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Ochako didn't think she'd felt this full in the morning in a long time. The British breakfast Kano had brought, more Scottish than anything else by his own admission, was absolutely massive.

She wasn't even sure what most of it was, and actually she kind of didn't want to know. Some were really nice and amazing and actually looked the part like those square sausage, the sausage links and the soft triangle things Kano called potato scones.

They looked nothing like scones!

But still, they were great. Honestly, she couldn't even really say anything in it tasted bad or anything like that. But, there were for sure some parts of it that didn't look at all appetizing, like that black pudding stuff.

Again, it was nothing at all like pudding!

Also, haggis. She'd actually heard of that before, she hadn't ever known much about it beyond it was a stereotype about Scotland that the people over there ate lots of haggis and wore kilts and were very violent and drank a lot of alcohol.

She hadn't known it was something that could be eaten as a breakfast item though. And Ochako for sure did not want to know what it was made of.

All in all, it wasn't a light meal at all, and was pretty heavy. But, that was more or less the kind of thing Kano needed because of his body and quirk apparently.

…The problem was, apparently they weren't even done with just that.

"…Is this really necessary?" Ochako couldn't help but ask as they left her apartment building behind.

She resisted the urge to cast a glance back at her door in worry, Kano assured her Mochi would be fine, and they'd barricaded him in a little makeshift playpen so he couldn't cause trouble, but still he was just a tiny baby puppy!

Though, what she was asking about, wasn't anything to do with Mochi, but rather the bottle she held in her hand. A white and yellow bottle of vanilla flavoured protein shake.

Kano who was currently mid way through gulping down a bottle of his own swallowed, before lowering it from his lips and grinning at her, a white moustache of protein shake over his top lip, "Definitely," he nodded, "While the breakfast was already packed with a lot of protein, these are especially made protein drinks to help muscle recovery and growth." and saying that, he finished the bottle of protein shake, before pulling out another from somewhere.

It was like he just magicked it into existence.

He probably was just keeping it in his back pocket or something though.

Ochako cast a glance down at the bottle, where a price tag saying 300 yen sat innocently atop the bottle. That was nearly as much as a bag of mochi with eight whole pieces in it when not on deal!

Seriously, how much did he spend just on breakfast a day? Between this, two of his own and that massive breakfast….

'I suppose this is the fruits of all his hard work, huh?' she mused, it was all bought with money he made himself. "I suppose." Ochako conceded. Considering his giant muscles and the success he'd found so far, she couldn't deny he obviously knew far more about muscle building than her.

Granted she only really knew the basics, but still.

"Protein is the most important resource for your body when building it up," Kano shrugged, "Granted, there's a limit to how much you should take, you'll need to tell me your weight if I want to narrow it down properly."

She did not ask for that, so it was kind and thoughtful of him to bring it up. Nonetheless-

"I'm not telling you that," Ochako narrowed her eyes at him and denied him bluntly, "Didn't you have a long term girlfriend before? You should know better than to ask a girls weight y'know." she pointed out.

Kano cocked his head to the side, a confused look appearing on his face, "…I don't get it." he replied.

It was kind of cute actually to see such a befuddled look appearing on the usually so sure and confident Kano's face.

Was this gap moe?

Ochako raised an eyebrow at him, "Are you trying to say your ex had no problem talking about her weight?" she asked.

"Why wouldn't she?" Kano's face scrunched up even more in confusion.


Ochako had to resist the urge to click her tongue. How enviable, to be so confident in yourself as a woman you didn't mind revealing your weight at all. Or was it just because of the kind of…girl that Kano's ex was.

She hadn't seen much of her in Kano's videos, and only checked her up because she'd been curious after she claimed she didn't lose out to his ex girlfriend the looks department.

And that was a damn lie for sure, Kano was just too nice to compare them. Camie after all, turned out to be a tall, leggy, busty, beautiful honey blonde with prominent attractive lips and wide expressive eyes.

No way she measured up to that!

Admittedly, she seemed to be a bit of an airhead as well, but that just added to that girls charm for sure!

Her gut clenched a bit at the thought of Kano's ex, before she squashed it and put a smile on her face, "Do you think Mochi will really be okay?" she asked, changing the subject.

Kano raised an eyebrow at her, before shrugging, "He'll be fine, don't worry so much baby-mama." he grinned at her.

"Don't call me that!" Ochako protested, feeling her cheeks heat up and casting a quick glance around them, and sighing in relief when she saw nobody in sight to overhear his words, "You'll give people the wrong idea!"

Kano just laughed at her.

She pouted.


The disappointment that emanated from the class as a near whole, was pretty much palpable in the air when classes started.

Kano was actually pretty amused by it. A lot of them seemed to think that after yesterday with the old grouchy red eye, they'd be getting thrown into the deep end right away with hero training.

Their disappointment was immeasurable and their day ruined when they realised that they would in fact all still need to study normal classes as well.

Kano having known Aizawa for ten years, was already well prepared for this to happen, even if he still would have preferred hero training over studying himself.

Izuku had always been the smarter between the pair of them and Kano himself was pretty mid-tier in general amongst his classes, he always did alright, but nothing stand out in that regard like Izuku….

Or that fuckboy Bakushitty.

Kano glanced across the room from where he sat behind Ochako to look at the bombastic bastard casually reclining at his desk with a scowl on his face.

Bastard even got a seat by the window. Bet that made him feel even more like the 'protagonist'.

