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Hmm, actually, gaudy as this throne was, it was actually quite comfortable. 'Maybe I can stick it on one of my flame clouds and travel around in style?' he wondered.

It would be a whole lot less gaudy when it wasn't surrounded by all the other poker card themed shit at least. And hey, if Mihawk could sail around in a damn coffin, he could fly around on a throne.

It was only fair.

"You….!" Bear King rubbed his cheek that was already bruising from the impact of, and then shot to his feet, fury on his face, "You little bastard! Hot Boiling Special!" he roared, lifting his huge meaty fists. His entire body gleamed like metal for a split moment, before his fists began glowing a molten red and he launched himself towards Kaden like a cannon ball, one of his huge melting hot fists raising above his head.

He did not in anyway have the speed of a cannonball though.

It was like he was moving in slow motion to Kaden's eyes.

His mouth slammed shut, hard as Kaden disappeared from the throne in a blur of speed and his knee struck the bottom of the huge mans chin, the clash of his teeth smashing against either grinding like two anvils smashing together.

He staggered back from the blow with a growl as Kaden landed on his feet, "Hmm, that's not bad at all, I actually felt that." the former marine mused, rubbing his knee.

Easily as hard as steel, if not harder. And Bear King was a total putz who seriously had never taken his fruit to the true limits it could reach.

That was good news for Sandai Kitetsu.

But beyond that-

Kaden weaved to the side and casually dodged a massive molten rid fist aiming for his face, then another, and another, "Hot Boiling Special?" he snorted, "Really? That's the name of your technique?" he mocked, linking his arms behind his back and easily dodging around the mans barrage of punches.

"Stand! Still! And! Die!" Bear King roared as he attacked all out and missed every single time.

"Stand still?" Kaden grinned, "Okay." he agreed and did just that. Stopping in place.

Just in time for Bear King's fist to smash into his forehead.

And did absolutely nothing in the face of Tekkai and armament haki coating his forehead.

"Do you…have a devil fruit like mine as well!?" he gaped, absolutely stunned, before being sent flying back as a fist swung up and slammed into his chin from below, slamming into the wall once more, only this time, it shattered on impact

Kaden eyed his fist with a hum, "So I can do it if I stand in place, huh?" he mused. What he'd done was simple. He'd punched the man, with Tekkai. He couldn't do such a thing while moving like Jabra could for his Tekkai Kenpo fighting style…yet. But, it was possible to do it with a single arm if he stood in place at least, "I think I'll call that Tekken." he grinned.

Iron Fist.

"Hmm?" he cocked his head to the side as he felt a few presences rushing towards the throne room.

He supposed it was time he finished up then. There wasn't anything he could really get out of this guy combat wise.

Even with his devil fruit, he was simply too weak.

"That's it, I'm going to-" once more as Bear King began growling out threats as he stood back up, he was cut off. Though not by being struck again. Rather, it was by twin arms wrapping around his throat from behind.

"Bear King what is going on!?" the throne room doors burst open and a womans voice cried out.

A voluptuous blonde clad in a purple coat and one piece corset, followed by a squat fat man, a skinny weasel faced man and a tall pale willowy man with a feather shawl around his neck dashed into the throne room.

Just in time for Kaden who had gotten behind Bear King before he could react at all, to jerk his arms, clad with haki and tensed with Tekkai to the side.

And an audible crack to echo through the throne room as he broke Bear King's neck.

Kaden left go of the mans neck and let his now corpse fall to the floor limp and turn his attention to the interlopers who had entered the throne room.

"Bear King!" the fat one cried out in horror.

"Four bounties and one with a devil fruit." Kaden eyed them with a grin, before spinning in place and lashing out with a lightning fast kick, "Rankyaku!"

A massive wind blade erupted from his leg and soared towards them. They screamed in horror, the blonde at the front yelping and her body splitting apart into pink liquid and managing to survive being cut in twain.

The other three? Not so much.

They dropped to the ground, bisected at the middle by his storm leg kick, blood and organs slapping nosily onto the throne room floor as they slid out of their sliced bodies.

