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Luckily for us, the Pokemon Centre's tended to come equipped with rather large battlefields for trainers to have practice or even serious battles at.

And the Viridian City Pokemon Centre, was quite a large one, much larger than the average Pokemon Centre, and as such, the battlefield reflected that.

Honestly, it would have probably looked quite odd to any passerbys as we literally walked around the side of the large Pokemon Centre, Lance and myself in the lead, and being trailed behind by a waddling…pod of paparazzi.

And the barely contained excitement that practically vibrated off of each and every single one of them…was kind of weird.

I'm not gonna lie.

I at first likened Champion's to basically the greatest athletes in the world of the most popular sport.

But, this went beyond that.

I'm not even sure how to describe it, it wasn't even hero worship, it was beyond it as well.

It was almost…cult like actually.

Kind of freaky if I'm being honest.

And not a little bit intimidating. What kind of power and strength inspires such zealotry I wonder?

'Doesn't matter.' I shook my head, putting it out of mind. If I let something like that psyche me out from the very beginning, I had zero chance and had already lost the battle.

Moments later, we were in place, both Lance and myself on opposite sides of the plain ground battlefield outside the back of the Pokemon Centre while the reporters all lined up along the doors of the Pokemon Centre leading out to the battlefield, far enough away that they shouldn't get caught up in the battle, but definitely close enough to get some good up close shots of the battle.

"Jord, may I make a-" Lance began to call over, but before he could finish whatever it was he was going to say, the doors of the Pokemon Centre slid open.

Out stepped a bevy of people. First was Nurse Joy, followed surprisingly by familiar, huge stockily built blonde man, a well dressed man with slicked back black hair dressed in an expensive and dapper black suit, two men in lab coats, one an older gentleman with short greying hair, the other younger with short brown, somewhat spiky hair and wearing rectangular glasses.

The last ones to step through was a beautiful brunnette woman dressed in a pink cardigan, and a curvy teenage girl a few years older than me with long reddish brown hair set in a long braided ponytail and bright green eyes dressed in a white uniform of some sort.

…What the fuck?

Nurse Joy, Surge, Giovanni, Professor Samuel Oak, Delia Ketchum, and if I'm not wrong, the professor guy from Journeys and his daughter that was the pal of that twat Goh…right?

Understanding dawned on quite a few of their faces almost immediately, and Nurse Joy outright palmed her face.

"Jord…really?" she groaned aloud.

At her side, Professor Oak rolled his eyes, "Quick as always aren't you Lance?" he mused with a chuckle.

My eyes met those of Surge's own. I expected him to growl at me, maybe glare or something. But instead he just frowned, and gave me a single nod.

…Way more courteous than I was expecting from him the next time we met, odd.

While I'd usually be more interested in Delia or the other girl, Chloe if I remember right, her father being Professor Cerise, instead I found my attention drawn to the black suit wearing man and strongest gym leader in all of Kanto.

And also the secret leader of Team Rocket.

His thin, finely shaven eyebrows raised lightly when he noted me looking at him. I wasn't sure what I was expecting from Giovanni, but it was not for him to smile at me and dip his head in acknowledgement, respectfully so.

Fishy as fuck bro.

"Believe it or not Professor, but it was young Jord that challenged me, he's quite the bold one," Lance laughed, waving the older man off, "And I cannot say I'm not curious myself to see what he is capable of."

"Bold huh…that's an understatement." Surge snorted, crossing his huge arms over his barrel like chest.

That was almost a compliment.

Did I fall into the mirror world back in the Grandpa Canyon and not realise it? Did that effect even reach this far from Kalos?

I'm clearly in bizarro world.

"He'd need to be if that video of him going around on the net is anything to go by," Professor Cerise agreed, "I'm baffled at how a person could become so strong physically, but I'm much more interested in seeing how a trainer with such physicall prowess is regarded by his pokemon, especially the more prideful and violent ones, like that rather odd Dragonite and Gyarados we saw in the footage."

"I'm actually quite interested in that Dragonite myself," Lance nodded in agreement, "Though, right now, I'd prefer to see that Aerodactyl in action. What do you say Jord, will you use it in our battle?"


I actually wasn't planning on using Aerodactyl. He was already all healed up and battle ready again, but beyond the one training session I've hardly worked with him at all.