Kano's fingers twitched with the reflexive urge to form into a fist as he remembered his goading words yesterday, before he shook his head and decided to ignore the piece of trash for the moment.

He'd get him back later.

Classes started off normally for a high school. If, to a much higher standard than most others. After attendance was taken during Homeroom with Aizawa-sensei, the first class of the day was English taught by Present Mic. It was usually quite a chafing type of class in Kano's previous schools, but Present Mic was well capable of making the class engaging and fun, keeping everyone lively and involved.

After that, it was history taught by the alluringly beautiful and curvaceous Rated-18 hero, Midnight. The vast majority of the males in the class, had no problem staying away and listening to her dutifully through the class. And he couldn't say he was all that much different.. She was hot as hell as the skimpy costume she wore was skin tight and left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Yet…Kano found her costume pretty boring at the same time to be honest. She tried way too hard to be sexy in his opinion. It was nice to look at, but didn't really get his engines revving or anything. Though it definitely did wonders for the overly hormonal virgins in his class.

Like Mineta, and that one dude with the electricity quirk, Kaminari was his name if Kano remembered right.

And a single glance told him that his little brother was blushing up a storm at her attire. Kano rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the front, only to see Ochako looking at him over her shoulder, a short, thin eyebrow raised.

He raised an eyebrow back, before she smiled, rolled her eyes and turned to look at the front again.


Ochako really was a bit of an odd girl sometimes. The girl sure could eat though, that was for sure.

Ectoplasm teaching the classes on mathematics, was much more traditional as far as teaching went than Midnight. But, he was quick on the ball and didn't let anyone get away with slacking.

Kaminari found that out. That guy, it seemed was a bit of a slacker.

And following Ectoplasm, was Cementoss teaching literature. He like Ectoplasm was much more traditional as far as teaching went, but he was more easy going than Ectoplasm, so the class was actually quite relaxing.

And finally, after those four classes, the class was all let out for lunch. Despite how intense the classes were though and how hard the subject material was - where usually most students would be exhausted by these kind of classes, instead there was a perpetual cheery atmosphere throughout the students of Kano's class.

Even Bakugou was grinning like a loon when he stomped out of class for lunch.

And that was for one simple reason.

After lunch, the rest of the afternoon would be dedicated to hero training! What everyone was here for and everyone was looking forward towards the most.

Honestly, Kano was the odd duck out there he was sure. He knew from Aizawa that battle training was quite common and since they were early into the year, and right after getting their assessment yesterday…there were good odds in his mind that they would be conducting battle training today to get a good feel for everyone's combat abilities.

Not exactly Kano's idea of a good time when he could squash most of his classmates by accident.

He was much more excited by the prospect of lunch and getting specially made meals cooked for him by Lunch Rush!


U.A was seriously awesome!

Tough classes that made her brain sizzle inside her skull aside, Ochako couldn't contain the happy grin on her face as she wandered through the cafeteria a large tray in her hand with over five plates stacked atop at.

A five star traditional breakfast made by the cooking hero Lunch Rush himself!

'To think for six days a week I'll get to to eat lunch like this!' Ochako mentally cheered. Usually her breakfast only consisted of a single piece of mochi with some seasoning and such added on for extra calories.

But this meal here was packed full of super extra mega nutritional power to see her through the day!

Maybe it was a bit counter productive to have a breakfast like this for lunch after Kano brought breakfast in with him this morning, but he was a foreign food otaku, and it had been a while since she had nice Japanese breakfast, never mind one as amazing as this!

Plus, she had a tough stomach! She had to after all due to her quirk…and other things.

Speaking of-

Ochako cast a glance over to the long line leading up to the kitchen where Lunch Rush was and rolled her eyes as she found Kano still standing in front of the lunch order machine.

Quite a few people were giving him the stink eye, he'd been there for over five minutes now after all! Not that he seemed to care at all.

'He's probably looking for foreign stuff he wants to try out.' Ochako rolled her eyes. While she would have preferred to sit with him, she couldn't just wait around.


Turning at the sound of her name being called, Ochako saw the one to call her name was Deku, who was sitting at a table with Iida.

Shrugging, Ochako decided to sit with them and made her way over, "Hey guys." she greeted them with a bright smile and set her tray of food down.

Kano would probably come join them anyway if she was sitting with his brother.



I'm glad someone said it, Midnight does try too hard. Also, is haggis good? I've always wondered.


im really hoping some beatdown happens with bakugo and izuku, they are my absolute least favorite characters of the entire series


Honestly? Ochako's ok but I prefer Momo and hope she gets some love and support in this fic. Momo maybe a rich girl, but she is a pure cinnamon roll who deep down feels lonely and wants to be with people who are interesting in being her friends (or more) for herself, not her money. She's also is incredibly nice and humble, if not quite so socially aware. Based on how excited she got just over a study group over to her house I imagine she was homeschooled, isolated, and pretty lonely and insecure due to her upper class status and proving that she got in on more than just her families money or her quirk alone but the hardwork she put into mastering it as well. As her quirk wouldn't be nearly as effective if she didn't put the work into making it good. I imagine Momo and Kano would hit it off like a house on fire. Not to mention, I imagine Momo would take well to Kano's methods of training and would probably be attracted to his attitude and drive to improve himself. Not to mention, Kano could help improve her self-doubt about herself in addition to her confidence.