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Kano on the screen stopped and gave an annoyed sigh, "RedRiot it was actually my little brother who cleaned up this beach over the past ten months or so as part of his training to get ready for the U.A entrance exams," he replied aloud, turning to look at the camera, and even through his sunglasses Ochako could see the annoyed furrow in his brows, "And thanks for the donation Broseph, and I'm glad my videos were able to help you out of a bad spot, keep on the grind buddy, that hard work isn't going to betray you."

He ran a hand through his hair and clicked his tongue after that, "As for Camie…well, we broke up," Kano said with a shrug and a sardonic smirk splaying across his face, though to Ochako, it looked a little sad, "Them's the breaks when two people go to completely different hero schools, and since I'm going to U.A now instead of Shiketsu, we figured a relationship would be too hard to maintain."

'Oh, so he had a girlfriend before.' Ochako realised and understood where his easy flirtations came from when she met him. And she was right on the money, that he was used to dealing with girls and that was why it seemed to come naturally.

Poor Kano, having to break up with his girlfriend in order to pursue his career as a hero, she really felt for him. But even in personal matters outside of being a hero, he was a real go getter huh?

She had to admire a guy who put in that much effort into things, "I need to work even harder from now on." she said to herself.

Actually, didn't that Broseph guy say Kano had tutorial videos on working out and stuff? Maybe she could check them out?

Oh man, dude I am so sorry!

Wait, are you telling me there won't be any more busty blonde bimbo babe on this channel anymore? That's so lame, totally ditching now, I ain't got any interest in your stupid muscles, I only came here cuz of the boobs!

Actually, why are you going to U.A? Weren't you supposed to go to Shiketsu with Camie as well? I remember you saying in a video you were going to take their recommendation exam and had planned on living at the dorms there alongside Camie.

That sucks man, but at least you're totally being manly about it and not letting it keep you down! I'm totally mirin' you bro! You and your brother, he's super manly too, I can't believe he cleaned up that beach himself!

F in the chat for our king, IMPERIAL ARMY!


Ochako stared nonplussed as tens of dozens of the letter F spawned into the chat over and over from loads and loads of different people. She had no idea what it meant, but she typed in F and hit enter herself.

'What is the Imperial army?' she wondered even as the F's continued to be spammed in the chat. She had no idea what was going on at this point. But she couldn't look away either.

It was weird.

"Yeah GrapeGod, annoying as you are, Camie won't be around anymore, we're done," Kano rolled his eyes so hard Ochako could see it through his sunglasses, "And guys, it isn't really a big deal. I've went into it before, but my little brothers quirk manifested not long ago, and it's a lot like mine, like he easily breaks his bones with it because it's so powerful. He's been dreaming of U.A all his life, but my mom was terrified he was going to kill himself by accident by pushing too hard with his quirk, so I'm heading to U.A as well to watch out for him."

Oh man, I'm crying right now, ngl frfr! Bro, like you are so god damn manly! A man amongst men! It's no wonder you got the top spot at the exam, I super hope we're classmates! It'll be so epic!

What RedRiot said! I'd offer to take you out for a drink, but you ain't old enough yet sadly, and that's a crime! And I won't do shit like that anymore! Like you said right, nobody else can deal with our quirks but us, right? Can't use them as an excuse to do bad stuff just cuz our quirks suck!

…Yeah whatever, this shit is cringe. King did you see any other cute chicks at the exam? Beyond that invisible chick? I was too busy trying not to get squashed by them dumbass robots to check any of the babes out!

There was quite a few people talking in the chat, offering condolences and talking about how much of a good brother he was, or just spamming outright emoji's and stuff. Three of them stood out in particular though, RedRiot, Brosephlyfe and GrapeGod.

Two of them because of how supporting they were…and the third because, he was a complete and utter pervert.

And going by his words, was at the U.A exam as well. 'I seriously hope I don't end up in the same class as whoever this weirdo pervert is.' Ochako cringed.

At least RedRiot seemed like a kind of cool guy who was easy to get along with.

Though the pervert sure changed his tune fast, going from mouthing off cheekily because this Camie girl wasn't around anymore, to calling him Kano King and so he could ask about other girls.

