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What's A Better Title That Would Draw Your Eyes?

  • Fairy Slayer 225
  • Slayer 30
  • Fairy Tail Slayer 36
  • 2023-04-26
  • —2023-04-26
  • 291 votes
{'title': "What's A Better Title That Would Draw Your Eyes?", 'choices': [{'text': 'Fairy Slayer', 'votes': 225}, {'text': 'Slayer', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'Fairy Tail Slayer', 'votes': 36}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 26, 21, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 26, 13, 58, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 291}


So, Systematic Feri, after taking some time, I decided wasn't quite where I wanted to take a Fairy Tail story and decided to revamp it a while ago. Been idly working on it here and there and got a rough outline of the plot figured out and reworked something older into a first chapter for it.

The general premise would be the MC seeking out Slayer magics, the main ones being Dragon Slayer through Lacrima's, since as we know from canon, each one magically and physically amps the user. I'm just having a hard time thinking of the title. Tossed three down, but feel free to offer your own suggestions up.

And sorry about period of posting over the last week or so guys, just been busy with funeral arrangements and such and the muse has been crappy. Granted, I've got some things here and there done so I should be posting a few chapters over the coming days.

...The funeral for my grandad will be on May 2nd, and the viewing was just there on Saturday. I ended up not going cuz I had to stay in with the dog, but I got some pictures sent to me of him by my aunt. And the workers at the funeral home said he looked like a real gentleman in the suit I bought him, I ended up spending more on his suit than I did on my own. But, it's the last I'll get to spend on him, he always wanted a Mercedes car, but couldn't afford it, and now that I could get him one comfortably, he's gone, irony at its finest. Well I suppose I'm paying out a good few grand for the funeral and such his insurance doesn't cover and dealing with some of his debts that will cost another few grand, but that's just not the same as a shiny new mercedes.


Derek Palm

It's all good man take your time


What about (A Dragon's Fiary Tail)


Having Fairy Tail in the name informs people most of what you want to convey. It’s a Fairy Tail story. Slayer let’s them know there is slayer magic involved at some point.


Take your time man, you’re handling things better than I would. For the title, maybe focus on the lacrima side of things? I’m not quite thinking “Materia, Eat Your Heart Out” and I’d avoid crystal meth jokes, but it would be a little different and set the story apart from your other Systemics.


After a brief think while super baked, how about 'A Fairy's Hoard'? Then in the synopsis you say something along the lines of 'Dragon lacrima's are the only thing worth hunting for since I've been isekaied.' But you could go for humor and go for something like 'I'll bring the real D to Fairy Tail!' Since I'm guessing the MC will be a short, angry Scotsman who's always horny and hates/loves the fan service of the anime.


*sad chuckle* Reminds me of that country song "Daddy never was the Cadillac Kind". Take your time to grieve man, we'll be here.

James French

You’re a good guy Jords, I think he’ll appreciate the spiffy look

Dylan Willis

If your going first or through option makes sure they are fairy's slayer or fairy tail's slayer,


I really like the idea Nat had with 'A Fairy's Hoard' but Slayer works as well. Always sad to see a loved one go take your time to grieve and keep the happy memories of him in your heart and know we'll still be here when your ready.

Joshua Leahy

So, our guy is gonna be emulating "God Serena", but obviously better?