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Sorry for the delay on uploads guys. I meant to get a part of Jordinio Version up today, alongside Devour and the next part of Skyrim as well. that was my plan for today, and was hoping to even get started on the next part of my Familiar of Zero story that's been on hiatus for ages as well.

I didn't expect the problem I'm having with Devour to be kicking my ass so thoroughly though. To sum it up for you guys:

It's because of the stupid Bell/Ryuu what if that got dropped by Omori.

Basically, Omori the author of Danmachi, threw a massive hissy fit because his OOTP of Bell/Ais wasn't as popular as Bell/Ryuu. So he wrote a what if short story based on if Bell actually did get together with Ryuu and stop pursuing Ais.

Basically, Liaris Freese stops working, he gets only a scant few points after weeks in the dungeon each time, loses all his quick learning ability and even gives up on being a hero. Because apparently, Omori has now decided that wasn't a childhood dream of his and instead something he only doggedly pursued because of his infatuation with Ais, because he thought he needed to be a high tier hero to be with her? Which means, Argonaut his second op skill will lose a massive amount of the power behind it because it's powered by his desire to become a hero. And no matter his feelings for other girls, it won't reactive because it's Ais-only apparently.

Lefiya in the latest Sword Oratoria volume went and trained with Bete for two weeks, and rose up a total of over five hundred stat points, at level four. Without some exp boosting skill like Liaris Freese. Which means, Bell is literally nothing without his skill. And everything he did, was all for Ais. Forgiving Lili? Because a hero and someone who could be with Ais totally would. Save Haruhime? Becuse a hero that could be with Ais would. Protect the Xenos? Because Ais. The what if relegated everything to Ais more or less. Hell it's even compounded in I think, chapter 95 or 96 of the Sword Oratoria manga where Bell basically says he wanted to win for this and that reason, and then ends it, with how he wanted to accomplish it all so he could catch up with his idol Ais.

Like, the meme joke of Bell being a simp was always there, but this is next level.

And to sum it up, because Bell stopped simping for Ais in the what if and got with Ryuu, everyone died. Literally, the One eyed Black Dragon killed everyone because Bell couldn't get strong enough without simping for Ais, and more or less basically outright said, everyone is useless but Bell.

Hell apparently him stopping simping for Ais, even makes him lose that pure clear soul that had Freya obsessed with him as well. He's literally nothing without simping for Ais.

Because of this, I've taken a great distaste to the character, and Bell, either male or female, was playing a big role in this story going forward and I had a lot of plot devised where while he's not playing centre role, did get quite a bit of highlighting, like an arc dedicated to Bell's training by Caelan.

But just tacking tits on Bell and making him a hot girl, doesn't change the crappy character or the root of the problem.

This is due to the nature of how the setting works, souls, and the falna itself. 

I even went over it in this story with Caelan and his thinking he wasn't really worthy of his accomplishments because he just got lucky. But, while there are common skills that may differ by name and a vary slightly in effect but can be got by everyone if they put the right effort in, there are also skills like Liaris Freese that are born from the soul of the user, it's his literal soul was super duper predisposed to simping for Ais, which apparently ties in with his new game plus mode of being Argonaught who also fell in love with Ais' past self as well. It took the form of Liaris Freese simply because of Bell's simp mode thinking he needed to be on Ais' level to get with her. Basically, his soul is pre-disposed to helping him towards getting with Ais, he literally has an Ais-simp soul and thus what his soul made with the falna, was a skill to be with her in the way he thought he needed...more or less.

The what if, and the explanation on how skills work, basically imply that no matter what, the second Bell see's Ais in any capacity, he's gonna fall for her hard and try and chase after her.

What that says about Caelan, you're open to interpreting however you want.

But basically, Bell is predisposed to simping on sight for Ais, because of his past life as Argonaught, it's literally ingrained in Bell right down to the soul.

I've lost all respect for the character, and as such, I've been busy as fuck and held up by trying to rework the plot for going forward.

Fucking Omori.

So yeah, sorry about the delay, I'm gonna try and get a few updates done tomorrow though even if I have to shelve the reworking the plot of Devour for a few days to get shit done.

Here have a smexy wedding dress Alfia to tide you by.



To be honest no matter what the fan base says, you should have control on how the story goes and who pairs with who, but to be this petty to destroy your story to that level is pretty ridiculous.will say female bell could def work if working oof the main mc, take that simpness to epicness.


Man, he could have even come to the same outcome and have the moral of the story be some “stagnation is death” or “contentment dooms heroes” BS instead of this Ais Simp BS. Take a break from it, I know I could barely look at Star Wars stuff after the sequel trilogy. Maybe feeling will cool down a bit down the road, maybe not. Don’t force yourself, that just leads to shit content.