You're going to die a virgin or commit a crime at this rate GrapeGod, trust me, that won't work out well. Just look at Kano, you want to end up a villain and have him come squash you? You should take his example and improve yourself! I'm benching 1235kg now thanks to him! And even working two decently paying jobs thanks to the advice Kano gave in a video about getting a permit to use my quirk in specific jobs! I've even had some heroes stop by to ask me to be their sidekick!

God will you get off Kano's dick for one second Broseph, I'm on the road to be a hero, then I won't need to commit a crime to get chicks, I'll just be super popular and get them to like me then!

Grape, that's such a non manly reason to be a hero. Like it's alright to be excited for perks from the job, but the main reason we do it is to help people like, cuz that's manly!

And then before long an argument broke out in the chat, and was literally everyone against GrapeGod, who just didn't seem to care at all about others opinions.

"Calm down guys, Grape is an overly horny idiot, but it's no reason to gang up on him," Kano snorted in amusement, "And good work Broseph, keep it up, that's in the ton range, that's amazing."

See, you guys don't get Kano like I do! He's a big perv just like me, you can tell by how big Camie's mega milkers were! Those were definitely D-cups by my highly trained estimate! King Kano was totally scoping out the cute babes he'd be going to school with now that he's single!

"E-cup actually Grape, but that's not the point and seriously no girl is ever going to be into you if you keep shit like that up." Kano replied as he continued walking along the beach.

'Do guys seriously talk about stuff like that?' Ochako wondered. She was learning so much just watching this stream and the chat. It felt a little bit like Kano was bragging there about his ex-girlfriends breast size. But very subtly.

If she didn't see a quick little smirk on his face, she wouldn't have even realised.

She looked down at her own chest and cocked her head to the side. Her own breasts were a 33D. They were relatively big she supposed.

…God she hoped that wasn't invitation from this GrapeGod guy to bother her.

Gah, you trying to dab on me you damn overly muscular raijuu! Go explode! Think you're so cool just cuz you got the top spot in the exam and have stupid huge muscles and aren't a virgin like me and…dude fuck you.

Ochako blinked at the message from Grapegod…it seemed like a whole lot of whining and complaining about Kano being popular, and then just flat out giving up.

Congratulations Grape, you played yourself.

And Broseph wasted no time in replying to him mockingly.

"Dude, you don't need to get jealous or compare yourself to me. You should just work on yourself and become the best version of yourself you can," Kano replied with a chuckle and now that she thought about it, how was he reading the chat? He wasn't holding anything and even the camera itself was following him along without him doing anything, "But since you're that interested, I wasn't really paying attention to the girls during the exam, but I did meet a pretty cute one before the exam, and I know for a fact she made it in to U.A"

Ochako blinked, and then his words registered and her eyes flew wide open, "Wait, that's me right?"

Ooooh spill! how sexy was she? How thicc was she bro? Was she as hot as Camie? Hotter? Or was she a total uggo?

Actually kinda curious myself now. If you know she passed, you either know her now irl after meeting her that morning and got her deets or she was on the top ten list, and I saw a few girls on there. Actually, I'm on there too! But I'll keep it a secret who I am until I see you at U.A! I'm psyched to meet you in person!

Ah RedRiot I'm totally jealous! I wanna meet Kano irl and hang out! Kano wanna go gym together? I know a place where you can get a sweet deal! They might even become another sponsor for you to get their name out more!

"…This Grape guy is menace, I better tell the teachers what he's like and to keep an eye on him." Ochako frowned, a shiver running down her spine. It was creepy seeing this weirdo asking about her.

"So you're in the ten too huh RedRiot? That's cool, hope we can have a fun spar or something at U.A. I think I remember you saying your quirk was hardening before right? you might actually might be able to take a few hits from me," Kano grinned before shrugging, "As for the girl, I'm not gonna drop her name or anything here, but she was definitely cute and I can safely say now that I'm not dating Camie anymore, that she doesn't lose out to her. And she had a gravity based quirk and loves mochi apparently."

He then cupped his chin in thought, "And you know Broseph, that might not be a bad idea. A fan meet and greet kind of thing where we all hit up the gym could be fun, right?"

