd more or less butchered the trump pirates barring Honey Queen had long since made the rounds of the island. Observation Haki was great for keeping track of that kind of thing.

He kept his silence for a moment as he peered over the balcony leading out from the castle top and eyed the people below.

Him not saying anything, was making them very antsy, and building a rather tense, fear filled atmosphere.

He wasn't really going for that though, he was just using his observation haki to quickly count out roughly how many pirates had fallen into his grasp.

'Just under two thousand.' he mused after a few moments, and beyond them there were a bit over two hundred normal island residents.

Kaden nodded, "Alright, let's get straight to the point, I killed Bear King, easily in fact," he spoke up loudly and clearly, "My name is Kaden D. Freeman, and as of now, the now former trump pirates, belong to me. If you've got any problems with that, feel free to speak up now."

As expected, even though there were over two thousand people below him, not a single one of them had the guts to speak up. They didn't have the guts to resist a weakling like Bear King after all, and he'd destroyed him, easily.

"I suppose that makes me king of this place now going by how that idiot took over this place and called himself king as well," he mused aloud, a chuckle escaping him, as if it were that easy to be crowned a king in this world, "Well whatever. I'll be blunt again, there's going to be some changes around here. You residents of this island, you don't need to fear these trash pirates anymore. You're free, and any of the fool pirates here that try anything like they did before, will be executed."

That did it.


"You can't be serious!"

A cacophony of complains and outraged cries came from the pirates. Despite their fear, their baser instincts of greed and the petty high they got over lording their authority over the residents of the island.

"Shut the hell up!" Kaden roared over their whining and jerked one finger up, as he did, four burning orange clouds rose up from the ground beside him to float over his head, displaying the decapitated heads of Skunk Jack, Boo Jack, Pin Joker and Bear King, the four members of the trump pirates he'd killed, "Unless you want to end up like these weak pieces of trash?"

And once again they were struck silent. Displaying the heads of 'powerful' men, one who could easily defeat all of them because of his devil fruit, went a long way to striking the fear of a god into people like them.

Honestly, he'd usually have just got rid of the bodies in full by now, but all four of these idiots had bounties, and together added up to thirty million, seven hundred thousand beri.

He'd just put them on ice until he got someone credible to turn them in for their bounties for him.

"I might be a pirate now, but I'm honestly not fond of pirates in general, and as pirates, you have no rights as law abiding people," Kaden continued on, "You'll stay here and do as I tell you, or I'll kill you. I have the ability to sense everything going on in this island and can feel your very emotions. I can even tell if you're lying to me. And if any of you try to escape, I'll flay you alive, then hang, draw and quarter you and display your body parts at each direction of the island as a message to anyone else in this crew that defies me."

The memories of that bastard, were at least very useful for making threats like that. And it helped that he really did feel nothing for these bastards. Pirate was an all around term nowadays in this world for criminals, but as far as actual pirates went?

These fools were pirates by the true definition of the word, not like the likes of Luffy.

"Bullshit!" one of the pirates cried out, even as he trembled, pointing a shaking finger up at him, "There's no way you can do that, that's just not-"

Kaden decided to nip that annoying little man in the bud before he could garner any support. And to do so, he decided to make a big impression.

By turning into his massive dragon form and looming high above them all. And the complaining pirate was stunned silent, as were most. Though not all, the rest just screamed.

"You think Bear King and Honey Queen are the only ones with devil fruits?" Kaden snorted down derisively at them, "Let me tell you, devil fruits are common in the Grand Line, there's tens of thousands of them out there easily, and my fruit is, the azure dragon is one of the very strongest devil fruits of all! Let me show you! BLAST BREATH!"

Turning his head away from the gathering of people down below, Kaden opened his crimson scaled maw wide open and unleashed a red hot beam of concentrated destruction that tore through the sky, pierced through the clouds a moment later and erupted into an explosion of heat that dyed the entire island in a crimson red glow for a few moments.

Terror, confusion, awe, mostly awe and more assaulted his senses from the gathered people below, but most importantly, he could outright feel their belief in his words after his little show.

Well…all except one.

"Em…King…Kaden?" a man with dark hair dressed in what appeared to be a lab coat raised his hand into the air, "Why azure? Your scales are red."

Ironically, the only one with the stones to question him over something at all after his little show to strike fear into his newly obtained subordinates, was a civilian resident of the island.

