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So yeah, I decided to try and get a bunch written through the night just to tide you guys over. I already told you guys about my dog, but yeah...not a half hour after I posted that letting you guys know, I got a call from my aunt who told me that the care home my grandad was at, said he wasn't looking good. And they called the priest to give him his last rites, we're expecting him to die in the next day or so. So yeah kinda getting the double whammy and not sure what kind of head space I'll be in, so just wanted to get some done just in case.



Bro you making me want to come personally see you and check up on and make sure you alright, I’ve been through the same pain, losing my grandmother, my dog of ten years and girlfriend cheating on me all in the span of a week fucking broke me. I’m here for you brother if you need someone to talk to, I know it’s frowned upon to talk about your feelings but fuck that noise.


Damn, when I rains it pours. Hang in there, man.

0 Jordinio 0

Fuck, that is rough as all hell mate. Life just loves to kick you when you're down, huh? Hope you're doing alright now.