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"Ooo! Ooh! Hooman!"

At the base of a large, thick tree within the dense creature-filled forest east of Onibus Town, a young teen groaned rolling over in his sleep, his young tan face grinding against the rough bark of the tree. Standing a foot away from the teen was a towering ape-like creature easily ten feet in height with a thick barrel chest of muscle and massive brawny arms. Green fur covered most of the beast's body except for a strongly muscled torso, hands, feet and face. Leaning down over the boy the green ape looked him over, curiosity clouding its purple skinned features.

Unknowing of the danger before him, the boy blinked his eyes blearily, he sat up, awakening thanks to the friction rubbing against his face. He stretched his arms up into the air and released a loud yawn and smacked his lips before freezing. "...Wait.." He muttered to himself, one hand falling down while the other ran through his short spiky hair, one bang hanging over his bare forehead, "Didn't I die?" he continued in a whisper, yet to notice the towering ape beast standing above him.

"Hooman make Rog stronger!" It interrupted him, beating on its chest in a gleeful anticipation.



​"What the hell!" Brody screamed in shock, finally noticing the thing that stood in front of him. He completely froze up in shock upon seeing it. He'd never seen anything like it - it was like some massive green gorilla on steroids, except it had a long monkey like tail, purple skin, a pointed pencil lead like head and scrawny little legs that should not have been able to hold up its thick powerful upper body.

He didn't have any time to do anything before its massive hand grabbed him by the chest and pulled him up into the air above its head as if he weighed nothing. In his rising panic, he swung a kick at its head on instinct, putting all the power of an experienced football player and a Khan 3 Muay Thai fighter.

The beast barely even reacted, letting out a small grunt, meanwhile his leg felt like he'd kicked a steel plate, "Fuck!" Brody cursed, pain flaring throughout his lower leg. It felt like he'd cracked a bone.

Why the hell was this happening? Where was he? How did he end up here!? The last thing he remembered was freaking dying after pushing an oblivious little girl too absorbed in her phone out of the way of a speeding truck before pain and inky blackness before he woke up here!

The ape thing brought him closer to its face, while raising its other arm, palm grasping his head and holding him firmly in place. He struggled with all his might, but he couldn't make its fingers budge an inch. Completely defeated, he glared defiantly at it and drew his lips up into a sneer, "Fuck you!" then he drew grog from the back of his throat and spat a fat mucus filled ball of spit right in its face. Not that it seemed to care. Green light erupted from its hand over his head, washing his vision in green. Then...darkness.











Something prodded at him, waking Brody slightly with a grunt. He batted it away, he didn't want to wake up. It was nice, warm and cozy here. He didn't need to worry about saving stupid little girls or monster monkey's. He just wanted to lay here in this pleasant, warm darkness forever.

It prodded him again, this time twice and a bit harder. He growled, annoyance flaring up at whoever it was before he batted it away again. Then it prodded him again and he could practically feel the need for urgency and panic in whatever it was. Not that he cared, he ignored it and tried to go back to resting. That lulling, warm embrace of darkness lulled him like nothing before.

Then it did it a fourth time. He snapped, he couldn't see and didn't want to, but he knew instinctively where it was. In his anger, his hand snapped out and he grabbed it as tightly as he could in the hopes to inflict some damage to whoever it was. As long it hurt and made them piss off.

It tried to tug him forward and drag him, but he held firm. Now that he had a firm grasp of it he could feel its shape, it was long and thin and very warm. It was almost like a tentacle or a tendril. It tugged again drawing him from his thoughts. But now he was well and truly beginning to become furious. Well he'd see how it liked it!

With all the strength he could muster he tugged it towards himself and even in the darkness he could feel the grin that split his face.

Then he woke up.


The first thing he noticed was the sun on his skin and how warm it was. The second was the breeze that ruffled his hair slightly. And he felt strong. Better than he'd ever felt before, like he could lift a car with one hand and do anything. A smile formed on his face, yet he still did not open his eyes. No, he was content to just relish in the state he was in now, even the comforting darkness he'd felt before waking up paled in comparison to the power he could practically feel surging out from the core of his stomach and rushing through his veins.

"Oooh!? Hooman?" An annoying voice quite like that ape he'd run into before sounded in his ears, coming from a few feet in front of him. "Hooman, where Rog go! Want finish fight!? Want eat him!" the voice demanded of him. A frown replaced the smile on his face and he opened his eyes.

Before him stood another green pencil headed ape. It looked the exact same as the first one, except he knew instinctively this wasn't the same ape that had plunged him into the darkness he felt before. He didn't know how he knew, he just did. It stood slouched over and waving one massive green furred arm in the air at him threateningly.

Strangely, he felt no fear. He felt calm, if slightly annoyed by its bothersome tirade. And Rog, didn't that other ape call itself that? It wanted to eat Rog, then did that mean Rog had eaten him? Again, he felt the instinctive knowledge, that while that wasn't quite what happened to him, it was nonetheless on that path.

"Dumb hooman no speak?" It growled out at him before tensing its stupid little legs. Then it sprang at him, a wall of green murderous muscle, fist reared back, "Dumb hooman die!" it continued in an almost ear rattling bellow.

These things were so damn annoying!

Just as it was about to reach him, he shot forward himself. Jumping up into the massive green ape, he landed on one foot on its thigh, grabbed it by its ugly purple face and pulled himself up with all his might, driving a textbook perfect straight knee strike straight into its jugular with all the force he could muster. A loud cracking noise filled the forest and it froze, hand still drawn back and head dipping to the left as its neck suddenly sagged. It stood there frozen for a good two seconds before it began to topple forward slowly.