"Huh," Kaden blinked as Honey Queen reformed standing before the corpses of her former crew members, a look of horror on her face, "I didn't think you were good enough with your fruit to go into the elemental form fast enough and dodge my attack."

"W-who…are you?" Honey Queen trembled, in place, utter fear in her eyes, "What kind of monster boy are you? W-why are you doing this?"

Kaden raised an eyebrow at her, "Because I wanted to, and you guys had something of use to me," he replied, "Come on you're a pirate, how many innocent people have you tormented and killed over the years because you can? What goes around comes around." he began walking towards her.

"W-wait, wait wait!" she yelped, holding her hands up, "What do you mean we have something of use to you. if you tell me, I can-"

"I wanted your devil fruits," Kaden cut her off with a smirk, "Well I need Bear King's for something, yours is just an added bonus. Logia devil fruits like yours go for a ton of money, I'm betting three hundred million beri easy for it."

"…Selling devil fruits? Logia? What?" Honey Queen was completely overwhelmed by the situation and the information dropped on her.

"Yeah that's about as expected for someone who's bummed around the weakest sea for years and never bothered going to the Grand Line," Kaden laughed, "I'd explain it to you, but it won't matter once you're dead. But here, as a consolation prize let me at least give you the name of your killer. I'm Kaden D. Freeman, or Crimson Kaden as far as my bounty poster of one hundred and eighty five million beri is concerned."

…Okay so he kind of felt the need to flex. But come on, he deserved it after everything he'd accomplished over the last few days and how free he felt now. Before, he was always walking around eggshells around those that could crush him.

Now it was him that could do the crushing.

Her eyes widened in absolute disbelief at his words.

Just as he was about to rush her with Soru and wrap an armament clad fist around her neck, Honey Queen surprised him by giving him a smile, a shaky one though, "…You don't need to kill me, I can be useful," she said, "And a man of your calibre…well three hundred million is a lot for people like me, but I'm sure it's a different matter for one as powerful as you."

Actually three hundred million beri was a shit ton. He only got this much because he robbed two literal New World marine bases of their coffers. Though admittedly, finding a buyer for her fruit would be hard if he didn't give it to anyone.

'What's her angle here?' he wondered, "Useful how?" Kaden asked, curious despite himself.

He still didn't have a goal decided yet after all.

Her smile widened a tiny little bit, and she slowly made her way over to him, hips swaying, "Anyway you want," she purred, "I'm quite the skilled woman despite not being anywhere near as strong as yourself obviously, I can fill any position you want me to." her voice took on a seductive tilt when she said the word 'position' and as she reached him she bent over slightly to trail her finger across his collarbone and flashing off the deep well of her cleavage.

Oh, duh. Seduction.

To be honest, he'd been keeping that out of mind on purpose. While he wasn't a virgin, he wasn't as experienced as his other self had been, whom had this body before him.

…And as he'd mentioned before, his other self's hatred of pirates was quite deep. To be exact, when he got the chance to torture female pirates, he'd raped quite a few of them.

He honestly did his best to suppress those memories. At the end of the day, it showed how alike his other self had been to his Celestial Trash kin.

God he fucking hated that bastard.

"That's seriously the only card you have left to play?" Kaden sighed, rolling his eyes.

Even if he couldn't help but steal a glance at her deep valley of cleavage. She really was attractive. Pretty face, smoky eyes, golden blonde hair done up in a pair of flowy pigtails, plump lips, voluptuous breasts, thin, but somewhat wide hips and long legs, and she knew how to show it off.

Honey Queen froze, a grimace appearing on her face at his tone, "…Yes," she admitted, "I'll do anything you want if you let me live. Fuck the shit out of me as you please, I'm all for it, you're quite the handsome boy if a bit young, but I'm a pirate at the end of the day like you said. Anything, please." she pleaded with him.

She was really weak of will. And really weak physically. Even with a Logia, she wasn't anything of worth.

He hated that he felt a stirring in his balls at her offer. He did want to fuck her, but there was more important things than getting his rocks off.


He eyed her thoughtfully as the voluptuous blonde did her best not to tremble under his gaze, "…I do need somebody to keep an eye on my new fleet of ships." he mused.