"…Reasons," Kaden simply responded, awkwardly, before giving a cough and turning his attention back to the pirates, "Either way, you've seen the stick, now allow me to give you the carrot. Do as your told, and greatness awaits you. I'll take you all to the top with me, unlike the pathetic loser Bear King!"

The response was middling. But that was expected.

It was just empty words after all. The temptation was there even now, to just slaughter them all.


Unluckily for Kaden, even after he cowed the pirates into submission and gave freedom back to the people of the island, he couldn't just bounce.

'This is more trouble than it's worth.' he mused, looking over a few pieces of paper, files detailing the monetary worth of Clock Tower Island, the food production, trade they made outside of the island and along those lines.

It was a mess.

Even with his little knowledge on running an economy, he could tell it was shit. For one, Clock Tower Island was a closed economy because it was a pirate ruled island and nobody was allowed to enter.

Most of the food they had on the island was grown. While half of the island in the sky was composed of human made structures like shops, homes and such, the other half of the island was fully greenery and was used for farming.

Export wise, they sold weapons. Before, Clock Tower island was known for being the finest place of artisans in the East Blue, but when Bear King took over, he forced all of the artisans creationary talents towards constructing weapons en masse.

It wasn't even their speciality. Going by the records, they'd had to take over a year to learn how to construct proper weaponry from taking apart weapons Bear King and his minions had gotten their hands on.

And it was all guns the idiot had them focus on at that.

To keep the island afloat, the fool had at least sent out some of his crew to sell weapons under a fake business name, mostly rifles, pistols and cannons, but then instead of doing anything useful with it all, he'd sunk most of the profits into building a 'super weapon'.

Which basically amounted to a giant mortar that while powerful for the East Blue, wouldn't do anything to anyone of note. In fact, Kaden remembered Luffy literally caught the missile fired from the cannon when it was completed and turned it around and slammed it back into bear King and killed him.

…The problem was, as he'd noted before, the people here weren't weapon makers by trade, but artisans forced into that path. While they'd ironed out making rifles, pistols and cannons and their ammo over the years Bear King had ruled the island and gotten good at that, constructing some form of super cannon from the base up, wasn't simple and took a lot of money.

Bear King had sunk over a hundred million beri into it, and it wasn't even done at this point in time.

As it was, the island had a grand total of sixty one million beri in the coffers. And a whole lot of stock piled weapons.

As in a crazy amount.

Kaden sighed.

Eighteen hundred and ninety eight cannons.

Ten thousand, eight hundred and one rifles.

Eleven thousand and seventy seven pistols.

'And a mass amount of ammo that's just stupid to look at.' Kaden palmed his forehead, leaning deeper into the throne he was sat atop.

"King Kaden?"

He was broken from his thoughts by his name being said. He looked over the papers down at the two people within the throne room with him. A light haired woman with spectacles dressed in a lab coat and the man who'd spoken up earlier to ask him about the colour of his scales.

They were the de-facto head of the civilian island residents on this island and the best artisans on the island, and the ones in charge of Bear King's stupid ass giant cannon project thing.

Also if he remembered right, the parents of that one kid from the movie. Well, whatever.

"This is stupid as fuck," he groaned, "Cut down the production of weapons by half. It's the main export right now so you can't stop fully, but from now on, send out half of the weapons you guys make to be sold off and store the rest."

While it was indeed stupid, especially since it was enough weapons to outfit an army that Bear King's forces hadn't come close to, it was still a literal pile of weaponry big enough to outfit an army.

And he had one. A small one, a small army made up of useless mooks he could slaughter his way through easily, but not everyone was him. They might come in useful in the future. Especially if he took them to the Grand Line in the future and they toughened up a bit.

…And everyone of note in this world had an army these days. Whitebeard had a fleet, the marines had a massive army, even Kaido and Big Mom had armies worth of people in the tens of thousands.

Fucking Luffy even ended up with a fleet of over five thousand people. No matter how strong one was, they couldn't do everything alone.

He wasn't even sure what he wanted to do yet. But, it would be a waste to get rid of them all now that he had them he supposed.

He pointed at the two before him, "Honey Queen will be ruling in my name while I'm gone," he said, he'd made it no secret he'd be off island a lot after all, "But you two will be handling the shit that needs actual competence around here, consider yourselves my Prime Ministers as of now…."

…What were their names again?



Should have just killed the pirates and moved on. Also, just call your devil fruit the red dragon. It's not like people are going to know you're lying and this way people won't think you're colorblind or just dumb.