Not wanting to be crushed by the giant thing's weight, Brody attempted to jump backwards off of its knee and away from it. Attempted, because he sprang back, clearing over five feet easily, on instinct dipping backwards till his head nearly hit the ground, then catching himself on one hand and pushing, forcing himself to flip onto his feet with just that one arm's strength alone and with ease. Just in time for the green ape to hit the ground face first and cause the ground to shake slightly.

He stood there staring at the downed ape, frown coming back when he heard spluttering breaths come from it. It was still alive? He was sure he'd broken its neck. Oh well he'd just finish it off in one more hi.…

While he'd been thinking over how he would finish it off, he looked down and his calm was broken. The shirt he remembered wearing was gone, replaced by his bare chest and arms. Only, it was only the chest portion that showed his skin clearly. His lower stomach, shoulders and arms were all covered in the same green fur as the ape's! His tail twitched in annoyance, what the he- tail?

"What the hell!" Brody's voice tore from his throat hysterically. Looking slightly over his shoulder he could see it! A long, green monkey tail sticking out from his ass! "What happened to me!?" he panicked. He was perfectly human before the darkness that swallowed him up, he was sure of that!

His gaze swung back to the downed green ape still choking on its own spit, face down in the dirt and his fist clenched, rage beginning to simmer beneath the surface of his skin. The power rushing through his veins picked up speed and he for a split second saw a green shimmer around his arm before it disappeared.


Now that he got a good look at this stupid ape, it was really familiar. He'd seen this thing before, he was sure of it. And not just the one from before. No, he was sure he saw this specific type of beast in an anime called Fairy Tail. Yeah he was sure of it, he saw it in that flashback episode with the young Natsu and Lisanna.

Mmm Lisanna. Too bad she never got a bigger role.

But more importantly, this thing was a Vulcan, a Forest Vulcan to be specific. A species that had an inborn talent for Take Over magic. His chest clenched and eyes shot wide open, that was it! That damn first simian bastard had taken him over with its magic and somehow he'd managed to fight and win control and reverse the process, becoming the one taking over the Forest Vulcan instead of being the victim.

How though?

That tendril maybe? It must have gotten into a fight with the other ape Vulcan he just laid out and tried to use his power, only to panic once it realized he had no magic himself. He wasn't from here after all, no way he would have an Ethernano container. Somehow, because it kept trying to tap the vein like a junkie vampire in need of a fix, it gave him the chance to fight back. He'd taken the Vulcan's power for himself and that meant he'd taken the Take Over magic as well!

"Only...how the hell did I get here?" Brody wondered aloud. He was sure he had died when he pushed that idiot girl out of the way of the truck, like instantly died, it was going way too fast for him not to have died from the impact. "Questions for later." he decided when he looked around and saw himself surrounded by thick encampments of trees on all sides, he was still stuck in the middle of a damn forest. He had to get out of here now before something else showed up to do him in.

He picked a direction and random and made to walk forward, but paused once again when he heard another choking splutter from the downed Forest Vulcan. He looked at it with a thoughtful frown. "Could I..?" he wondered aloud. He had no sympathy for the creature and in fact felt rather smug that it would die in agony by the looks of it. But then, that would be a waste wouldn't it? Take Over magic, was essentially a magic that allowed the user to add the power and abilities of the victim to themselves, even at the most basic the white Vulcan that Natsu fought early in the series got a massive boost in strength when it caught Macao off guard and took him over, gaining his magical power added to its own.

Well rule of the jungle right? These things tried to do it to him or kill him in regards to the one before him, so it was only fair he could do it right back, right?

Making his way over to it, he crouched down beside its head and laid his palm on top of it. "Now how do I go about this?" Brody mused, running his other hand through his hair and noting idly that it was longer..and green. Odd, but minor and easy to wave off with his current circumstance, besides it might look good on him.

The power coming from his stomach and running through his veins, he could pretty much feel it as if it were one of his hands. Was that his magic? He was pretty sure it was. Closing his eyes, he focused and toyed with the power within him. It was odd and a little awkward, like a hand he'd sat on for hours and was numb, but was rapidly regaining feeling. He funneled it to his palm and when he opened his eyes, and couldn't help but grin when he saw the green glow of aura surrounding his palm.

Magic, he really had and could use magic! It almost made him giggle like a giddy little girl that just got a love letter from her crush.

He crushed it and focused. How to do this? He focused with all his might and the magical green glow followed what he wanted done, the green glow growing in size and surrounding the ape's body. He imagined himself getting stronger, the beast turning into an aura of energy and merging with his body.

A few seconds passed and he began to sweat slightly.

He was just about to give up and think of something else when on instinct, he tugged the magic surrounding the Vulcan towards himself. "Woah!" he jerked back slightly when the Vulcan burst into flakes of light within the aura of power he'd made and then the magic energy wavered and retraced into his palm, looking almost like it was being slurped up like a noodle.

He felt it a moment later. A rushing sensation flowing through his body, almost like adrenaline, making him feel even better, even stronger! There was a push in his mind, flaring like a headache, but it was almost too easy to force down and quash.

A second later he felt his power surging upwards from within and around his body, an aura of surging green power rolled around him like waves of rippling fire. "This..." he breathed, an excited grin taking route on his face, "This is wicked!"


So yeah, this is the first chapter of the newly revamped Fairy Tail story. I went with Dragon Shards at the moment as a title after some thought, but it's tentative still.

Here, have some Mirajane and Lisanna.