I was planning on fielding Dragonite, Milotic, either Gyarados or Blastoise depending on the what I was up against, Charizard, Fearow and Pidgeot.

I don't doubt I'll lose this, but there's victory to be had even in losing and showing off the crazy and amazing pokemon I have just in looks and rarity is an avenue open to me to earn the awe of others.

"I can't promise he won't go for you," I warned, "He'll listen to me, I've made sure of that, but Aerodactyl still has a real attitude problem."

Aerodactyl had well learned, that he was much lower on the totem pole than he thought he was, and while it wasn't true, I'd even established myself as above him on it in fighting ability.

"I'd be shocked if a pokemon like that didn't," Lance merely chuckled in reply, "Of course I understand it is you giving me a handicap having to use a pokemon you haven't had any real time to train yet in a battle."



I glanced at the reporters to see a few of them hurriedly jotting notes down at his words. Was…he giving me some clout there?

I mean, that's a pretty big boast, to be giving a champion a handicap.

"Fair enough, fine," I shrugged, "So how are we doing this then?" I asked.

"Splendid!" Lance clapped his hands together happily, creating an audible echoing sound, before pointing my way, "It's not only Aerodactyl I'm interested in, but all of your pokemon. How about, we make this a six versus six battle?"

Once more the reporters burst into an excited frenzied chatter. I'm not even sure why. At the chance to see Lance use more than one pokemon in a battle, or because Lance was deeming me worthy of such a thing?

No way I can take that many, I'm betting I can take two or three at most. And he most definitely knew that, hell he probably thought I wouldn't even be able to beat one of his and was just hyping me up in their eyes to give me more clout and butter me up.

Big mistake buddy, you're not dealing with your average trainer anymore. I have gone beyond the standard and reached into the throes of legends themselves.

I in fact know where I can go to capture a few legendary pokemon rather easily if I so desire.

"Fine with me," I smirked at him and grabbed Aerodactyl's pokeball from my belt, "Better not hold back on me though, else you might have to hand that title over to me before the days out."

"It doesn't actually work like that I'm afraid," Lance gave a booming laugh of amusement, "But message well received."

"My, how exciting!" I heard Delia chirp excitedly, "Not only will we get to see a rare ancient pokemon up close and personal in action, but even the champion himself in battle, aren't we lucky today Chloe?"

The girl standing beside her shrugged her shoulders, "I guess so." she replied, voice flat.

As she spoke, I glanced at her, my eyes meeting hers, and I could see clearly in her gaze, how bored she was. No…not bored, not quite at least.

She stared back at me impassively, before glancing away.

"Alright, then how about I start us off since I gave you such a request?" Lance's voice broke me from my thoughts before I could ponder on the older girls attitude any more and I turned back to see him holding a pokeball in hand, "Come out, Dragonite!"

He released the pokemon from within the pokeball in his hand, and it appeared in a burst of bright silvery white light that formed into a Dragonite.

A huge Dragonite, around the same size as the one I gave to Hilda, if not a little larger.

…Alright, he was totally taking this seriously.

The question is, was this thing is ace or just a secondary or third Dragonite? Well, either way, it was a Dragonite on a champions team, so it wasn't going to be a pushover no matter what.

Well, guess it's my turn now.

"Let's go, Aerodactyl." I declared and released the ancient bully pokemon from his pokeball.

In a burst of silvery white light of his own, Aerodactyl exploded onto the battlefield. As soon as the light faded away, gasps and shouts of excitement erupted from the gathering of reporters.

"Dear…me…" Professor Cerise trailed off, and Oak's eyes went wide. Surge didn’t make much of a reaction, beyond his crossed arms tightening and muscles tensing, and Giovanni threaded his fingers together and a large smile spread across his face, excitement in his gaze.

No, not for you.

"Amazing…" Lance drew my attention to him with his awe, staring at Aerodactyl wide eyed as the huge rock and flying type shook his head and yawned, "I had no idea Areodactyl could get so massive, none of the fossil parts we've found so far indicated a size like this."

It was then Aerodactyl noticed he had an audience and stopped shaking his head. He cocked his head to the side and regarded the gathering of reporters and co confusedly, before smirking and spreading his wings wide, "AERRROOOOOOO!" he roared at them, while leering threateningly as he spread his huge wings out as far as they could go intimidatingly.

He stepped towards them and I saw Lance's Dragonite tense, preparing to move, and a few of the reporters let out some panicked yelps.