Weak as she was, she was still a logia. As long as she didn't do something stupid like get stuck in a jar, she could handle most of the weaklings around East Blue.

"…New fleet?" she blinked, confused.

"Well they used to be yours, but they're mine now," Kaden laughed, "I've not decided what to do with them, so I'll let you live if you if you stick around here and keep an eye on things for me."

"Ah….." Honey Queen trailed off, having absolutely nothing to say to that. Then nodded, "Yes I can do that….my lord?" she said, hesitantly.

He grimaced, "Just call me Kaden," he replied, before reaching over to grasp her by the chin, "If you actually do prove your worth, then I'll show you a world you can't even fathom compared to what you've seen here in the East Blue. Islands in the sky, whales bigger than mountains, cities themselves built of gold." he promised with a smirked.

There, that was pretty grandiose, right?

And her cheeks flushed as she swallowed heavily, "Like I said….I will do my best to fill any position you want," her voice came out in a breathy whisper and she licked her lips, "Perhaps I can show you my appreciation for sparing me from ending up like them." she cast a look at the corpses of her former crew mates bleeding all over the throne room.

Her hand atop his collarbone trailed down, and her eyes widened a moment later, "Oh…my." a surprised noise left Honey Queen's mouth at what she found.

"You know what?" Kaden's smirk widened as she felt him up, "Fine, fuck it." he was a fucking pirate now, anyone who was a criminal in this world was more or less considered one.

He should enjoy the perks, right?


Honey Queen believed now she had made a mistake.

She should never have tried seduction.

But in her defence, it was the only thing that came to mind when an absolute monstrous teenager appeared out of nowhere and casually murdered Bear King and the rest of her crew like bugs.

A monstrous boy straight from the Grand Line, the home of monsters like him for sure. She would have had nightmares of seeing him casually snap her former captain Bear King's neck, if she'd been allowed to sleep.

That was three days ago.

"And where do you think you're going?" Kaden's hand landed on her ankle as she tried to crawl away, placing the now empty plate he'd picked up just moments ago when it was full. They were currently situated atop the massive bed that Bear King used to sleep atop.

Honey Queen yelped as the teenager bodily dragged her back by the ankle as if she were a toy, and pulled her back towards him, a second later his fist was in her now very hair, long since having fallen out of her usual twin tails and she felt something large, massive really, rigid, hot and as ever throbbing spreading her womanhood open.

"Oh fuck!" she squealed as the teenager slammed into her with all the force of cannon. And soon the bedroom was filled once more by the sounds of skin slapping against skin and her squealing moans as he fucked her ragged.

As he had been doing for three days straight.

The only breaks she'd gotten were when he forced members of her crew to bring him food. She'd been seen by dozens of members of the now former Trump Pirate crew getting used by a horny monster of a teenager.

But she didn't even have the energy to feel anything over it, not with how exhausted she was.

"You beast!" Honey Queen squealed, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head once more as another orgasm tore through her from the rough, rapid relentless pounding he gave her.

She'd long since lost county of how many.

Only that it had been so many he'd torn the sheets from the bed, they'd been that soaked with her juices.

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the crime!" the monster teenager only laughed, spanking her across the ass.


Creature of Grimm

i wonder if the revolution army will be looking for him soon. after all, from there perspective, he seems like he would be a possible recruit. his bounty poster literally has him holding the corpus of a corrupt, celestial dragon sponsored vice admiral after all. epically if he shows up near Luffy , got to assume Dragon has at least one person on dawn island that would call him if someone lie Kaden shows up. Garp too, for that matter.

Jacob Durbin

But he's also known to be violent and brutal. Far more than they'd like.


I actually like this Jordinio! Him collecting ships and crews of the pirates he’s killed or subjugated is a breathe of fresh air, he’s a fucking pirate now! Take, steal and plunder damn it. Spoils come the victor (beris, women, devil fruits, ships, more women chadadada!) bros really out here collecting devil fruits like Pokémon, gotta collect ‘em all. I’m telling you I’m read dozens and I mean dozens of one piece fics but this is the one that has truly given me a breathe of fresh air, all your stories are works of art that mix seriousness with comedy and a sprinkle of lewd where it’s needed.