Ochako felt her cheeks warm up a bit. She wasn't sure how pretty this Camie girl was, but going by the way that Grape weirdo talked about her, it seemed she was very attractive. So being compared to her was quite a compliment, right?

…She felt a little sleazy watching this now. He was probably saying this because he wasn't expecting her to ever see it.

Oh shit, as hot as Camie!? Bruh, I'm so into that! I would love to grape a babe like that with my hot piping banna if ya know what I mean, right bros?

And her guilt was immediately replaced by revulsion, "Who even says stuff like that." Ochako growled in anger and disgust. This Grape guy…was a massive creep.

"Grape, seriously dude, do not ever say shit like that again," Kano's eyes narrowed noticeably behind his sunglasses and he stopped in place, "If I find you bothering her, or perving on any girl actually the way you do in this chat, I'm gonna punch you in the face with an earthquake."

As if to punctuate his words, he lifted one arm, a white crackling bubble forming into existence around his fist, before punching out towards the ocean without even looking.

A large shock wave of rippling blinding white erupted tearing through the water and carving a massive trench at least twenty feet wide and more deep through the water for over a hundred feet before it fizzled out.

RedRiot: Dude…Kano's gonna end up killing you by accident. I hope you followed some his training tips, else you're gonna be in for a world of hurt knowing your lack of self control.

Brosephlyfe: Absolutely shameful. Imagine trying to become a hero and saying stuff like this? At least with Kano around we can be sure you won't be able to do anything there. I fear for those poor little girls being exposed to a little pervert like you Grape.

Slancelot: No pity here, I just hope Kano gets the footage of him crushing this little freak.

therevengeofshitlorde: Paste this little fucker Kano!

thunderbasilisk: This kid needs a reality check for sure, I hope U.A has some good screening processes to deal with him.

catmonarch: L, grapist wannabe gonna get smooshed by an earthquake, get rekt loser.

Kingaron: Get fucked grape bitch!

kilokilop: Lmao, grape idiot forgot earthquake beats grape, gg nerd.

The chat seemed to harp on at the GrapeGod guy there and he shut up from there and didn't reply, except for a single little subdued sorry.

Ochako couldn't say she blamed him. She wouldn't want to get on Kano's bad side and have him threaten to punch her with that shock wave thing he just unleashed.

She could breathe a sigh of relief though that he probably wouldn't mess with her thanks to Kano. At least anywhere he could see him.

"Right…I think it's about time we actually got down to my training here for the day, we got a little side tracked," Kano chuckled, "I'm gonna go to an ad break from a couple of my sponsors, and while that's going, I'm gonna find a good place to train where I won't disturb anyone."

There was a flurry of messages in the chat, mostly those hyped for Kano actually getting down to the point of his video, before it cut off and was replaced by an advert.

Ochako didn't even know that was a thing live streamers could do. But then, she barely used Wetube, and when she did it was usually for things like videos about cute cats and stuff.

The first ad that popped up was for some game app that could be played on phones. Blitz Darkness Saga.

It actually looked kind of cool, but not really Ochako's thing, she wasn't much of a gamer besides the little snake eating things on her phone. Her family couldn't really afford gaming consoles and stuff like that.

"I think that's enough watching this anyway." Ochako mused to herself clicking off of the video. Over a half an hour had passed since she started watching Kano-kun's live stream, and she was probably even more confused about it than when she went in.

She did confirm one thing though, Kano had quite the rabid and weird fanbase. Some who she would even be going to hero school with.

And on that topic-

She still had two weeks before her tenure at U.A Academy began, and she had just picked up a little tip from that Broseph guy.

Kano had video tutorials on training, such good ones that apparently it let that Broseph guy bench press literally a ton!


Stanley Seymour

Loved this chapter! Worth the wait and thank you for showing Ochaco's side of things. I never really thought to show other characters POV, but after seeing you use it so masterfully. I will make a note to do the same as it helps. You really hammered home her character and struggles(like her cheap phone and crappy hand me down computer.) Nice attention to detail! You prove again and again why you are one of my top favorite writers on the platform. Well worth the wait and money. Peace and love from The Bahamas!