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'Should I be insulted that nobody believes me at first when I tell them this?' Daiki wondered.

Tenten, Naruto and now Sakura. Sure, they were all of his generation and were pretty ignorant of how things actually worked unlike him, but still.

Well, Sakura caught on quickly to it not being a lie at least.

"Because I'm strong, and that's the main requirement of being Hokage," Daiki shrugged, "While not as strong as Kakashi even when using the seal I got from Orochimaru and improved upon to make it better. I've got another power, that makes me the strongest guy in this village besides the Hokage himself."

"Another…power?" Sakura trailed off, before her eyes lit up suddenly, "Is it something to do with the Hero Water? You drank that before when we went to the Waterfall Village and you like powered up massively from it for a bit and absolutely crushed that guy that took me hostage. Can you use that on the fly or something now?"

"No, good try though," Daiki laughed, "It's something that needs to be kept secret for now, Hokage's law and all and it's not really my power so much as a power I can borrow. And that's who I've been with for the last while actually, I was getting personal training from the old man."

"Training with the Hokage himself, huh? That must have been amazing," Sakura gasped in awe, before swallowing and shaking her head, "But you as the Hokage huh? I can only imagine the kind of stupid laws you would pass."

"Hehe," Daiki thumbed his nose, "The first one I'm passing, is that all hot kunoichi, like you for instance, are required to wear tiny mini skirts!" he proclaimed proudly, punching his fist into the air grandly.

"…Of course it is." Sakura gave him a dry look.

"Better get shopping for some nice mini skirts for the future." he taunted her with a laugh.

Sakura in return merely shrugged, "I'm good, I already own plenty."

Daiki crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at her challengingly, "But are they pleated?"

"More than half of them," Sakura shrugged, and then laughed lightly, "Really not hiding your tastes at all here."

"Good girl, being prepared and ahead of the game, that's a true kunoichi right there." Daiki praised her.

"…You know that's the first time since I graduated the academy somebody has called me a good kunoichi? Well, beyond Lee and Naruto," Sakura cocked her head thoughtfully, "And it's because I own some small skirts?"

"And it came from the future Hokage himself, aren't you special?" Daiki grinned at her.

"Yay?" she replied dully, "This is truly going to be the highlight of my career as a kunoichi."

He laughed, "Good to see how much my opinion means to you," he shot back, "But, while we're on the topic and getting around to training, what actually is your plan with your career? What are you aiming for here?
Well, besides wanting to ride Sasuke until his bed breaks."

Sakura bit her lip, "…To be honest, I don't know anymore. The forest of death was a real wake up call for me," she replied, and then raised both eyebrows at him, "And should the future Hokage really talk like that? Besides, you already know, I decided to let that go, I've already learned how shallow my feelings were."

"Fair enough, there's plenty of time to think of what you want to aim for to be honest, it doesn't even have to be anything grand, you can just want to be a strong well earning kunoichi and live a good life," Daiki replied, nodding his head, "And I can stop if you want, I'm just having a laugh." he offered

"No…it's alright," she huffed a bit through her nose, a small half smile splaying across her face, "I've gotten used to it now, and I kind of like how upfront and honest you are about everything. It's a far cry from Naruto just telling me what I want to hear and Sasuke barely ever opening his mouth when I talk to him."

Well, fair enough. He could see how that would be a refreshing change of pace. And it was always nice to see where you stood with people.

"And you like me complimenting you." he pointed and added.

"…Maybe a bit." Sakura shrugged, unforthcomingly, but her pretty green eyes glittered with happiness and gave her away regardless.

"Alright then, phat ass, and that's with a ph and not and f," Daiki clapped his hands together, "Let's get down to training shall we?"

"Still not charming to say that by the way, even if you change the spelling." Sakura told him, but nodded in agreement nonetheless.


Perhaps, unsurprisingly it didn't take Sakura very long at all to understand and get the basics down of the Mystical Palm Jutsu.

She easily understood the concept behind it. It only had one hand seal to remember and the chakra drain on it wasn't too bad to deal with for short bursts.

Within just two hours of training with the jutsu, with him giving pointers to her to help her here and there, Sakura got the jutsu down, for the most part.

She had trouble keeping the chakra transformation consistent, but was able to do it properly, the exact opposite of the problem Tenten had.

Then again, Tenten hadn't been told about how the image of the jutsu in her mind and shaping it was important and Sakura had him to tell her it straight up instead of just having to piece things together from a scroll.

But it was still quite impressive to get it mostly down after two hours.

Her chakra control really was something impressive indeed.

"…I'm exhausted," Sakura wiped sweat from her brow, bent over in front of him, sweat soaking her top, "I feel like I could keel over any second."

It was just too bad he was sitting in front of her and not behind, or he was sure to have been getting a real good view.

As it was, he was sitting cross legged on the ground with a scroll open and an ink brush in hand. He was in the process of writing down the instructions for the body flicker jutsu, since he had long since realised she wouldn't have enough chakra to continue training to get it down as well.

The Shinkugan was handy like that.

"You gotta work on that stamina, you've only been going a couple hours," Daiki rolled his eyes, finishing up what he was writing with a little flourish and sealing the ink brush away, "Tut tut, what would your dear Sasuke-kun think about that?"