"Oi, enough." I said simply and loudly.

Aerodactyl froze at my voice and he whipped around to look at me wide eyed, before narrowing his eyes at me and growling, stepping towards me threateningly.

I held my hand up and clenched it into a fist, popping my knuckles audibly as I did, "You wanna go again?" I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step towards him.

Aerodactyl froze in his tracks before backing up quickly, "Aero aero aero!" he waved his wings and shook his head, looking away with a snicker.

Pretending as if it was all a joke.

Typical bully behaviour.

What a cliche.

"…Truly astounding, he's cowed it." Professor Oak noted aloud.

"Indeed, impressive!" Lance grinned massively in agreement, "I see what you mean by an attitude problem now, but to think Aerodactyl would back down from you."

"He's used to being the top of the pecking order," I shrugged and grinned, "I just made sure to show him, he's a lot lower than he thought he was, isn't that right Aerodactyl?"

"Aero!" Aerodactyl grudgingly nodded his massive head, and looked away. Only to blink when he finally then finally noticed the huge Dragonite standing opposite him.

He grinned, showing of all his teeth.

Dragonite raised a single brow, but didn't react.

"We're having a battle with Lance and his Dragonite, which means you need to do what I tell you, okay?" I said.

I'd already established to him what a pokemon trainer was and what would be expected of him earlier.

Aerodactyl gave an explosive sigh, huge head lagging down a bit, but nodded nonetheless.

"Quite the funny character, I have to admit," Lance chortled, "Well then Jord, I give the first move to you, how about you and Aerodactyl start this battle off for us?"


"So what's the plan then?" Hilda asked her cousin as she made her way into the living room, freshy showered and dressed for the day, and running a brush through her currently wet hair.

Her cousin, sitting in the armchair dressed in nothing but her underwear with a bowl of cereal in hand looked up at her, blinking owlishly at her, a spoon stuck in her mouth.

Hilda glanced at the television as Rosa swallowed and noted she was just watching the news, probably looking for any mention of those pokemon stealing freaks they were going to be hunting for soon.

'This is another reason why she isn't allowed anywhere near Jord.' she decided. Rosa had no sense of modesty whatsoever. Honestly, beyond her body, her cousin completely lacked any feminine charm at all.

"Eh, I thought we could y'know go-"

Rosa never got to finish her sentence as the news station, that was currently talking about the weather, suddenly shifted screens to an older man in a business suit, Hilda knew him as the one who covered top of the line pokemon trainer related stories for the Unova news station.

She hummed in interest as he went on about some young hotshot trainer who had apparently gotten his hands on an Aerodactyl of all things, the first known living specimen in the world.

Good for him.

She was about to turn away, when the man announced that they had a live feed from Kanto and the trainer was apparently participating in an exhibition match against Champion Lance.

Despite herself, Hilda got a little excited. It wasn't often she got to see other champions in action beyond Alder, and even he only rarely battled, nobody had actually got passed the Elite Four in years and had the chance to challenge him.

And then the screen shifted to the battlefield.

And she saw Lance and a huge dragonite that reminded of her own sweetie pie gifted to her by her…Booty call? Friend with benefits? Lover? 'I'll put my name on you alright idiot.' Hilda snorted.

She'd tattoo her damn name on his forehead next time she saw him, sassy little overly muscled big dick brat.

And then the screen shifted over to show the amazing sight of the massive Aerodactyl that towered over even Lance;'s Dragonite.

And then its trainer.

"Hey…isn't that Jord?" Rosa blinked.



"Yes…yes it is," Hilda took a deep breath and closed her eyes and tried to count to five. She failed, "It's only been a god damn few hours, how the hell has he gotten his hands on an Aerodactyl and now battling the freaking champion!?"

Hilda wasn't even sure what to say at this point. How was this even possible? It was like every time she took her eyes off of that muscle brained thug idiot he went and did something crazily impressive, stupidly idiotic, insane, dangerous, life threatening or all of the above.

"Man, he is gonna get so much pussy from this." Rosa snorted, completely unladylike.

And just rained on her parade even more.

The worst of it all though.

Was, she wasn't wrong.

'I should have accepted his offer to come along with me.' Hilda groaned inwardly.


Robert Stevens

kinda wanna see jord run in to the galar female protag and for her to be very scottish like in the memes