The pink haired girl huffed deeply and rolled her eyes, "I don't think he's ever considered how my stamina would apply in the bedroom," she retorted, "I think you're just projecting." she added and with a deep breath, stood up fully and tugged on the collar of her dress to to air it out a bit.

"Oh, I guess so, fair enough," Daiki nodded, rolling up the scroll and standing up, grinning at her, "In that case, you should really work on that stamina, this is for the good of your future Hokage after all."

"Sorry Hokage-sama sir I'll be sure to work on my lacking stamina, sir." Sakura snorted, giving him a mock salute.

"Good soldier," Daiki nodded, pleased, "It'd be a shame if a lady with an ass like yours didn't have the stamina to use it properly after all." he added, holding the scroll out to her.

She blinked, taking it, "What's this?" she asked, easily ignoring his comment about her ass.

"Since you're too drained of chakra to continue and I'll be out of the village come tomorrow, I wrote the instructions down for the body flicker," Daiki replied as she took it, "It's pretty simply you should be able to get it down even without me coaching you with this, you're pretty talented after all and smart enough to understand it easily."

"Oh…thanks," the pink haired girl smiled at his compliment, before her green eyes gleamed with mischief, "And, about my stamina. You're the one always going on about how big and fat my ass is, have you considered that it's making me waste stamina quicker cuz it weighs me down?"

He blinked, before laughing at her reply, "I didn't actually, good point," he agreed with her, "That's a whole lot of ass. Still doesn't mean you can be content with pitiful stamina though, if you want though, I know a good training method for increasing the stamina of girls with asses like yours."

"Uh-huh?" Sakura nodded, "And lemme guess it involves a whole lot of me bouncing and probably moaning."

"Squealing actually." he corrected her, "And your ass cheeks clapping."

"Sounds about right with you," she shook her head, before blinking, "Wait, how do ass cheeks clap?" she asked, looking confused.

"Poor Sakura, for all your intelligence and knowledge, you clearly don't know about the true important things in life," Daiki clicked his tongue and shook his head, "I suppose, I can take more time out of my busy schedule to teach you though."

Sakura nodded, "I'll ask Ino."

Wait, what?

"You're talking to her again? Did you make up?" Daiki wondered. In the other timeline, they only really made up after fighting in the prelims. That didn't happen here.

"A bit after the forest," Sakura shrugged, "But since I'm not going after Sasuke-kun anymore, there's really no point to continuing the rivalry over him with her anymore."

"Fair enough," Daiki nodded, "Though, just because you're not doing it anymore doesn't mean her chances are going to improve."

"Sucks to be her." Sakura shrugged with a smirk.

She glanced at the scroll in her hands, before the smirk left suddenly and was replaced by a frown, "Which reminds me," she said, and looked him in the eye, "If you want, you can get rid of the Force Palm seal you let me use. It meant a lot you let me use it, and it really helped me a ton, but I know it isn't mine or anything like that."

….Oh right…

He'd forgotten that he had given her that, hadn't he?

"Eh, keep it," he waved her off, "Just remember to work on toughening up your arms so you can endure it more."

A pretty smile replaced the frown just as quickly as it had appeared, "What do you think I've been doing all this month in the first place? It wasn't like Kakashi-sensei left me with anything else to do," Sakura replied, before surprising him by stepping forward and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, "Still, thank you, I mean. This seal actually kind of means a lot to me, it was kind of the origin point for me y'know? Of me getting my head screwed on straight about what being a kunoichi really means." she said as she pulled back, cheeks flushing a light pink.

"Don't mention it," Daiki just smiled back at her, "I'm glad it helped you out." and he was. He was pretty proud of his his first seal and its applications in combat and still used it even now quite often. But he wasn't sure if he'd fucked some things up that were important, especially intervening as he had in the forest of death.

The fact his seal that he gave to Sakura had smoothed it over and even gave better results, was totally worth giving her it.

They stayed there like that, staring into each others eyes. Ten seconds passed. Then thirty.

Before long a minute had passed and Sakura's eye twitched, "Oh come on what are you waiting for?" she growled at him.

"…What?" Daiki blinked, confused.

"Seriously? Aren't you gonna squeeze my ass or spank me like you always do when we're heading different ways?" Sakura gaze him a dry look, "I thought it was pretty obvious we were more or less done and splitting off here for tonight, what with your mission tomorrow and all."


There was a bit of a spring in Sakura's step as she made her way home after parting ways with Daiki.

And a sting across her ass from where he'd spanked her.

She was in a good mood. She'd learned a lot over the last hours. Some useful, some kind of crazy, but all in all, she was quite happy with how things had went.

She had no idea why she had been so forward with Daiki. She hadn't changed her opinion, she didn't have any interest in just sleeping around even if she was really grateful to him, and he was really hot….and those muscles were drool worthy.

But she couldn't deny…she enjoyed his attention, and his compliments made her puff her meagre chest out with pride.

…Her fat ass had always been one of the things she'd been most self conscious about, especially because Ino always used it against her when they insulted each other.

Nowadays, she was quite pleased with it.

All thanks to Daiki.

'I have no idea what I'm doing here.' Sakura realised, but, it was fun at least.


What can I say, the dice wanted Sakura. I had Tenten, Hinata and Sakura on the dice. In all three rolls, Sakura came up. Rnjesus chose the fat ass pinkie.


Lyca Boss

Also I’m hope ur doing better finally just went w all the posts


Thx for the chap but moar plz